Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 178: Behind Milong, smile and live

"Be careful, Kara is going to use his strongest form."

Hearing Dia's reminder, Milong turned around and quietly looked at the figure wrapped in black wings.

"What are you doing in a daze, interrupt now, or wait for Carat to become the strongest form, even you may not be able to win!" Dia appeared behind Milong through the power of the rainbow stone , Said anxiously.

In response, Milong just glanced at her faintly, and didn't mean to act.

"I am only entrusted to help you, and I am not obliged to follow your orders."

" are simply unreasonable!" Dia said angrily.

What's the matter with this person? !

That is a complete form of carat, a terrifying existence that can easily destroy half a planet! Why are you not worried at all.

"You don't act, I'll come!"

Dia said something.

Her purpose is very simple, is to urge all the power of the Rainbow Stone to erosion in space by sacrificing herself.

In the face of space erosion, even carats can't stop it.

This is a way to die, but for revenge, she has no choice.

She thought about this for a long time, now she should do it, she didn't have any hesitation!

However, as soon as Dia wanted to reach out his hand, Milong grabbed him.

"What are you doing? Let go, otherwise we won't be able to survive until Carat becomes the strongest form!" Dia broke free from Milong's hand frantically. Is it the only one to help me with this project? Now that you are done with your help, let me go!"

Dia pulled Milong's hand with both hands.

"I said, you don't have the right to order me." Milong finished speaking, pulling his hand back.

The power of the little girl of Deya is Milong's opponent.

The next moment, because of recoil, he fell directly to the ground.

There was an intimate contact between the **** and the ground.


Feeling the pain in his butt, Dia looked at Milong with dissatisfaction.

"What are you going to do?!"

"I'm just doing what I think should be done." Miron took off his glasses.

"What you should do is done, please don't disturb me!"

Taking a deep look at Mi Long, Dia got up from the ground and folded his hands together.

"Space contract, hand in, ah! It hurts!"

The moment Diagang spoke, he was pushed to the ground by Milong again.

Philip watching this scene: "..."

Is this a new hobby of young people nowadays?

"Ha ha ha ha! I didn't expect that you would not run away."

At this time, a deep laughter suddenly sounded.

"It's over!" The moment Dia's heart sank suddenly when he heard this voice.

The black wings splayed open, and Kala rushed to the sky with the black crow wings open.

His whole posture has changed.

The body has become extremely hard, several times harder than steel!

Carat-war armed!

It is the strongest posture born after fusion with Gunpowder Crow.

The gunpowder cloud is enough to blow up half a planet!

"A liar, I'm so embarrassed, I have to say, I underestimated you before." Kara looked down at Milong below, and spoke with a voice like a synthetic sound.

"Run away! The destructive power of Carat under the armed forces of war is equivalent to a fleet! We can't win at all!" Dia said while pulling Miron's sleeve.

She no longer wanted to see anyone sacrifice in front of her.

Milong turned his head and stroked Dia's head.

He spoke softly: "I will help you solve the carat's matter, so you don't have to worry about it."

Dia was taken aback.

This man has such a gentle side?

Putting down his hand, Milong turned his head


The next moment, the air exploded instantly.

Green steam erupted from Milong's body.

The falling bangs instantly rose up into the sky, turning into Milong's most primitive head shape.

"Green steam? All the muscles of the whole body are tightened, and all the strength is continuously converging from the void!"

Open the door: lift the brain limits, in order to achieve the purpose of exerting 100% of the physical ability, overloading the body to consume energy to increase attack and speed.

Close the door: lift the physical fatigue limit, overload the body to squeeze the body energy to restore physical strength, and offset the fatigue caused by the energy consumption speed of opening the door.

Shengmen: Further increase the attack and speed, the body begins to become red and bloodshot, and it is also the last safe area of ​​the Eight Gate Dunjia.

After carefully recalling the introduction of Bamen Dunjia, Milong opened his eyes.

Are the first three doors the safest area?

The increase in the first three doors can already be said to be terrifying, but I don't know what kind of power the next few doors will bring to him.

"That kind of weird power again?" In the sky, when he saw the green steam erupting from Milong's body, Kra's brow furrowed, vaguely with a very bad premonition.

On this side, after seeing Milong's movements, Dia sat on the ground and said desperately: "It's useless, Kara can fly, and the explosive power alone can't hit him at all."

"You are just wasting your energy like this."

"stand up."

At this time, Milong's voice suddenly came.

"What?" Dia was taken aback.

"Decisions you can't make, I'll do it for you, and things you can't accomplish, I'll do it for you, so... stand up! Behind Milong, smile and live!"

The moment Mi Long finished speaking, a white wing suddenly opened behind him, making everyone stunned.

The Emperor of Wings——Fly thousands of miles!

Incited by the white wings, Milong gradually flew to a height equal to him under Kra's dazed expression.

Let Kara feel the oppression brought by Bamen Dunjia up close.


If you still play with wool like this, you are immune to all my big moves.

Daguai upgrades must also follow the tradition.

Is it too obvious what you are hanging up?

The white feathers fell in front of Dia.

Dia stared blankly at Milong in is such a god...Well, if she wasn't wearing a yellow tights, she would definitely think she was an angel.

at the same time

A spacecraft like a bee quickly fell towards Mars.


Inside the spaceship, a rabbit wearing a crown yelled in horror.

"Hahaha, Mars, I'm here!" On the other side, a brown-haired teenager in a red dress had the opposite expression to a rabbit, he said excitedly, lying in front of the glass.

"Turnip! The spacecraft is out of control! If this continues, we will die."

Even at this time, Gudong didn't forget to complain about McDonald.

Dia's heart on Mars felt something, and suddenly raised her head.

I found that a spaceship was flying towards them, no, it was falling!

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