Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 536: Comeback, 8 double sakura

"Won? You won?"

People can't believe it when they see Karen win.

After all, the invincible postures of Xilin, Mei and Teresa had already been imprinted in their memory.

I can't believe it now that Karen lost.

Yingjiang and Beidi were even more stupid.

what's the situation?

I was going to watch the Vatican's jokes, but you told me she actually won?

"Could it be that it is only one equipment made by Lingyun from the strong?"

They suddenly remembered the question that the cardinal asked Ling Yun before, and they suddenly doubted life.

So, they were drawn to sign?

The cardinal laughed immediately when he saw Melder's constipated expression.

It's so cool, I didn't expect this heresy to have such an expression.


"Sister Karen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

After the competition

Little Karen hurried over to apologize to Karen.

The waist was bent to 90°, and his face was full of apologies.

"It's okay, I didn't suffer any injuries." Karen smiled and stroked little Karen's head.

"Hey? Sister Rias?"

When little Karen was enjoying stroking, she suddenly noticed Lias on the side and said in surprise.

"Little Karen." Lias greeted with a smile.

"They are the people that Sister Rias is looking for?" Little Karen asked suspiciously.

"Yes, I will tell you a secret at the same time. In fact, I am from other worlds just like them." Lias smiled mysteriously.

"Hey?" Little Karen was taken aback.

"However, the church in Minecraft is hostile to the devil, so when I first saw a church that does not hate the devil, I was very surprised. I am very fortunate to be able to meet a nun like Karen."

"As long as everyone is willing to sit down and talk about it, I believe there is no unresolvable contradiction. I hope that the demons and churches in Sister Rias' world can also get along with each other." Little Karen said encouragingly.

"It... seems impossible." Rias gave a wry smile.

Both the devil and the angel have been grieving for a long time, and it is difficult to coexist peacefully, so how about harmony?

"What are you talking about?"

At this moment, Ling Yun's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Master Ling Yun!" Little Karen was taken aback, and then in front of the runway Ling Yun excited.

"do we know each other?"

Looking at the little nun in front of him, Ling Yun knelt down and asked curiously.

"Ling Yun-sama, you are a well-known person in our Vatican! You have the legendary artifact Ea, the end sword and the lock of the sky that is said to be able to lock the gods!" Little Karen's big eyes flashed with worship.

This made Ling Yun suddenly embarrassed.

It was the first time he met his little fan.

"Brother Lingyun, why are you back?" Xi Lin asked curiously.

"Today's competition is about to end, and I just skipped the last one."

Ling Yun shrugged and said indifferently.

"You really have your style." Kevin couldn't help but speak.

"Let's go, nothing will happen next, let's talk back to the shop if there is anything."

Ling Yun said.

Everyone naturally has no opinion.

Among them, Otto and Lias are the most excited.

Because both of them have something to ask Ling Yun for help.

"Hey? Are you going back?"

Little Karen said with some dismay.

"Do you want to come with us?"

"I, I have to ask the Bishop, very soon."

With that said, Karen hurriedly took out her mobile phone and made a call.

It can be seen that she also wants to go to the shop to have a look.

Soon, after the call was dialed, the cardinal was happy after hearing what little Karen said, but it was too late, how could he refuse.

He even told him not to come back tonight, it's better to live with Lingyun.

Then Kalian hung up the phone urgingly with a dumb expression on her face.

Seeing the stunned little Karen, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"In that case, let's go."

When the words fell, the dark yellow imaginary space opened.

Xilin took a step forward.

Immediately afterwards, everyone followed in.

Dimensional shop

After returning to the shop, Ling Yun walked to the counter and looked at everyone: "Let's talk about it, what's going on, but the premise is OK, I don't accept prostitutes here."

"I'll come first!"

Otto couldn't wait to walk out.

Put the black card in your hand on the counter.

"I am willing to consume all my points and ask you to help me revive Karen, and..."

"And... Sakura!"

Otto gritted his teeth.

Ling Yun paused, and looked at Otto with a little uncertainty: "What did you say?"

What kind of medicine have you taken recently? It's so fierce.

Green once is not enough, want to come a second time?

Otto said unwillingly: "I said, help me revive Karen and Sakura!"

Ling Yun patted Otto's shoulder with admiration: "If other people say that, it's okay, but if it comes out of your mouth, are you sure it's okay?"

Otto: "..."

He knows!

But no way!

He can't come here without agreeing to Kevin's resurrection.

Who told him not to join the group?


"Look at how stingy you are."

Kevin glanced at Otto contemptuously.

Then he walked directly to the counter, and under everyone's comments, took out a red sword from the black card and placed it on the counter.

"Kizo Yuhun?" Ling Qingzhu was taken aback when he saw this sword.

Isn't this the weapon Ling Yun gave to Sister Lin Yuan?

How could Kevin have.

"You are..."

The Jizo Yuhun that was taken out of Kevin's hand was 100% genuine, but this was what made Ling Yun curious.

"Ling Yun, just say it, how many points do you need to resurrect Sakura and Ling!"

"Resurrect Ying and Ling?" Ling Yun was taken aback, looking at Kevin in confusion.

"This is what we owe her." Kevin and Mei glanced at each other and said calmly.

"At the last moment I promised her that I would take her home to my I broke my promise, so this time, I have to fulfill my promise again." Kevin raised his head, with ice blue pupils There is not the slightest confusion.

Be firm as always.

Ling Yun nodded: "So that's it, if you open the jar..."

"You don't need to open the jar, the consciousness of the twelfth law practitioner is hidden in the Jizo Yuhun." Kevin interrupted Ling Yun.

"The Twelve Laws are Sakura's younger sister. I believe that no one knows her sister better than her own sister.

With that said, Ling Yun understood.

It's like wanting him to be resurrected through the core of the ruler.

Fu Hua looked at the backs of Kevin and Mei and a strange color flashed in his pupils.

The dull conversations in the shop caused the pupils of the newcomer Karen and Rias to shrink slightly.

What did they just hear?

resurrection? !

This shop has the power to resurrect people?

"Ten thousand." Ling Yun stretched out his index finger.

"No problem." Kevin said refreshingly.

There is no mess.

Looking at such a generous Kevin, Ling Yun's pupils flashed with surprise.

But when he saw the pain in Kevin's eyes, he glanced at Mei next to him and suddenly showed a clear expression.

Good guy, it's really hard to behave in front of people you like.

From this point of view, Kevin and King Power are really good brothers.

Cross out the points on Kevin's black card.

Ling Yun picked up the Jizo Yuhun on the counter.

"First let Ling regain consciousness."

With that, endless energy gathered.

"who is it?"

As soon as the energy entered, an indifferent female voice suddenly sounded.

Jizo Yuhun took off his hands and flew into the air.

Like star dust, the light drifted away, condensed into a girl with pink fox ears.

Otto looked blank when the girl appeared.

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