Super Finding App

Chapter 1769: Bloodthirsty plant

"No, you said that it was possible that this nematode was intentionally placed in the water on the second floor of this one-eyed temple. How is this possible?"

Even though Mr. Bai was wearing protective clothing, his face was still pale, the sweat on his forehead kept flowing down, his mouth opened, and his delicate face even had a look of panic.

Looking around, this is a dark building. The perimeter of the building is still full of moss and various kinds of standing water. It seems that it has been a long time since no one entered it.

But all this does not matter to Manager Bai, he cares what Zhou Guoqiang said.

It is possible that this A. elegans is not a mutant creature of nature, but someone has put it here.

How is this possible?

"It's possible, it's possible, it's certainly possible"

One of the three top adventure treasure hunters of the Discovery Club has always said to Fu Yongan, who is quite admired in Platinum.

"If the one-eyed temple really has a mausoleum, then we all know very well that in ancient times, those in power in the mausoleum would ensure that their bodies or treasures were not disturbed after death. Set up various organs and traps, and this A. elegans may be one of them. "

"After all, you have to go through the water layer from the first floor to the second floor. All the ponds are filled with the nematodes. Those who do n’t know who are entering them will definitely die. No doubt this may become what people say The curse of the mausoleum. "

"In ancient times, once people who really appeared went mad and died by drinking water, they would definitely be recognized as demons or curses. After all, with their IQ and scientific ability, they could not understand the mutation of A. elegans. presence."

"So it is"

Manager Bai is not an idiot and seems to understand something after hearing Fu Yongan's explanation.

Cheng Yiping nodded, and raised his white light in his right hand to illuminate the surroundings, carefully observing the road while shining.

"It is indeed possible. In reality, some archaeologists died strangely within a few days or months after opening the mausoleum, and even called it a curse after opening the mausoleum. But that was the idea of ​​previous people. According to scientific research, it can be learned that almost all of them absorbed some special mutant viruses when they opened the tomb. These viruses can make people hallucinate, or they can make people Function declines quickly, but under the scientific conditions of the time, it was called a curse without explanation. "

"And any curse is, in the final analysis, a so-called mutant bacteria."

"After all, human beings are called intelligent creatures, but in this nature are full of various mutated viruses or germs, and even in a closed environment of hundreds of thousands of years, God knows whether it will evolve into Certain viruses. "

"These viruses have strange effects when they enter the human body. The deaths are terrible, and in the unexplainable circumstances, they are reduced to curses."

"Okay, okay, don't discuss this anymore, leave here quickly, we need to enter the third layer, we need to enter the third layer"

"Hurry up and find what I want!"

Ang breathlessly

What is called the nematode, what is called the tomb, and what is called a curse are not important to Li An at all.

Only finding the half-eye statue he was looking for was the most important.

"I see, I see, if there is nothing wrong, the entrance to the third layer according to the instructions of the Super Finder APP should be right ahead."

Cheng Yi nodded and said.

Within his eyes, the soul clone floated to the intersection on the third floor.

Looking down at the instructions of the super-hunting app in his hand, he pointed to where the soul avatar was.

Therefore, in the eyes of other people, Cheng Yiping only uses the super finder app in the mobile phone to find items. He does not know that Cheng Yiping's soul can see everything around him clearly.

Everyone carefully waved the white light to the corner of the second floor, a wall with moss and plants.

It seems that the plant has covered the walls, and it looks like a desperate situation.

"It's here that the plants are opened up, and the entrance to the third floor is covered by these plants."

The crowd nodded, and the bodyguard behind Li An quickly took the first two steps to tear apart the plants covered by these incidents.


When it was torn to the innermost, a skull appeared suddenly in front of the crowd, scaring everyone, and someone fell to the ground. Some people take a few steps back

This concrete skull corpse staggered and fell to the ground.

Although it is said to be a skeletal body, his skin and flesh can still be seen rather than a skeletal body, more like a dry corpse.

"It's a treasure hunter, it's an adventure treasure hunter. These are the first few batches of adventure treasure hunters. How could he be here and become a dead body?"

Manager Bai yelled in surprise, even though the incarnation became a corpse, the identity of this adventurous treasure hunter can still be recognized sporadically through his clothes.

"Strange, weird, what the **** is going on?"

Cheng Yiping bowed his head, and when he was about to touch the dead body, he received it instantly like an electric shock.

I saw that the plant wrapped around the dried corpse even twisted automatically, tightly holding the dried corpse, even trying to entangle with Cheng Yiping's body.

"Be careful, be careful, these plants will move, these plants will move!"

The crowd took a step back in panic, and watched as the plants slowly moved to entangle the dried corpse again.

The spines carried by these plants pierced into the dried corpse and seemed to be absorbing nutrients.

"Terrible, terrible, terrible, what the **** is going on here? Isn't even one plant in this one-eyed temple deadly?"

Fan Gang wiped the sweat from his forehead, his teeth were snoring.

"This is not to say that plants kill people. This is blood-sucking! This is a type of blood-sucking vine that appears in the tomb. It can approach any creature and then entangle it. Their thorns can draw blood and Nutrient, this adventure treasure hunter was entangled by this bloodthirsty vine, and was eventually sucked into a dead body. "

Fu Yongan's teeth were snoring, with a look of horror on his face.

"Terrible, terrible. This is the second floor of the one-eyed temple. God knows what is going to happen below."

"Enough, enough, what are you all afraid of, but it's just some vines, give me all of them to death, really can't set a fire to burn it out, the plants thought they could stop me Is it the road? Is this impossible? "

Li An's face became increasingly ugly, his head lowered, hissing.

Behind him, several bodyguards rushed forward, reached out and grabbed these bloodthirsty vines to pull them out instantly, or took a weapon to break the bloodthirsty vines into pieces.

What's more, he took out the lighter and prepared to burn it completely.

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