Strange story player

Chapter 659 The intersection of fate

The sky was getting dark, the light was ambiguous and hazy, and two people stood quietly on the city streets of China's foggy capital.

One is a man with strange white lines on his face and pure white eyes.

The woman next to him was much more normal, but her surroundings were particularly cold.

These two people were Qin Manjiang and Qin Yiyi who tore apart the space.

After Qin Manjiang surrendered all his emotions and made a deal with the doll, he gained the power of the God of White Eyes. that moment, he sensed that the world he was in was not real.

To be more precise, Fucheng and Yuecheng are just cages constructed based on the real world.

Those two cities are playthings trapped in a "glass ball".

And outside the "glass ball" is the real world.

That is...the place where the two of them were stepping on at this time.

The mist in the air carries a slight chill. The unfamiliar city is immersed in the slightly cool spring mist, and the sound of street cleaning can be heard faintly.




The sound of cleaning swept through the hearts of the two of them. Both Qin Manjiang and Qin Yiyi felt a little flutter. The two of them couldn't help but look over. The figures of the sanitation workers in the fog were getting farther and farther away.

Obviously everything was the same as what they saw in Fucheng Yuecheng, but they felt different.

Maybe it's the air, maybe it's the mist, maybe it's the sound...

Neither of them could speak, and neither of them spoke.

It was obviously very ordinary, but the two of them were extremely shocked!

This is a city other than Fucheng and Yuecheng. This is not their world!

Among the trees in the green belt, thick shadows covered the footsteps of the two of them. They walked forward a little absentmindedly. The mist was clear and made their hair wet.

Until the sky gets brighter and brighter, until the sounds of people and cars become more and more...

The city suddenly came to life, breakfast stalls appeared on the street, and workers in a hurry ran through the streets.

A tall building that I had never seen before stood silently, and the five characters "Welcome to the Fog City" appeared on the screen outside the wall.


He suddenly felt his arm tighten and looked sideways. Qin Yiyi grabbed his arm with a fearful expression.

"Brother, here..." She raised her head and looked at Qin Manjiang, her eyes full of fear and helplessness.

This world is too strange.

Qin Manjiang's pure white pupils looked around and whispered: "This is the blueprint of our world, a real world without any idealistic things."

Maybe his emotions were taken away by the God of White Eyes, or maybe he was purely influenced by the God of White Eyes. Although the fluctuations in Qin Manjiang's heart were also great, they were not as intense as Qin Yiyi's.

He could feel that this was where they really came from.

This is also the world where Zhong Xueran, Xu Yi, Bai Yang, Chen Zhiyuan, Yan Xiao, Yu Ruoli, Mei Sijun... they really should stay.

There is no supernatural power in the basic laws of this world.

At this moment, Qin Manjiang, who possesses the power of the God of White Eyes, already feels that he is being rejected.

He knew very well that this world was the best destination for everyone, but the only thing this world could accept was Qin Manjiang, not the god who was born out of weirdness.

The two of them strolled down the street, with cars passing by and crowds of people coming from behind.

Although Qin Chengyi was uneasy, he didn't feel uncomfortable.

And Qin Manjiang already felt that if he did not leave this world, he would be completely erased by the "exclusion" rules of this world.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Qin Yiyi also felt that Qin Manjiang, who was holding his arm tightly, seemed to disappear the next moment.

She looked at him more and more nervously.

At this time, Qin Manjiang's eyes were already locked on the huge screen outside the building wall.

A piece of news is playing on the screen——

"All parties are still searching for salvage upstream and downstream. It is reported that the Fuyue cruise ship sailing on the river disappeared ten days ago. The captain of the incident was Mr. Zhong Ying. The cruise ship is scheduled to go down from the upstream at two o'clock in the afternoon for three days and two nights. , the passengers on board include Yan Jinsong, Mei Yueting, Bai Hongju, Xu Yi, Yu Shang, Shen Sihai,... and other 49 passengers. If you find any clues, please call..."

Qin Manjiang and Qin Yiyi stared at the news blankly.

The look in their eyes became more and more incredible.

Because as the news was broadcast, photos of missing passengers also appeared one by one.

There are several faces among these people that they almost all know!

Especially that Xu Yi, his name has not even changed. He is Xu Yi from Fucheng!

There were also some people, such as the one named Shen Sihai... Although he didn't recognize him at first glance, when Qin Manjiang took a closer look, he clearly looked like the facial features of Shen Hu and Lian Yan put together...

The two of them couldn't help but feel terrified.

What exactly is going on? !

At this moment, the voice of a young man next to him suddenly sounded:

"Brother, you don't look like us here."

His voice was clean and clear, like a ray of spring water, which instantly brought Qin Manjiang back to his senses.

Qin Manjiang and Qin Manyi turned around and saw a young man about the same height as Qin Manjiang looking at him with a smile.

This young man was dressed very strangely, wearing long black sleeves similar to a Tang suit, and his hair was very long, reaching his shoulders.

The most eye-catching thing is his ears. This young man has pierced ears on both his left and right ears, but what hangs from his ears are not studs or earrings, but two simple little gourds with completely different colors. .

Qin Manjiang's pure white pupils and the strange white lines covering his entire face clearly surprised him.

"Are you wearing contact lenses? Are you going to a comic convention?"

The young man wearing gourd earrings asked curiously.

Qin Manjiang shook his head slightly and asked, "How did that ship disappear?"

The young man followed Qin Manjiang's eyes and looked at the big screen on the outer wall: "Well, ten days ago, the ship and its people disappeared at night. It is now called the Fuyue Incident. It is said that... someone saw this ship The night the boat disappeared, the red and white lights on the river kept flashing, as if there was a fight..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, a young girl's voice sounded from the other end of the sidewalk: "His surname is He! You didn't wait for me!"

The young man's expression changed slightly, and he quickly greeted Qin Manjiang: "I'm leaving first. Take my leave."

He turned around to run, but then stopped and said, "Brother... you should leave quickly too."

Qin Manjiang and his eyes met, and from this strange young man's eyes, Qin Manjiang vaguely felt that the other party seemed to see something.

"My name is Qin Manjiang, what's yours?"

The young man smiled, and his gourd earrings danced as he turned his head: "My name is He Chu, He Bi's He, the original Chu!"

Qin Manyi looked at the back of the young man running away, feeling strange in his heart. Just when he was about to turn around and ask Qin Manjiang who that person was, he was horrified to discover...

Qin Manjiang is also missing!

She stood on the sidewalk in panic, turned around, and shouted in a low voice: ""

Her voice became louder and louder, and her expression became more and more frightened: "Brother! Where are you?"

"elder brother!!!"

(The protagonist of the next book, let’s say hello to you first as an Easter egg)

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