Super Finding App

Chapter 1770: Bloodthirsty

"The bloodthirsty vine turned out to be the bloodthirsty vine. Use fire, use fire, give me fire!"

"No matter how I have to find out for me the entrance to the third-level passage of this one-eyed temple, I do n’t care if it is the so-called bloodthirsty vine or what kind of plant, it has nothing to do with me, Even if it is really a monster, you have to find it for me. "

Li An almost screamed hysterically, his eyes widened, and his face under the protective suit seemed to be a little hesitant.

Now he simply doesn't care if the so-called bloodthirsty vine is really dangerous, and he will never allow anyone to prevent him from entering the third floor of the one-eyed temple.

Following Li An's order, the six bodyguards behind him rushed forward, tore the bloodthirsty vine, and took out the lighter's torch.

With the emergence of the flames, these bloodthirsty vines quickly retreated as if they felt a threat from life, evading around frantically, as long as the place where the torch shined on quickly retreated.

"Nature is really quite amazing. These bloodthirsty vines are still afraid of fire. When they see the flames coming, then they quickly leave and dodge, they are really quite smart."

Zhou Guoqiang, one of the three top adventure treasure hunters of the Discovery Club, shook his head with a smile, found a torch from one side, lit the torch, and shone.

As soon as the flame touched the bloodthirsty vine, they saw the bloodthirsty vine retreat immediately. Obviously, they also knew that once the flame burned itself, it was a dead end.

"This is of course. Don't say it is the bloodthirsty vine. Even ordinary plants have natural fear of flames. Don't forget that bloodthirsty vines are still plants after all. Once they are burned, they will be burned immediately. Do "

"However, the area of ​​this bloodthirsty vine almost covers the entire wall, everyone is still careful. As the saying goes, the good rabbit is anxious and bites. If this bloodthirsty vine is anxious, no one can guarantee that it will not He will fight to attack by burning himself. Our goal is to enter the third floor of this one-eyed temple, not to fight with this bloodthirsty rat. "

Cheng Yiping said solemnly, he could clearly see the bloodthirsty vines quickly retreating to the seven weeks with the flame approaching.

Even so, their vine branches were trembling slightly, as if living things were trembling.

This feeling is really creepy. In Cheng Yiping's impression, plants are generally immobile. I never thought that plants would twist like animals. This is a scene that can only appear in movies. It's really scary.

"Speak less, talk less, find the entrance to the third floor of the One-eyed Temple, and quickly find the entrance to the third floor of the One-eyed Temple."

Li An can't wait to say

The crowd looked at the large wall exposed by the torches and leaned carefully.

Then easily found the entrance to the third floor, gently pushed it away, a gust of wind hit the entrance.

The bloodthirsty vines around looked at an equal person trying to get entangled, but fearing the flames again.

"The passage on the third floor has been found, we will go down now"

Li An couldn't wait to say, but instead of walking first, he looked at Cheng Yiping.

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders. In his eyes, he could clearly see that the soul clone had reached the third floor.

Although relatively dim, there is no danger.

Realizing that there was no danger, Cheng Yiping then carefully approached the stairs on the third floor and reached the third floor of the one-eyed temple.

Behind him, Manager Bai, Li An and six bodyguards behind him.

The three top adventure treasure hunters of the visiting club also followed, and slowly entered the third floor.

"Hey, come on, come on, come here if you have the ability, come here if you have the ability"

Fan Gang, who was walking in the end, held the torch and leaned the torch on the edge of the bloodthirsty vine, making the bloodthirsty vine make a sound, and the fast retreat made Fan Gang proud of his laugh.

Then he leaned on the torch again.

Obviously for Fan Gang, he is bullying this bloodthirsty rattan, and even has a very bullying feeling.

"Well, Fan Gang, don't do these naive things anymore, be careful. These are one-eyed temples after all. Bloodthirsty vines are quite scary. Don't overturn the boat in the gutter."

Fu Yong'an shook his head, watching Fan Gang's naive behavior, frowning unhappyly.

After all, the environment here is still quite dangerous.

"It's okay, it's okay, what can be done. The nature of plants is afraid of fire. As long as I have a torch, these plants will not dare to approach me and can only retreat."

"Did you find that their actions are really interesting?"

Fan Gang not only did not have any convergence, but said proudly, turning the torch in his hand toward the edge of the retreating bloodthirsty vine again, even crackling.

With the continuous burning of the flames, the bloodthirsty vine seemed to be desperately struggling to be burned, and the vine was constantly beating on the ground, trying to extinguish the flame.

"Okay, okay, don't do these things anymore, hurry up to follow up, we don't know what will be on the third floor of the one-eyed temple"

Zhou Guoqiang also showed an unhappy expression, after all, it is really naive to do such things under unknown circumstances.

Fan Gang loosened his shoulders, twisted his head, and abandoned the devastation of bloodthirsty vines. He just wanted to follow Fu Yongan and Zhou Guoqiang into the third floor of this one-eyed temple.


Fu Yongan and Zhou Guoqiang looked with horror on their faces, their mouths were wide open, they pointed behind him with their hands and yelled

"Be careful, be careful, be careful."

Be careful?

Is there anything to be careful about?

Fan Gang frowned and twisted his head violently, and saw the bloodthirsty vines entangled continuously, slowly raising the branch like a snake, staring at Fan Gang desperately to approach.

Fan Gang sneered, handed the torch over, and the fierce flame scared the bloodthirsty vine backwards, and Fan Gang laughed haughtily.

He was convinced that as long as there were torches, these bloodthirsty vines dared not have any effect.

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly a bloodthirsty vine tangled under his feet, entangled Fan Gang's feet, and yanked, causing him to plop to the ground, and the torch fell to the ground.

Fan Gang showed panic and panic, opened his mouth and just prepared to scream, and the bloodthirsty vine like a tsunami entangled madly behind him, instantly wrapped around Fangang, and then pulled it into the bloodthirsty vine bit by bit. in.

Gradually the whole body, the entire face and even the hands that wanted to be rescued were wrapped in bloodthirsty vines, Fan Gang could not even struggle, and was drowned in a black bloodthirsty vine.

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