Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 535: Otto: We surrender this game


The dust spread, and a violent cough sounded from the dust.

"Is this your limit?"

With one hand on Judas' vow, Karen looked at the little Karen who was kneeling on one knee and said.

"Don't you have a reason why you can't stop here? Then prove it to me."

"I... I will definitely!"

Little Karen, who was panting, stood up and yelled.

The next moment, a dazzling white light lit up, causing people to cover their eyes.

"Holy Judgment!"

A soft drink sounded.

The next moment, the wind started.

"Oh! My hat!"

"Bah, baah, whose straw is this? It's dirty."

The squally wind swept through, and there was chaos in the auditorium.

But the next moment, they were stunned.

The people in front of the TV were stunned.

"It's interesting."


Hand A, feeling the power of holiness gathered in the air, gave a slight pause in her hand.

Immediately, he spoke to the void: "How is the game?"

"Now it's Caolilian, the nun of the Vatican, playing against Kallen Kaslana of Dimension Store."

The sound came from the air.

"Kaslana? Why have I never heard of this surname?" Number A put down the pen and asked suspiciously.

"She is from a person named Benghuai World, and belongs to the same world as the silver-haired man who appeared before."

"Is that so?" There was a wave in A's pupil.

The office was quiet again.

No one knows what number A is thinking.

In the arena

The clouds swept across.

A huge nebula gradually formed.

The sun is shining.

Looking at the huge figure in the air, everyone's breathing was stagnant.

"Ok... so big!" someone shouted.

In the sky above Little Karen, is a huge angel made of nebula.

The six wings spread out to cover the entire dragon nest!

The people in the shadows raised their heads subconsciously and looked at the huge angel in shock.

In the angel's hands, there is also a silver long sword!

The angel holding the sword represents the trial!

"This trick is not bad."

Ling Yun looked at the wings made of clouds above his head, and said with a smile.

Affirmed by Ling Yun, the cardinal raised his head proudly.

Karen raised her head, looking at the angel who couldn't see the top, her expression condensed.

"Is this your real power?"

It was the first time she had met such a huge enemy.

Waving her wings, Karen flew to the forehead of Nebula Angel.

Facing the incomparably small amount below, Karen persuaded: "Sister Karen, this is my strongest blow. It is too late for you to surrender now."

"Don't worry, come on." Karen smiled slightly.

Lifted Judas in his hands.

"Heaven Judgment, Holy Salary!!!"

Little Karen gave a soft drink.

The Nebula Angel instantly turned the direction of the original sword tip, and thrust it towards Karen below!

Looked up.

Seeing the oncoming long sword, Karen's expression was solemn.

He raised Judas in his hand and threw it away at the long sword above.


The long sword made a huge crash when it was hit by Judas.

But it is different from the ever-unfavorable picture.

This time Judas was shot off!


Judas smashed down beside Karen.

There was an overwhelming sound from the ground.

The violent wind blew away Karen's nun's hat, revealing three thousand silver hair.

"If this is the case, it is estimated that hundreds of collapsed beasts can be cleaned in an instant." Kallen made a comparison in his heart.

Looking at the falling sword, took a deep breath.

next moment

Eight golden chains flew out of Judah.

Through the Nebula Angels.


The chains rub against each other.

Finally, the huge nebula angel in the sky was locked.

The oath of Judas can be tracked up to 200 kilometers.

In other words, the chain hidden in it is more than two hundred kilometers long.

There is still some length to lock the Nebula Angel.

The angel's actions were blocked, and the long sword was stiffly frozen in the air.

Stepping on the chain and facing the chain, Karen rushed up with Judas in his hand.


Jumped and came to the sky above the angel.

Give a loud shout.

Throwing Judas with both hands is to smash the head of Nebula Angel violently!

"Move! Why can't you move!" Little Karen controlled her aura, trying to make Nebula Angel act.

But Judas's oath is called the bond of bondage, and of course the chain has the function of blocking.

Looking at Judas from the sky, Karen subconsciously stretched out her hand.

A white transparent barrier opened.

[Guardian of the Holy Light! 】


But all this is in vain.

The shield shattered in response to the violent impact of Judas.

Then it hit the Nebula Angel's forehead heavily.

With a buzzing sound, the Nebula Angel is about to dissipate...

"I...I can't lose, I haven't found anyone who hurt Sister Mary, so I can't stop here!"

Recalling the scene of Sister Mary still unconscious in the hospital, Karen suddenly opened her confined eyes.


A white magic circle opened behind him.

Correspondingly, a magic circle was opened behind Karen!


Karen stared at the magic circle behind him for a moment.

Before she could react, she saw little Karen who was not far away clasping his fists.

"The final chapter of the trial!" A flat voice came from Karen's mouth.

Then his eyes condensed.

A scorching white light burst out all over his body.


Endless white light illuminates from the magic circle behind The magic circle spins quickly.

In the hands of Little Karen, the light condensed on her chest and turned into a huge light gun!

"Holy Light Ruling!"

Afterwards, little Karen slammed forward and shot towards Karen with the power to destroy everything!

"not good!"

In the distance, Otto, who was originally calm, sank after seeing this attack.

Instantly disappeared in place.

Karen is very strong, but he is human after all.

As long as it is human, there are limits!

Among the many human beings, apart from being able to use Judas's oath, the only thing Karen is stronger than others is that strange power.

Now encountering this kind of light attack, but a little helpless.

Although Karen is reincarnated in a dirty soil and will not die, Otto, who has been a dog licking dog for a hundred years, does not want Karen to be harmed.

"Through it! Heiyuan white flower!"

Give a loud shout.

The orange transparent white flower resembling Heiyuan in his hand was directly thrown out by Otto with endless life.


In an instant, the huge light gun and the quasi-black and white white flowers exploded in the sky, and they all died...

Between the lightning and flint, Otto appeared behind Karen, smashed the magic circle that imprisoned Karen with a punch, stretched out his hand, and took it in the way of a princess.

"We surrendered in this round."

After landing, Otto spoke to the referee and left with Karen in his arms.

"How is it? Do you feel any pain?"

"You're so nervous, I've already died once, do you still have pain when shooting?" Karen smiled helplessly.

But after seeing Otto's face full of concern and worry, his tone softened: "It's okay, just rest for a while."

"Sorry, I humiliated you all."

Afterwards, Karen said with some embarrassment.

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