Super Finding App

Chapter 1821: Psychotherapist

"I ... Is there no other way besides this? Isn't it possible to inject or take medicine? I really don't want to remember the past."

The girl lying on the bed raised her head, her panic and panic appeared in her pretty eyes, and she seemed to feel a headache as long as she remembered the past.

She really didn't know what had happened before.

"This situation is very common in medicine. It may also be referred to as a sequelae of trauma. It can be said that something must have happened in the school in the past that stimulated you quite a bit, so you have amnesia. But you have lost this memory, so your subconscious has reminded you through dreams. "

The psychotherapist's face has some dignity, and the condition like yours is really too complicated.

In particular, the subconscious mind of the human brain has always been complex and can not be clearly stated in a few words.

"I'm here to give you an opinion. If you really decide, then it's best to make things clear. You are still just having a nightmare and can still be controlled by drugs, but this drug is not a panacea, after all There is resistance in the human body. Once the resistance reaches its peak, the effect of the drug will gradually weaken. This is not the main thing. "

The psychotherapist slowly put down the densely written book about the condition, raised his head, and said solemnly.

"Any drug will have a deepening effect. Now you are just dreaming. Once the drug has lost its effect, everything has a two-fold reason. Your body has drug resistance and the effect of the drug will weaken, but At the same time, the side effects of the drug will become more severe. At that time, you will not be able to distinguish between reality and illusion, and the consequences will be the most serious. "

The girl raised her head, panic and anxiety on her face, and bit her teeth lightly.

"Then what should I do now? Even if I want to know what happened in the past, I can't remember anything. What should I do now?"

The girl really wanted to cry without tears. She was desperately thinking about what had happened before, but she couldn't think of it no matter what she thought.

Even the brain's desperate thoughts and violent thinking caused the brain to make painful whistle sounds, causing her temples to rise, causing her pain.

"Calm down, calm down, this kind of thing can't be thought about, can't be anxious."

The psychotherapist took a look and quickly stopped.

In his case, he often encountered such a situation, because the long-term thinking, the end result caused the patient to collapse and die.

The human brain is the most amazing.

With the words of comfort from the psychiatrist, the young girl calmed down slowly, raised her head, her forehead was covered with fine sweat, her back was wet, her face was filled with fear and anxiety, and she was terrified.

"Doctor, doctor, what should I do now? What should I do now?"

"Calm down, calm down. Human subconsciousness is very amazing. I can guide you into your subconsciousness through hypnosis. Maybe you can go back to that time through hypnosis and find out your cause. What is it? Only if the cause is found, can the right medicine be given? "

The therapist hesitated and made a decision.

When the girl heard it, she nodded like a chick pecked.

"Yes, yes, as long as it can cure my disease, don't let me have nightmares, or let me know what happened in the past, I am willing to be hypnotized or whatever"

"Calm down, calm down. Although hypnosis does work, hypnosis is not magic or immortality. It is a scientific method with risks. The main thing is that once hypnosis is successful, you really think of the past. Things, that are also risky. "

Psychotherapists are obviously not as optimistic as the girls in front of them.

If you think about it, it is completely understandable that if sleep is really so amazing, he would have done it for a girl long ago without using drugs to inhibit it in advance.

The face of the therapist said the girl was paler and raised her head.

"What does this mean?"

The psychotherapist did not directly answer the young girl's words, but stood up, went straight to the coffee machine aside, made a cup of coffee, and delivered it to the young girl.

She took the water cup back in her hand, poured herself a cup of coffee, took a sip, and her face was a little dignified.

"You should be very clear that the human brain is a very magical structure. Until now, no one was able to crack the mystery of the brain, and the human brain is the most important organ of the human. The protection program, and this self-protection program is the so-called amnesia. In other words, your brain has amnesia to protect your brain and protect your life. This is the self-protection of your brain. "

"In other words, if you really awaken it through hypnosis, it may hurt you and make you unable to bear this huge trauma. The better is that you can accept it, the worse is that it collapses, or that Is to produce the second personality, the so-called multiple personality. "

"Even so, do you want to hypnotize?"

Psychotherapists are very clear that if it is a normal situation, sleep can guide the patient to tell the subconscious and remember some things, and it can indeed help the patient understand and recover.

But if the memory loss caused by psychological trauma or even self-protection is suddenly excavated, is it possible for the person with amnesia to withstand, and the brain protects itself.

After all, there is a limit to the psychological endurance of a person. Once this limit is exceeded, he will go crazy and even commit suicide.

The girl was terrified and cold after hearing it, with a look of horror on her face, and opened her mouth. She knew very well that professional matters were left to professional people to do.

Since it is what the psychologist said, it is entirely possible.

It is completely understandable when you think about it. Although you can't remember anything now, memory is now in the form of nightmares.

That is enough to show that this matter is also very important to you, even horrible.

Let the horror be such that you have completely forgotten this thing before you can live normally.

Now if I really want to remember the forgotten things thoroughly, can I bear it?

The girl was tangled for a while, finally raised her head and made a decision

"I see, doctor, please help me hypnotize. Rather than being harassed by nightmares like this vague and unclear daily, I would rather know the truth of the matter, even if the results make me unbearable."

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