Strange story player

Chapter 532 Notes

"Hey, how long will it take for you to recover?" Shen Su was lying on the hospital bed with his right leg in a plaster, and he looked up and asked Yan Xiao.

Yan Xiao adjusted his height, without even looking back at him, he just said, "Lie down."

"What should I do if I want to go out?"


"I don't want to be in a wheelchair."


"Do you have a cane here?"

"I'm a doctor, not a carpenter."

"..." Shen Kui stopped talking.

"Call Qin Manjiang in." Shen Ku couldn't help but say something again.

Yan Xiao ignored him, told the nurse a few words, then turned and left the ward.

Outside the clinic.

Qin Manjiang and Nie Yunzhen were sitting on a bench by the roadside.

"Say it."

Qin Manjiang's words are concise and concise.

Nie Yunzhen lowered his head in silence, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, which was made by the nurses at Yan Xiao Clinic just now.

Qin Manjiang knew very well that what Nie Yun was really afraid of was Jiang Du in his body. It seemed that she was not the only one, Li Xi was also deliberately avoiding Jiang Du.

Now, Nie Yun is really willing to say something. Maybe she has felt Jiang Du disappear.

Qin Manjiang had no intention of urging her, she would always speak.

After sitting for about another minute, Nie Yunzhen finally seemed to have made up his mind. He looked at his profile and said:

"Have you ever thought about... the world outside Fucheng?"

The question she suddenly asked made Qin Manjiang stunned.

"You mean Yue Cheng?" He looked at her doubtfully.

Nie Yunzhen shook his head slightly, and her eyes revealed the deepest despair that Qin Manjiang had ever seen so far.

"This is... the note he left, please take a look."

Nie Yunzhen took out a notebook with an orange cover from his arms, handed it to Qin Manjiang, then stood up and left.

Qin Manjiang looked at the notebook with some confusion: "Don't you have something to say to me?"

Nie Yunchen, who was leaving, paused: "Let's wait until you finish reading."

"Who is he?" Qin Manjiang glanced at the orange-covered notebook and asked aloud.

Nie Yunzhen turned around, with a look of despair on his deserted face: "The beginning of everything."

After that, she left in the sunshine.

Qin Manjiang held his notebook and looked at her disappearing back, feeling cold in his heart.

He looked down at the orange-covered notebook, and an indescribable feeling of fear penetrated from every inch of his body.

What exactly does this record?

After Qin Manjiang took a few deep breaths, he suppressed the restlessness and uneasiness in his heart, stretched out his hand, and opened the first page——


[That day, Zuo Xian suddenly said to me: "I discovered a secret."

I asked: "What secret?"

Zuo Xian's face showed a look of horror and disbelief: "I know you can understand, and I will only tell people who can understand."

"Have you ever thought about... what the world outside Moon City is like?"

Zuo Xian's words made me stunned for a moment, and then I became horrified.

What is it like outside of Moon City...

I know that Yuecheng is just a city, and there will be other cities besides Yuecheng.


She asked suddenly, and I didn't know how to answer.

It seems... I have never been anywhere except Yuecheng, and I don’t know anything.

"What do you want to say?" I looked at Zuo Xian. This woman's ideas are always wild and unconstrained.

"Hey, I know you are also interested in these. What would you do if I told you that I discovered a secret about the world?"

"If you want, I can take you there now. You can listen to me there, but we have to be careful... don't find out that we know the secrets of this world! There is something... that has been watching us. It There are many eyes…”

Zuo Xian is completely crazy.

But after listening to her words, there was only one thought left in my mind, which was to see what she said... about the secrets of the world.

Seeing me nodding, she was also very excited, and she immediately drove over. It was her own car. She is smart, and getting some money has never been a problem for her.

We started from the central square of Moon Lake and headed north around the moon-shaped lake.

She drove for a long time, and along the way, she kept making twists and turns, and sometimes she even liked to go backwards. This made it impossible for me to remember which roads she drove on, nor which direction she went.

Moon City is very big, and I have never been to these dark alleys, but I am sure that this is still in Moon City.

The sky is getting darker and the visibility is getting lower and lower.

I was sleepy, and when I woke up again, it was her tapping the window and telling me to get out of the car.

She had stopped the car at the entrance of a dead, cold, deep, dark cave that I had never seen before.

I got out of the car, turned around and looked around. This was no longer the city.

There was not a single house to be seen anywhere. It was said to be in the wilderness, but it didn't look like it.

There are traces of creation here, but these traces do not look like they were made by modern humans.

Zuo Xian winked at me. She looked particularly excited. This crazy woman has always been like this, smart but also crazy.

She took out a flashlight from somewhere and shined it into the deep hole in front of us.

I instantly regretted it. This crazy woman just wanted to find someone to go on a spelunking adventure with her, and she also made up a lie about a "secret of the world".

How stupid...

I scolded myself.

However, when she shined the flashlight into the cave, I was instantly terrified.

I did not see anything……

But what frightens also the fact that I don't see anything.

It was pitch dark, it was really too dark in this cave.

Those darkness instantly swallowed up the light she shot in. This is extremely unreasonable!

I snatched the flashlight from her hand and shined it in all directions up, down, left, and right of the cave in disbelief.

However... the final result made me feel uneasy to the extreme!

There is no limit...

This cave has no boundaries!

Its interior seemed infinite, the darkness swallowing everything, including light.

I have no words to describe what I saw.

The entire cave just stayed here quietly. Zuo Xian and I hadn't even taken a step inside, just looking around with flashlights.

But the smell it gave off made me shake all my past perceptions - mysterious, dark, ancient, filthy, terrifying, and hateful. The darkness in the cave seemed to have precipitated all the disgusting smells.

If the grave is the destination of physical decay, then this strange cave seems to be the place of spiritual decay.

All the despair, unwillingness, malice, hatred...all the negative emotions accumulated here build it.

Just by standing at the entrance of the cave and catching a glimpse, I seemed to see madness and deformity.

There are also... some monsters that are completely different from humans but closely related to them.

They are fears hidden deep in human genes, but they have been sealed in a corner for a long time.

And this woman... Zuo Xian.

She discovered this corner. 】

Qin Manjiang quickly read through the first record.

His expression changed wildly, and he quickly turned the orange-covered notebook to the end.

And at the end, I saw the name——

Yi Lianhai.

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