Unlike the first round, the people in Nanling did not return this round. The psionicists crowded on the ancient city wall of the South Gate, watching the tide of zombies approaching in the distance.

Not only was this time that Nanling's powers were dozens of times higher than the previous one, but also because the woman in the white dress did not retreat.

She stood on a high arrow stack, with long black hair and a white cotton skirt flying in the wind.

The white water vapor rose from her feet and circled upward. Countless water vapors rise from the soil, the roots of the trees, the grass, and the canals that pass through the Nanling. These vapors gathered in the air above the white skirt girl's head, condensing into huge clouds, tumbling, compressing from white smoke into gray floes, thundering.

When the tide of zombies was approaching, but had not yet reached the attack range of ordinary abilities, the gray cloud sounded a thunder blast, and thousands of ice arrows shot like meteors.

The zombie fell like a harvested wheat. Cheers rang out on the wall, fear subsided, and morale skyrocketed.

However, the zombies in the back rushed up like the tide. It's Wandao Bingjian again.

The cheering on the city wall just started, and a howling sound that had never been heard suddenly sounded in the distance. It was savage, and it suppressed the cheers of people, forced to penetrate the eardrum, and stimulated everyone's nerve.

The crowded zombies roared in unison as if summoned.

People were horrified. Although they did not know what it was, although they were completely invisible, they had felt the horror coming from their faces.

"Ding Yao, here is for you!" Han Yanyan said, "I'll meet him when I go."

The girl in the white skirt finished speaking and jumped down the high city wall in the exclamation of people. People hurriedly poked at the arrow stacks and looked down! I saw a few icicles rising from the ground, arranged like a step. The slender white figure fell to the ground a few vertical jumps, and when she stood upright, a crowd of zombies came in front of her.

The purple power grid was woven in front of the girl in white, pushed forward with amazing coercion, and the zombies were harvested into pieces, rancid and scorched meaty.

Han Yanyan turned back and looked up, Ding Yao, who rushed upstairs and looked down, smiled.

At this point, the tide of zombies is finally approaching within the attack range of the psionicist!

Qi Lei's iron arrow, Lin Ling's earth cone, Qi Tongtong's thorns, and countless fireballs, lightning, ice blades, like rain! The psionicist meets the zombies!

And Han Yanyan's icicles shattered into countless sharp icicles and rolled into a stout ice dragon. Han Yanyan swayed the ice dragon and rushed into the zombie tide!

Ding Yao swept across the wall and looked up into the distance.

In the black corpse tide, the white ice dragon shone and shined in the sun, rolling and sweeping in the corpse tide, wherever it passed, it opened a way. Vaguely see the white skirt corner.

Every time Ding Yao released his power grid and raised his eyes, the ice dragon was one point away.

The creepy howling suddenly sounded again, and countless zombies should respond, like a pack of wolves responding to the wolf king.

"What is that? What the **** is it?" Someone asked.

No one can answer him. When everyone's eyes looked in the direction of howling, the ice dragon suddenly made a loud noise in the tide of zombies, bursting into a mass of ice and disappearing.

Everyone's mind is tight.

Ding Yao had thunder and lightning in his hand, cut off the head of a mutant zombie with one palm, and turned his head to look at Han Yanyan.

I saw the ice mist rise there, hovering up, and the white ice whirlwind rose. Where the ice tornado swept, the corpse's body shattered, and its stubble flew.

Suddenly someone yells, "Look!"

A dark shadow made a sharp howling from the tide of zombies. The height of the air seemed to fly, and it was like a spring inside the body, howling into the ice whirlwind. Along with that black shadow's howling, the ice whirlwind blasted a few ice mists from the inside out.

Ding Yao glanced at it and had to face a mutant zombie who had just climbed the city wall.

The bodies of ordinary zombies are piled under the city wall like a rug, and the mutant zombies climb up the wall like a gecko. A little negligence of the power person may be bitten by the neck of the sudden violent zombies and dragged down the wall. The city head was splashed with red blood and yellow-green pus.

But even in such a fierce battle, people can't help but look up and throw a glance into the distance.

At a glance, the ice whirlwind twisted like he was punched.

At a glance, the explosion was repeated.

At a glance, the whirlwind shrank into an ice dragon.

At a glance, the black shadow bounced into the sky and howled sharply.

With this howling, the psionicists suddenly felt relieved. The mutant zombies abandoned the city head as if summoned, and turned into many shadows, and the arrows generally rushed in the direction of the ice dragon.

But in the duel between kings and kings, these thugs can't reverse the situation.

Binglong broke the glass and got into the building of a building with a glass curtain wall. He soon broke through the glass and drilled out, chasing the shadow trying to escape.

In the previous round, Ding Yao's corpse emperor was severely damaged. In this round, he met the creator.

The creator said to her partner, "Come on, push BoSS together."

"It's not a game ..." the partner mumbled helplessly.

"It's almost the same, anyway, it's not true," the creator said, looking for supplementary praise, "the special effects are really good, they look good!"

Binglong shattered the glass curtain wall, climbing all the way up, and finally swallowed the corpse emperor. The Corpse Emperor gave a stern, sharp howl.

The zombies have stopped, and the abilities have stopped. Everyone stared blankly at the huge puck in the distance. The ice hockey ball is composed of countless ice blades. It spins rapidly, and the corpse emperor who is swallowed inside is finally smashed in a screaming howl.

The howling stopped abruptly.

The footsteps of the mutant zombies also came to an abrupt halt. Losing the spiritual restraint of the corpse emperor, these mutated zombies, who had already had intelligence, hesitated for a while, daring to confront the strong man who had killed the corpse emperor, scattered and fled, disappearing quickly.

Without the drive of higher zombies, ordinary zombies lost their unified goal, and wandered in their place without an abnormal sound attracting them. Those who did not wait for the abilities to react, and then dropped the ice arrows in the sky to harvest the zombies layer by layer.

The range of Bingjian was too wide, and the sounds everywhere attracted the zombies to scurry around and gradually dispersed. Although there are many zombies, they can no longer gather sand.

The psionicists stood on the wall, watching the tide of zombies receding, unable to believe that a terrible crisis had been lifted.

Until this time, I didn't feel my legs soft. The sequela of excess adrenal hormone secretion is general weakness. Many people sat on the wall with their butts, no matter whether they were crushed to the corpse's broken limb or their companion's body. At this moment I just want to be alive and take a good breath.

Ding Yao stood in front of the arrow stack, and Zhang Mu looked into the distance.

Qi Tongtong gasped for a few breaths, struggling to get up, picking up on the arrow stack and looking out into the distance, suddenly jumping up and waving his arms, screaming loudly: "Smoke! Smoke! Smoke!-"

People got up.

The gray ice clouds in the sky dispersed, and the direct sunlight fell.

The broken glass curtain wall reflects the sun, flickering from time to time. On the top of the building, which was battered by the corpse emperor and the ice dragon, people saw white cotton skirts fluttering in the wind.

"Han Yanyan--" Qi Lei shouted. After shouting and laughing.

I don't know who started to shout. A "Han Yanyan" sounded in Ding Yao's ear, deafening.

Ding Yao froze.

A woman?

Why are you calling this woman's name?

Wherever he went, everyone was clearly centered on him. Why is this woman's name ringing all the time?

Under Ding Yao's feet, the city walls trembled slightly. But the hands and feet were still weak, and the crowds who were not standing still and excited were not aware.

Instead, Han Yanyan, on the roof of the building in the distance, noticed the vibration at her feet, and narrowed her eyes to look at the city wall.

"It's annoying," she said, "why is this person still awake?"

Han Yanyan has lost patience with Duke Kling. She looked towards the city wall and shouted softly, "Ding Yao?"

The voice was very light, but it overshadowed the voice of people calling her name crazy, and it reached Ding Yao's ear. Ding Yao was shocked and looked up.

Everything was blurred around him, his sight and hearing crossed the space.

The cascading corpses in the lower part of the city were blurred, and the crazy joy people in the city were blurred. In Ding Yao's vision, as if the lens is advancing, only Han Yanyan can focus.

The woman was in a white dress, flying in the wind.

"Ding Yao." She looked at him and smiled. "Are you ... convinced?"

Ding Yao wondered, serve a woman? When can a woman be put on his head?

Who is he! He ...

Ding Yao remembered who he was. He broke free of the system's control over him and unlocked every memory. Ding Yao, Yao Chen, Xiaoyao, and then ... Ding Yao again.

And she is always Han Yanyan.

The sky cracked, the layers of corpses on the ground also left, the city walls cracked, and white light burst out from the cracks.

This man is finally waking up.

He will forget everything, the worlds he experienced, forget her entanglement with his love and hate, and return to his own reality.

What about her? When will she leave this endless world?

Han Yanyan moved the corner of his mouth, no longer cared about Ding Yao, turned his head and looked far away.

White light poured in from the cracks in the world and devoured everything.

Ding Yao saw Han Yanyan smiling slightly in the dazzling white light, turned his head, and a black hair fluttered in the wind.

Why did she laugh so desolately?

Why stop watching him?

Why only give him a back without reluctance?

And when she turned around, what was the light that flashed in the corner of her eyes?

The moment Bai Guang devoured it, Ding Yao subconsciously stretched out his hand to Han Yanyan.

The hand touched the cold, hard hatch, and a man opened his eyes in the dormant cabin.

The companion, the city wall, the zombies, the building, the blue sky, the white clouds, and the girl in a white dress instantly caught the eyes and fell into the residual consciousness of the spiritual power source.

The unconscious is attributed to the subconscious.

The subconscious quietly submits to the subconscious.

When the man woke up and opened his eyes, he forgot everything in the world, and Han Yanyan.

The attendant kicked open the hatch of the operation cabin, jumped out, and strode away.

His soldiers also left with him.

He left the simulation system behind, Leo Parker behind him, and Han Yanyan behind him. At this moment, nothing is more important than his front!

The attendant walked through the doors and reached an open cabin.

It was completely occupied by the White Army. It is surrounded by instruments, and cables are connected to the middle of the cabin. The technical officers and medical officers were tense and busy, hearing the door open, and relieved to see him coming.

"Colonel, Duke he refuses to inject a sedative!"

The attendant stepped inward, and people stepped back to both sides to make way for him.

In the middle of the room, a dormant cabin, not belonging to the Leo spacecraft, was placed, and intricate cables connected it to various surrounding instruments. The hatch was opened and a man sat inside, half-immersed in the culture solution. His eyes were sharp like a blade, and he didn't relax until he saw the servant.

"Of course, what's the matter?" He asked. Sleeping for too long, his throat was hoarse.

Lin Ran strode over and took his hand.

"You have been assassinated and your mental power has been closed." He said, "You have just awakened you. Now you need to condition your body, come ... don't move, let them inject you with a tranquilizer ..."

As he held the man's arm, the medical officer poked a thin cylinder in his hand on the man's arm. A needleless syringe injects a sedative into a man. But the men did not resist, and they did not use mental force to resist these people, because the attendant was here.

Holding the servant's hand, he knew that he didn't have to worry, and closed his eyes safely.

The attendant held his head and neck, slowly assisted him to lie in the sleeping compartment, and watched the hatches close.

Technical officers and medical officers are busy viewing various data and intensively communicating and discussing.

The attendant took off the hat and held it in his hand, exhaled a long breath, and his tight shoulders finally relaxed.

His lord, Duke Klinn, Yao Callander, finally reopened his spiritual power and survived.

At this moment, no one thinks of Han Yanyan.

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