Strange story player

Chapter 533 Past

"What’s wrong with you."

Yan Xiao's voice sounded next to the bench.

Qin Manjiang immediately closed the notebook, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

He raised his eyes to look at Yan Xiao and asked, "Is his leg okay?"

"Slight fracture, nothing wrong." Yan Xiao sat down and sat on the bench with Qin Manjiang.

But after he finished speaking, there was some hesitation in his expression.

Qin Manjiang rarely sees Yan Xiao with such an expression.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

Yan Xiao, like Qin Manjiang, also shook his head: "It's okay, he asked me to call you in."

"Okay," Qin Manjiang stood up from the bench. As soon as he took a step forward, he suddenly turned his head, "We have exchanged the most secret things. If you have any confusion or troubles, don't hide it from me."

Under the sun, the chilly wind blew by, and the skirts of Qin Manjiang and Yan Xiao's clothes were moving.

The two looked at each other in silence, Yan Xiao avoided his eyes, and a rare expression of helplessness appeared on her lips.

"Well, I understand."

"Then please listen before you leave." Yan Xiao said.

Qin Manjiang sat back on the bench again and looked at Yan Xiao: "Go ahead."

"It's about Yi Lianhai." Yan Xiao suddenly spoke, making Qin Manjiang's heart tighten.

He subconsciously thought that Yan Xiao had seen the signature on the back of the notebook just now.

But soon, Yan Xiao continued: "At yesterday's party, Shen Kui came up with an idea after you left."

He stared ahead, as if watching the dust in the air: "I am the only person who has interacted with Yi Lianhai. Now, Yi Lianhai doesn't know that I already know his identity. Shen Su thinks this is a good thing." Opportunity to trick Yi Lianhai out."

Qin Manjiang's heart moved: "This is indeed an opportunity, so, what do you think?"

"I agree," Yan Xiao suddenly lowered his head and stared at the ground in a daze, "I will go to Yuecheng to look for him in the near future."

Yan Xiao was in a very wrong state. Qin Manjiang looked at him deeply and said, "Based on what I know about you, even if Yi Lianhai had saved a patient who died due to your surgical error, you would not trust him so much."

"Yes, so I'm hiding something." Yan Xiao's voice was very low, and just mentioning this matter made his mood change drastically.

He looked sideways at Qin Manjiang, doubt and confusion flashing in his eyes: "I also gave my father's body to Yi Lianhai."

Yan Xiaoyu's words were astonishing.

Qin Manjiang was shocked after hearing this.

"Your father?"

Yan Xiao was silent for a moment, and then he whispered: "I have a brother named Yan Lie, who is a firefighter."

Qin Manjiang nodded. He had seen the brother who knew Yan Xiao. It was Yan Lie who led the team to deal with Yang's fire accident.

"The reason why he chose to become a firefighter is because our father... died in the fire." Yan Xiao's body was shaking slightly.

"It's all because of me...if it weren't for me..."

From Yan Xiao's intermittent narration, Qin Manjiang finally figured out what happened.

That happened when Yan Xiao was nine years old. He and Yan Lie's father were bedridden at home due to a sudden high fever. Nine-year-old Yan Xiao followed the instructions on TV and cooked porridge for his father.

He is very considerate and talented, and it was like making porridge for the first time.

After the porridge was cooked, he happily took it to his father. Everything went well...except that he forgot to turn off the fire.

As the elder brother, Yan Lie was in his youthful rebellious period. He was playing games in his bedroom and ignored everything.

Then, tragedy happened.

The flame kept burning from noon to evening, until it ignited the kitchen.

The father and son were frightened by the huge explosion. When they rushed out of the room, the entire living room was already in flames.

My mother had just gotten off work and was stuck on the way home. There was only one patient at home, as well as a nine-year-old and a twelve-year-old child.

The father dragged his weak body and led them through the sea of ​​​​fire, but as soon as his hand was put on the door handle, his skin was immediately burned off.

Although Yan Xiao and Yan Lie's father endured severe pain and tried to open the door forcefully.

However, the high temperature has already deformed the security door and cannot be opened at all.

In desperation, the father and son rushed to the balcony. They could only try to climb down from the balcony.

The huge explosion had already alerted the neighbors. With the help of the neighbors downstairs, Yan Xiao and Yan Lie were caught and escaped successfully.

But when it was their father's turn...

Already weak and weak, he exhausted all his strength when he lifted the two children out of the balcony and slowly lowered them down.

The pair of hands whose skin was burned off by the door handle scared the young Yan Xiao to howl.

The last words Yan Xiao heard was his father's apology: "I'm sorry...Dad's hand scared you...Dad is sick and has no strength..."

He didn't even have the strength to climb out of the balcony.

Fires shot into the sky and waves of heat surged.

The moment Yan Xiao was lifted off the balcony by her father, all she could think of was "Dad is sick and has no strength."

Then...he was picked up by the neighbor downstairs.

He kept raising his head and waiting, waiting for his father to climb down. However, what he waited for was the explosion upstairs.

The flames and black smoke rushed out of the balcony, scaring the neighbor downstairs and quickly leaving with their two children.

Time passed quickly and many years passed.

Perhaps because of the knot in their hearts, Yan Xiao became a doctor, and Yan Lie became a firefighter. The relationship between the two brothers also became more and more strange in the eyes of outsiders.

Only the two of them knew that they had always been the ones to blame.

Later, firefighters brought out a charred corpse from the fire scene. The Yan family did not choose to cremate the body because they did not want their father to be burned by the fire again.

After that incident happened, an idea that he had never had before appeared in Yan Xiao's heart.

Since Yi Lianhai can revive patients who died due to failed operations, then...maybe his father can also survive?

Many times, once thoughts breed, they are like maggots in the tarsal bones that cannot be shaken off.

Yan Xiao saw with his own eyes that the patient who had died for more than seven days due to his surgical error was "resurrected" by Yi Lianhai.

He thought about it for a long time...

Finally, he took that step and dug out his father's body and handed it over to Yi Lianhai.

After listening to Yan Xiao's words, Qin Manjiang's eyes were filled with shock that could not be concealed.

He knew that Yan Xiao's psychology was a little twisted. He didn't want anyone to die in front of him, so his permanent prop came into being and became an extremely powerful prop that can "lock life for thirty minutes."

Whether in reality or in ghost stories, Yan Xiao has saved countless people with his scalpel.

And the root of everything... comes from the fire in childhood.

Qin Manjiang finally understood why Yan Xiao struggled so hard to lure Yi Lianhai out.

After all... his father's hope of survival still rested on Yi Lianhai.

However, Qin Manjiang was silent for a long time. He looked at Yan Xiao very seriously and said:

"You are a doctor. Although from our current position, it seems unrealistic to say many things, but even if a dead person can be resurrected, is he still the same person?"

Yan Xiao turned his head and looked into Qin Manjiang's eyes.

Qin Manjiang did not avoid it, but said slowly:

"...I must tell you, a cruel thing."

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