Super Finding App

Chapter 1820: Girl

"What is going on here? What is going on here?"

Fire and chaotic crowds are everywhere in the mysterious research institute.

The man in the white coat was studying nervously, running on various instruments, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

With the electronic door crunching open, the four principals in Siyi took Li An in and walked in, and each person's face looked dignified.

Quickly walked to the researchers and said

"What the **** is going on? This one-eyed statue has been completely found out, aren't you saying that you can crack the secret of this one-eyed statue and get real divine power? Why is it like this now, and why is there no reaction? "

The leader of the four concubines said eagerly, gnashing his teeth, no one knows better than him. How much time and time do they need to find this one-eyed statue,

This is a wish for the entire four decades.

"My lord, my lord, this can't blame us. This can't blame us. We have done everything according to the procedures, but the energy of this one-eyed statue is simply not enough. Even if it gives all the energy of our scientific research institute It ’s not enough to add it. It ’s really amazing. How could this tiny eye need such a powerful force? ”

The researcher's head shook like a rattle and looked crazy.

I looked at the one-eyed statue one by one,

"According to the principle of conservation of power, this power is simply not what this one-eyed statue can bear, but so far, this one-eyed statue is still devouring energy frantically, which is enough to explain the problem that this one-eyed statue lacks a The energy that triggers is a true core of power! "

"Wait, you mean, if you want this one-eyed statue to fully operate and gain the power of God, you still need the true core of power. How is this possible? Could it be that the one-eyed statue we obtained is incomplete? "

The leader of the four concubines said with gritted teeth, raised his head, looked at the one-eyed statue in front of him, twisted his body, and said it word by word.

"No matter what, we must find the core of this one-eyed statue, what is the true core of strength, and you must also research it for me in the scientific research institute. If you ca n’t find it, you can make it for me. I must get The power of the one-eyed statue must be the power of God. "

There was nothing in the dim classrooms, and every classroom was empty, and it made people panic.

The girl walked alone in this empty classroom, as if it was creepy all around the ghostly space, for fear that something terrible might come out in the classroom around her, the heart beating violently, and the goose bumps One place.

The girl held her hand tightly, walking, shouting desperately, trying to find a living person.

But no matter how he shouted, it was only her echo in the classroom that seemed to enter a strange world, which made her terrified.


Tap, tap, tap.

The sound of crisp footsteps passed from all directions, which made people feel unusually creepy.

The girl's face turned pale, her heart beating fiercely, and she turned her head. It seemed that a figure wearing a school uniform appeared slowly in the school aisle ahead.


Run away!

Hurry up!

The girl was terrified, panicked, and ran fast, step by step.

According to the pattern of the school in her mind, she ran in the aisle again and she would escape from this school.

The weird thing is that no matter how she runs, there will always be school corridors.

Behind her, the shadow wearing the school uniform gradually approached, and the sound of crisp footsteps became louder and clearer, and seemed to hit her in the heart.

The young girl who fled wildly fell down at the feet and rolled down from the entrance of the corridor. The huge pain brought by her body still did not make her feel any pain.

Looking up, a black figure gradually appeared behind him. He slowly turned his head, his face with a look of horror.

A scream rang throughout the classroom ...

"Calm down, calm down. Now when I count to 123 you will calm down, and if I count to 456, you will be fully awake."

There was an unusually gentle but charming voice in the girl's ear.

With the sound of 123456 and a snapping finger, the girl slowly opened her eyes and sat upright.

At this moment she was sweating, her body was covered with sweat, and she was breathing heavily, while the psychotherapist took a glass of water and handed it to her.

"Frightened, come and drink, drink and be shocked"

The girl stretched out her trembling hand and took the water cup and put it in her mouth, mumbling and drinking.

Looking up, this is a very bright room, the decoration and layout of the room is quite warm.

"How? Is your mood better?" The psychiatrist sat quietly aside, watching the girl gradually recover her mood, calmed down, and asked.

The girl shook her head and said

"I have nightmares again, and dreaming is more horrible than before. What is going on? How can I get rid of these nightmares?"

The psychologist did not directly respond to the girl's words, but instead waited for her to calm down and start speaking.

"It can be inferred from your dreams that you have the shadow of childhood. What is in this dream is school ... In other words, this should be what happened in your school. In dreams you have all the time You will see a student wearing a school uniform approaching you constantly, she is the source of your nightmares, now you think about it, if something has happened in school that makes you feel guilty, Even this sense of guilt has gone with it, and it has become even more serious. "

Girl Zhou's body shivered slightly, lying on a chair, remembering in her mind, what happened when she was in high school, has been a full four or five years away.

But she never forgot.

The girl opened her mouth with a look of entanglement on her face.

If she were to tell the biggest secret in her heart, she really couldn't tell it, and there would even be some shame.

After all, everyone has a sad past.

The therapist gently coughed twice

"Everyone has their own secrets. This is normal, especially the mental illness is definitely related to what happened in the past. As a psychiatrist, we must keep secrets about you. Of course, if you do n’t I ca n’t help you if you are willing to say it "

"Do you really want to say it, is there any other way? Is it ok to take medicine?"

"Taking medicine can only slow down your illness, but it can't cure it. If you really want to relieve this disease, you have to get out of it and solve it fundamentally."

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