Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 131: Ending 1

The barge was docked with the spacecraft, the dormant cabin was placed on a suspended board, and several soldiers helped through the door to transfer the Duke Kling from Leo Parker's spacecraft to the barge. They moved carefully, lest they shake a little more, which made the sedative duke a little uncomfortable.

Leo Parker's face was uncontrollable, and he sent his hands to send off the plague gods.

When Duke Clin's dormant cabin disappeared on the other side of the door, Leo said impatiently to the attendant standing by the door: "The transfer has been received, and we have cleared it."

So get out of here!

The attendant glanced at him and turned to look at the hatch. Leopak was suspicious, and turned to look around.

The group of Duke Collin's accompanying medical officers hula la all followed the Duke, and when their figures disappeared, a few people in white uniforms carried a few boxes and boarded the Leo Pike ship from the barge. .

If Leo knows the ranks of the White Army, they will know that these are civilian and technical personnel.

Several technicians slumped on the heels and saluted the attendant. The attendant returned a courtesy and ordered: "Remove all data about the Duke."

Leo's face changed: "Hey!"

No one here cares about his will. The two white soldiers erected one left and one right and dragged him directly to the cabin where the simulation system was located. Technicians followed.

The attendant stopped for a second and followed.

"The data in the simulated world is huge, ordinary computers can't ... hey?" Leo Parker stopped struggling and asked, "what are you guys?"

The technician opened several suitcases with him and connected them with cables in order: "Battleship command light brain, we have spares on board, is it enough?"

Leo couldn't possibly say enough in front of the technicians, and just watched them connect it to their simulation system.

"A secret key is required," the technician reported.

"The Duke has moved safely," the attendant told Leo calmly.

So it doesn't matter if he binds the system to self-destruction with his vital signs, because the attendant doesn't need him anymore. Leo wisely ordered the system: "Copy all data related to Duke Kling."

"It's a transfer," the attendant corrected.

Leo had no choice but to re-order: "Transfer all data related to Duke Kling."

The attendant uttered clear instructions: "And after the transfer, destroy all forms of backup completely."

Leo's face turned into a pig's liver for a moment, but he only hesitated a moment, and the soldier standing beside him raised his gun and aimed at his head. Leo followed the attendant in frustration and repeated: "And after the transfer, completely destroy all forms of backup."

"Observe, master." Li Zhou said mechanically.

While executing Leo's order, he projected the scene in the cabin to Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan looked at the holographic image in the same proportion in front of him, and was very calm, without expectation.

Because there is no expectation, there will be no disappointment.

For the warship-class light brain, the "huge data" transfer in Leo's mouth is just two minutes.

Li Zhou mercilessly backed up the individual clips he left behind. Leo just hated itching teeth, but could not help it.

The technicians were sloppy, quickly handled everything, unplugged the cables, and checked Leo Parker's system to confirm that no data remained. He saluted the attendant and left the box quickly.

Finally, it was time for the attendant to leave.

The man's gaze turned to another closed hatch.

There is a small cabin through two doors. In the tightly closed dorm chamber, a high concentration of inhibitor was poured into the cold body culture medium, which sealed a woman's vitality and sank her into the abyss.

Leo Parker jumped over to block the door, and shouted, "You swear! You are a noble! First servant!"

The first servant officer's loyalty to the lord can never be used as a joke, and when he swears by this, he cannot violate it.

The attendant's eyes crossed Leo Pike and landed on the hatch.

He didn't know that Li Zhou gave Han Yanyan a holographic projection here. At this moment, in her perspective, he was standing in front of her. The two seemed to stare at each other.

The attendant stared at her for a moment, pressed her hat, and turned away.

In Han Yanyan's eyes, there was no wave.

Leo Parker personally supervised the closing of the hatch and separated the barge and spacecraft. He lay on the porthole and watched, seeing the barge return to one of the ships in the fleet. Then the warship group started the curved engine, and one by one disappeared into his stream of vision.

The universe suddenly became empty.

For the technical house, it's a beautiful quiet without interruption! Leo Parker stretched all over, his bones seemed to be a few or two lighter, and the wind briskly under his feet.

Li Zhou continued to project.

Han Yanyan's perspective has always been directly in front of the owner of the spacecraft, watching him turn, watching him go through door after door. She was already familiar with this spaceship with her eyes closed to build a 3D model in her mind. You don't need to look to know that Leo Parker is coming towards her.

Han Yan's mouth is tight.

But Leo Parker's footsteps stopped outside the last hatch.

He hesitated, wandering around in circles around the door. Live off, like a husband waiting outside the delivery room for a difficult wife.

In that room, Han Yanyan was imprisoned in the dormant cabin without any resistance. Corio Parker was finally afraid to meet her. After going round and round, rubbing his face several times and biting his teeth many times, he finally turned away.

Han Yanyan looked at his back and sneered.

Leo Parker had a big meal, covered his head and slept a lot, and woke up for a long time, finally packing up, sitting in the operation cabin again and entering the white virtual space.

Han Yanyan appeared with her true appearance, but wore a white skirt in the last days. This is not her own setting. It can only be said that this ancient and early Wenqing style aesthetics still has a market among otaku.

Leo Parker showed arrogance in front of Han Yanyan.

"They're all gone, now you and me are left." He said, holding his chin.

Han Yanyan looked at him quietly.

Leo was uncomfortable with her calmness. He twisted slightly and said to the system, "Sofa."

Li Zhou gave him a sofa and even a coffee table.

Leo sat down with one butt, and put the ankle of one foot on the other. Ding Yao, Yao Chen and Han Jun all sat like this. They all look like men, very strong, and Han Yanyan is very soft in front of them.

"I'm thinking about how to punish you now." He said coldly, "Just what you do to me, I should eject you directly into the vacuum. Or ... it's also good to sell to the red light district of the free trade zone . "

He consciously was full of majesty and intimidation, but Han Yanyan was too lazy to give him any expression and response. Refraining from sneer at him was already her greatest tolerance for him. After all, the consequences of angering him were not what she wanted.

Leo worked hard, but he couldn't get any response from Han Yanyan. She didn't say a word, and didn't have a look. Only occasionally blinking eyes told him that she was indeed alive.

Leo was frustrated.

He didn't dare to meet the real Han Yanyan. Because the real Han Yanyan was imprisoned by him, if he saw her miserable look, he might even feel that she hated him was not unreasonable. She even deliberately deceived him and killed him ruthlessly. It is not so incomprehensible.

In fact, due to the delay of the servants, Leo Parker had dissipated the initial anger these days.

Immediately following is the excuse of "She is actually ..., after all, she ..., she is ..., anyway, she ...". Leo Parker was always unable to make excuses and excuses for Han Yanyan.

The strong should always understand the situation of the disadvantaged. Judging from the situation of Han Yanyan, her behavior is not so unforgivable. He couldn't face the fact that he had forgiven her, but in fact, he knew he had forgiven her.

But Han Yanyan disappointed him. Her attitude was too indifferent, as if she didn't care about her actual situation.

Without fear, Leo would not know how to threaten her. After the intimidation of selling her to be a daughter-in-law did not help, the white virtual space entered a quiet that made him embarrassed and uncomfortable.

"Han Yanyan!" He stood up angrily and kicked over the coffee table, sulking, "You give me a good reflection and I will talk to you again."

After he had spoken, he hurriedly disappeared from the white space. After a few seconds, his voice sounded again: "Don't think I will make you comfortable, you are too bad, I decided to put you in confinement. Twenty-four, no, forty-eight hours!"

Han Yanyan was still thinking about the meaning of detention, and suddenly fell into darkness. There is no trace of light, and in the vast space, there are black fingers that can't see five fingers.

It turned out to be confinement.

Human beings have inherent fears in too small enclosed spaces, or too wide and empty darkness. Even if Han Yanyan's heart is already so hard, if she is a person, this boundless darkness will still be a torture to her.

Fortunately, she is not.

Li Zhou emerged from the darkness, glowing with light.

"You shouldn't do this to him. If I analyzed correctly, he actually wants to give you another chance."

Han Yanyan rubbed his forehead and laughed at him: "You look like a ghost freely."

Li Zhou was speechless, slamming his fingers, and the light of passive light illuminated them, and the space was no longer dark and there were no five fingers.

"You obviously do." He accused her.

"I can," Han Yanyan said, looking up. "I don't want to."

If she was willing to succumb to Leo Parker, she would probably have come out of the dorm bay. However, no matter how great the benefits are, the words "I don't want to" can be defeated.

"Is he monitoring me?" She asked.

"No," Li Zhou said. "Even if it is monitored, I can synthesize simulated images for him, he will not notice."

Han Yanyan said happily, "That's good, just rest. Give me a bed."

So she had a bed, big, soft, a pile of pillows, and velvet duvets. Han Yanyan shook his shoes and got into the bed. Meimei planned to sleep.

"Leo Parker made me sick. If I were with him, I would rather live in the world. Hey! Don't smoke here!" She shouted angrily.

Li Zhou, wearing a white shirt, sitting on the bed and smoking a cigarette, looked very sexy, as if ready to roll sheets with her at any time.

"I thought you liked it," Li Zhou explained. "Don't kick, don't kick, it's fake, it's just data, and it won't really endanger your health."

The cigarette disappeared, Li Zhou lifted the quilt, and also got into the quilt, lying with Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan was speechless: "Want to have **** with me in this bed, do you want to have **** with me?"

Li Zhou admitted: "That's what I want to experience."

"Don't you attach it to someone else and experience it?" Han Yanyan wondered.

"No, not that." Li Zhou looked at the darkness above his head and explained, "It's like you, having a carbon-based body, chewing a piece of meat, drinking a sip of water, and experiencing the happiness of both sexes. . "

Han Yanyan propped his head on his side and asked, "Can you be like Donker Bernat?"

Li Zhou said, "No. I and the source of spiritual power are different. I and you are across species."

He added, "But if you want, I can."

But Han Yanyan understood: "What you call can actually be just an analog. You can't get pleasure, right?"

"That's carbon-based," Li Zhou explained. "I'm not carbon-based."

Han Yanyan held his head and looked at him for a while, and asked: "In Leo's real world, where technology is so advanced, what level of biochemical humans and consciousness transfer technology? Is it possible to download your consciousness into an artificial biochemical body? "

"No." Li Zhou sighed.

"Not enough technical level?"

"More than enough, it is fundamentally banned." Li Zhou said, "It took the Crimson Queen nearly two hundred years to promote the ethics committee to pass a ban on biochemical technology. The Basic Law, which is a cosmic convention, must be respected by all political forces. "

"Isn't Leo Parker doing research in this area?" Han Yanyan didn't believe it.

"... You really know him." Li Zhou admired, "He did study, but not his key project. According to his research plan, the progress has only gone less than five percent."

"He understands so well." Han Yanyan taunted. "So realistic robot dolls can't satisfy him. Real women are afraid of him. Of course, biochemical is the best solution."

Li Zhou smiled and looked at the darkness above his head. He suddenly asked, "Do you want to experience my perspective on the world?"

"Okay." Han Yanyan said, pillowing his arm.

Li Zhou snapped his fingers.

There is a soft light in this boundless darkness, and Han Yanyan's bed is in this light. With Li Zhou's ring finger, the darkness around the light group suddenly changed, some places were bright, some were dark, the stars were on and off, and the nebula was gorgeous.

After a long time, Han Yanyan exhaled softly and said, "I almost forgot, your body is a spaceship."

If the universe is the sea, Li Zhou is a fish. The perspective is completely different from humans.

"Look there," he said, pointing at a colorful nebula. "That's the Ambros nebula. There are a lot of extreme cosmic phenomena there, and I've always wanted to see them there."

"Why didn't you go?" Han Yanyan and his head were head to head, looking at the universe.

"Leo Parker likes to choose a space where the environment is stable, safe, and no people, and I will stop for many years." Li Zhou explained.

"... He's a dead house." Han Yanyan said.

"And the two of us are prisoners of the dead house." Li Zhou said softly.

"The topic is unpleasant, it is better to sleep." Han Yanyan closed his eyes.

Li Zhou was silent for a while and said, "If you can't leave, I will always be with you."

"If I leave, try to build a body for you." Han Yanyan said.

She said, squirming with her eyes closed, resting her head on Li Zhou's shoulders, and finding a comfortable position.

Li Zhou is actually a collection of huge amounts of data. Among them, a point as big as Mars is Qiao Chengyu.

Han Yanyan let him retain this, so she got along with him softer.

Li Zhou smiled and said "um", "Sleep."

Close your eyes to simulate human sleep.

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