Strange story player

Chapter 658 Everything he knows

The Guanyin statue sent the two people to the shore and slowly submerged into the water again.

After Jiang Du came ashore, he looked at Zhong Xueran for the first time and his eyes lit up: "A descendant of the Zhong family?"

Without waiting for her to answer, Jiang Du left the unconscious Nie Yunzhen behind and left the shore. He looked at the black mist around him, nodded and said, "Have we started?"

After muttering to himself, he walked straight forward. Zhong Xueran was determined to follow, but he couldn't let Nie Yunzhen pass out alone on the shore.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

Zhong Xueran asked.

"Looking for someone." Jiang Du answered without looking back.

"You want to find Qin Manjiang, right? He's not here!" Zhong Xueran said.

Jiang Du's steps did pause: "I do want to see him, but not now."

He waved his hand: "I'll give you a piece of advice, go to the snowy mountains quickly."

Snowy mountains? !

Zhong Xueran was startled, what kind of snow mountain?


Could it be that he was talking about the snow-capped mountains that appeared during the ghost story about "Seven Children"?

Does it really exist in the real world? !

Regarding the details of that strange story, the Pupil Realm players already know it, because it was the first time that the huge red pupil left the Pupil Realm and appeared elsewhere.

It was also the first time that everyone witnessed that Hongtong did not take advantage.


The huge ghost on the top of the snow-capped mountain may not be as weird as red and white eyes, but they are the same kind after all! Moreover, the snow-capped mountains are the territory of giant evil spirits. If the God of Red Eyes really invades, he will definitely be stopped by him!

Zhong Xueran understood the key and was about to continue asking where the snow mountain was. When he looked up, he found that Jiang Du had disappeared.

But she still firmly remembered it in her heart, and left the lakeside with the unconscious Nie Yunzhen on her back.



Lian Yan suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

Xinxin turned around in confusion and saw a young man wearing a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses walking slowly through the dark mist.

Qin Manjiang? !


No, this is not Qin Manjiang!

"Jiang Du," Lian Yan's voice was not surprising at all, "you have a lot of secrets."

"The same goes for you, our chief...Mr. Snake." Jiang Du stood still and looked at him calmly, then turned his gaze to Xinxin. After looking at it for a while, he continued to say to Lian Yan: "You shouldn't appear at this time. .”

"What about you?" Lian Yan asked, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to save the world." Jiang Du said the words that made people laugh in an understatement and certainty.

He looked up at the broken face in the sky and the huge red pupil, and said: "Everything will decay, even the stars in the sky will fall. Dust will return to dust, and earth will return to earth. This is the fate of all things. Those with spiritual pupils We can reincarnate over and over again, this is not the way the world should be."

Lian Yan's heart moved. At this moment, he finally vaguely guessed Jiang Du's plan!

"Do you want to kill all the spiritual pupil owners?" Without waiting for Jiang Du's reply, Lian Yan shook his head slightly and whispered: "No... killing us will not help. If the spiritual pupil is not extinguished, we will be reincarnated as another person." If it appears again, the food of the God with Red Eyes will always exist... You want to completely destroy the Spirit Eyes!"

There was a hint of surprise in Lian Yan's voice.

"Shh..." Jiang Du pointed to the sky, "So, are you willing to die?"

His voice came out of his throat, hoarse but clear.

"The negative emotions released by the Spirit Eye are the source of his power. As long as it is cut off from here, over time... he will naturally starve to death." Jiang Du said.

"If it's just death, it would be easy. However, it is impossible to destroy the spiritual pupil by simply committing suicide by the owner of the spiritual pupil. It will reincarnate with the soul of the deceased, and... although it keeps talking about the spiritual pupil, human beings I have never seen a spiritual pupil with my own eyes, let alone destroyed it." Lian Yan shook his head and was not optimistic about Jiang Du's method.

"No... the spiritual eyes have always been on you." Jiang Du chuckled softly.

He raised his hand and pointed at his eyes: "These eyes, from the moment they can fully see the [pupil world], have become spiritual pupils. Using the calculation method in the Kaitan game, it is... Five hundred."

"Five hundred spiritual pupils are enough to turn your eyes into real spiritual pupils."

Lian Yan was puzzled: "So, you mean to take out our eyes and destroy them after we die?"

Jiang Du shook his head, pointed to the sky again, and shook his head silently.

He stopped talking about this matter and instead talked about another issue:

"Birth, old age, illness, and death are the common fate of all living things in the world. However, our existence breaks this fate and is also involved in another fate. Mr. Snake, do you still remember what we discovered back then?" Jiang Du mentioned Lian Yan’s past code name.

The discovery that year...

Lian Yan thought about it carefully. He didn't know whether Jiang Du was referring to discovering the truth of [Tongjie] or discovering something else.

"I mean...children and old people will not appear in the pupil world." Jiang Du explained.

"So, the child Lin Ci gave birth to while the ghost story was going on is a real variable," Jiang Du smiled, "Birth, old age, illness, and death. People with spiritual eyes do not have old age or illness, only life and death."

"Our existence is not logical for a functioning world, so... we shouldn't exist."

"Neither the spiritual pupil nor the person carrying the spiritual pupil should exist."

“It’s what makes the world real…necessary.”

Jiang Du's last words were so soft that it was almost difficult to hear them clearly.

Xinxin was silent at first, but after hearing the words "make the world real", she was suddenly stunned.

"Are you saying that the world we live in now is not the real world?"

Xinxin asked loudly.

Jiang Du put his hands in the pockets of his white coat, shook his head and laughed: "Real?"

"Miss, let me ask you, where does our understanding of the world come from?"

"Why can I come to the present and go back to the past?"

"..." He paused for a moment and murmured:

"Why have we never thought of leaving Fucheng and Yuecheng?"

"I can never live without Fucheng and Yuecheng..."

Jiang Du stood in the black mist. Deep in the black mist, the roar of corpses underground could be heard faintly. His figure in a white coat was like a moth trapped in a net. Although he stood quietly at the moment, he seemed to be able to see His body was rushing left and right, struggling wildly, but no matter how hard he struggled, he was always trapped in the big net.

"Aren't you very curious about what Zuo Xian and I saw when we were about to clear the level?"

Jiang Du looked at Lian Yan.

Word by word, clearly and forcefully, speak loudly:

"I saw a vast world similar to our world, but completely different."

"The cities there are dotted with stars and the population is huge."

"There are blue sky, sea, desert, Gobi...stars there."

"Also, in the news... we are dead."

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