Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 177: 1 beat carat


Looking at the man in front of the spaceship, Dia took a step back in fear.

In her mind, she thought of the Astral Society that was in ruins and the dead parents and grandfather.

Carat-this man who terrified her so much!

The man who took everything from her!

On the spacecraft, Carat licked his dry lips.

Seeing Dia laughed, it was strangely terrifying!

"Finally let me find you, it was so hard for me to find you."

Following Dia's sight, Milong's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw the man wearing a suit on the front of the spacecraft.

"He is Carat?"

After identifying the target person, Milong stepped out of his thighs and naturally stretched his hands behind him.

"What are you going to do?" Dia and Feili were taken aback, looking at Mi Long in confusion.

"Kill him." In response, Milong raised his head and looked at the carat in the sky, just saying something flat.

But Dia and Philip's complexion changed suddenly: "Are you crazy?!"

"Kara is a cadre of the Milky Way Eye! Its strength can destroy a city in an instant. You irritate him, it will not do any good at all!" Feili persuaded.

"Let's run with us quickly!"

"Run?" Milong was silent.

What a familiar word.

When he was young, his favorite thing was to run, but now...

"Sorry, I'm tired, I don't want to run anymore; I promised him to help you. I learned a little bit about Carat from the store manager. Don't worry, I will help you."

"Are you an idiot? Is the shop manager also an idiot? Why do enemies who can't win at all go to fight?!" Dia looked at Mi Long incomprehensibly.

"I just want to do it." Milon said lightly.

After that, he looked at the carat in the distance and yelled: "Bigfoot!"

The next moment, Milong's feet shook violently.

Accompanied by a huge explosive force, the whole person burst out like a bullet.

The speed was so fast that neither of them had time to react.

I can only feel a gust of wind blowing in front of me.

Dia covered her skirt.

He raised his head in a daze and looked at Mi Long who jumped into the air.

Why on earth?

Who is that store manager?

On the spaceship, Carat looked at Mi Long who rushed up, with a smile on his lips.

"Oh? Interesting, the ship that knew it was the Galactic Eye dared to rush up? It was the first time I saw such a small bug in such a hurry to die."

"Then, let me play with you."

After Kara finished speaking, the gunpowder crow on his shoulder screamed and hovered in the sky with flapping wings.

And he hit the ground on his toes, watching Milong just fall from the spaceship.

Looking at Carat who dived in mid-air, Milong narrowed his eyes, then lifted his foot.

"Bajitian·Second Form·Sword and Thunder!"

The next moment, the legs suddenly exerted force, driving the body to rotate quickly.

The explosive power of the violent foot and the impact of the sword and thunder made it rush towards Carat like a rotating blade.


Kara, who rushed towards Milong, suddenly shrank his pupils when he heard the name.

Carat, who is also a physique practitioner, naturally knows what Bajitian means.

That represents the strongest fighting technique in the universe.

"Steelmaking! Steel incarnation!"

Carat didn't dare to be careless.

The next moment, the body suddenly hardened and turned into steel.

The title of the strongest fighting technique is not a joke, a person of his level can't stand a single move in front of Bajitian Patriarch.

It’s just that I’ve never heard of a second person in the universe learning the Octopus!

"Bajitian? That legend is the strongest fighting technique in the legend that can only be successfully practiced on the Octopus star?!" On the ground, Dia who heard Milong's words murmured in shock.

"Unexpectedly, he would have been to that place." Philip said in disbelief.

"The **** of the legendary fighters, the environment is extremely harsh, ordinary people will not survive on any planet for more than 24 hours, and if you want to cultivate into the eight-pole sky, you need to stay on each planet for a full year!"


In midair, Kara, who had been transformed into a trident by steelmaking, placed the trident horizontally in front of him.

In front of it, the sword and thunder continued to spin, and countless sparks jumped in the center of the trident.

It's like electric welding, sparks are everywhere.

Suddenly, Milong stopped turning, grabbed the trident with both hands violently, and jumped up abruptly by Carat's power. His legs were a round kick against Carat's head.


The sound of steel collision sounded.

Miron felt like he was kicking on an iron block.

Carat's head was slightly tilted, but he never moved forward.

"Is this what you call the Bajitian? It doesn't look the same as I know. Or does the Bajitian only have this strength after completing the cultivation?" Kla twisted his neck and pulled away Milong's feet. Gloomy smile.

"Too reluctant." Dia frowned and said.

Under the glasses, Mi Long's eyes were completely indifferent.

Sweeping the other leg, Kla was shaken away, and Miron and Kla fell to the ground together.

"The Octopus Star, I have been there before, but unfortunately, I failed."

"I'm surprised to hear that your move is Bajitian, but after a simple test, I didn't expect the strength to be so weak." Kala husky voice sounded after patted the non-existent dust on his shoulders.

Milong didn't speak, but twisted his arm on his own.

Recall the memory in my mind.

"Eight Door Dunjia, the first door, open the door, open!"

Mi Long shouted.

At the next moment, he only felt that some restrictions in his body were opened.

The muscles of his whole body were tightened instantly, and he entered a state of fighting.

The whole body strength more than doubled.

"This is the power of Bamen Dunjia? This is the power of purple objects?"

Mi Long felt the explosive power in his body and said in shock.

Milong, who is accustomed to blue objects, said that purple is really scented.

"It works." Milon murmured after simply shaking his hand.

"Is it a new move?" Carat frowned slightly.

Although the previous remarks were very understatement, he was still afraid of Bajitian.

After all, the title of the universe's number one physical training technique is not for nothing.

Mi Long took a deep breath.

next moment.

call out!

A yellow light flashed.

It just appeared in front of Carat in the blink of an eye,

"So fast!" Carat's pupils shrank slightly.

"Steelmaking! Shield!"

He quickly turned his nails into steel, stretched them out and blocked them in front of him.

"Eight Door Dunjia, the second door, Shut Door, open!"

Milong turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Kara, and said flatly in Kara's ear.

In an instant, Carat only felt a wind blowing on the left.

When he looked over, there was no abnormality. However, the next moment, a wind blew on the right, and the same situation was the same the moment he looked.

Carat knew that this was a situation that was only discovered after the speed reached its limit.

"Why? Are people who have practiced Bajitian a coward who can only run?" Kra said mockingly.

When Kara looked for the figure of Milong, a little gap happened to be exposed.

Let Milong find the opportunity.

Aiming at Carat's waist, Milong swept across.


The powerful impact bombarded Kara's stomach, causing his eyes to bulge, and immediately spit out a mouthful of gastric juice.

Then the whole person was kicked out with great force.

"That carat... was beaten away!" Philip said in shock.

It was no longer the soft attack before, but Milong, who had already exercised his body to the limit of humans, coupled with the potential explosion of Bamen Dunjia.

The steel body of Krana couldn't stop it at all.

"Legend of Milong!" At the moment when Kara was flying backwards.

Milong's figure emerged.

He took out the nunchaku around his waist and straightened it.

Under the red bangs, there was a pair of calm eyes.

"Sky flash!"


In the next moment, in Dia's horrified eyes, Milong turned into a light and flashed past Carat.

At that moment, it seemed that the space had been torn apart.

Between the sky and the earth, a white light flashed across Carat's waist.


The pupil of Karat who was hit suddenly shrank.

He looked at Miron with horror at the nunchaku behind his waist.


Kara knelt weakly and coughed up blood.

"How come?! So strong!"

He looked at Mi Long in disbelief.

The proud steel body is like a dummy.

No effect under Miron's attack Behind Carat, Miron lifted the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"I said that the name Milong will surely resound through the universe again."

Carat's pupils suddenly opened, and he looked at Mi Long in disbelief: "Mi Long?! Impossible, how could that liar have such a strong strength."

"Impossible! I don't believe it! How could I lose to that liar?!"

The strong self-esteem made Carat stand up.

"Gunpowder Crow!"

Carat yelled towards the sky.

"Quah, quack, quack!"

In the next moment, the Gunpowder Crow hovering in the sky rushed towards Kara on the ground.

The pitch-black wings instantly wrapped the carat.

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