Strange story player

Chapter 497 Color

What is color?

Color is a visual effect of light produced through the eyes and brain, as well as our life experience.

In other words, the colors seen by human eyes are analyzed by the brain. There is currently no scientific research that shows that what humans see must be the true color of things.

The world may even be colorless to begin with.

Therefore, "real color" needs to be defined, otherwise there will be no way to discuss it.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Shen Kui is sure that what he and Nie Yunzhen saw were red, all kinds of red.

In human studies, the three primary colors of pigments are red, yellow, and blue, while the three primary colors of optics are red, green, and blue.

Why are all the doors in this game red?

In his opinion, because color can affect people's emotions.

Blue is melancholy, deep and quiet.

Green is sober, natural and comfortable.

Yellow is fiery, youthful and happy.

Only red...

Red is the most impactful and powerful color, and it is also the color that is most likely to cause tremendous pressure if people look at it for a long time. This pressure is not only visual, but also psychological.

It's completely normal for this color to appear in a game made by Ghost.

If...all the colors seen here are absolute "real colors", then the reasons that affect the coldness and warmth of these red shades can be summarized.

The first is the observation angle. Different distances and angles will cause differences in people's perception of colors. For example, when people look at the same soap bubble from different angles, the color they see will also change. .

And the second the light.

The influence of light on color is decisive.

In this long and narrow corridor, the reason why the two of them could see the door showing varying degrees of red was also because of the light.

But... Shen Kui looked around for a long time, but couldn't find the source of the light.

This entire corridor is a self-illuminating thing.

In other words, the light here appeared directly in his and Nie Yunzhen's eyes.

Just like in the first stage, from the moment a red map appeared in everyone's field of vision, they realized... that the evil ghost in this game has the ability to change the player's "vision".

In other words, the colors of all the doors they see so far are the colors the ghost wants them to see.

And what color are these doors really?

have no idea.

In connection with what Nie Yunzhen mentioned just now, not only the sleeves of the ghost, but also the whole body are the same color as the door, then... the answer is already obvious.

Originally, Nie Yunzhen could be completely sure by asking Nie Yunzhen to open another door and verify whether the ghost behind the other door was the same color as the door.

But now, that is no longer necessary.

Shen Kui glanced at all the doors.

Behind these nine different red doors, there are ghosts!

And the colors of the clothes on these nine ghosts are exactly the same as the door!

Why is it that every time there is a ghost movement, even if I rush over and open the door immediately, I can't catch the ghost at all?

Shen Kui suddenly looked at Nie Yunzhen behind him: "Hey, do you want to vent your anger?"

Nie Yunzhen trembled to herself and was a little stunned when she heard this. She didn't know for a moment what Shen Su wanted to do when he said this. Did he want her to open a door and try?

But Chen Rui folded his arms and leaned on the wall, saying: "No matter where the light here comes from, it is temporarily constant. The only thing that can affect the color change is the angle. The first angle change occurs when we move. Time, but you and I walked around here and looked at many doors, but we didn’t find any change in the color of the doors."

"So, there is only the second possibility, that the angle change occurs when we open the door."

"You and I haven't changed, what has changed is it."

Shen Kui stretched out a finger with his right hand and pointed lightly at the vermilion door opposite.

"Now it is vermilion, but when the door is opened, the lighting environment of this corridor will change, and the angle of the door will also change."

"The color of the door and the color of the ghost behind the door will become different in an instant," Shen Kui chuckled, "Say, the ghost that dragged you in just now has the same color as the door. If the ghost and the door The colors are different, what do you think will happen?”

Shen Kui had reached this point, and Nie Yunzhen finally understood.

"It will...disappear." She murmured.

"Bingo, this is why no matter how fast we react, as soon as we open the door, the movement behind the door will disappear immediately." Shen Kui snapped his fingers.

"As humans, we cannot give a 100% sure answer as to whether things like color exist objectively."

"All the colors we see are just the processing of light by the human brain, which is the result of the reaction between the body's sensors and natural elements."

"So, you just need to know that as long as you can change the color of the door to be exactly the same before the ghost appears, then the nine ghosts behind the door are actually just the same ghost."

"Turn these doors into a color that cannot change no matter how you change the angle."

"We can catch it."

After Shen Kui finished speaking, Nie Yunzhen didn't respond for a while.

She was dumbfounded. Her knowledge reserve was far less rich than that of Shen Kui. She knew a little about colors, but she was only at the level of an ordinary person. She had never thought that colors might not exist.

However, even if everything goes as Shen Ku said, as long as the nine doors are painted with the same color before opening the door, the nine ghosts behind the door will become the same ghost.

In this way, no matter which one is caught, the level is cleared.

But there is no paint here at all!


Apart from black, Nie Yun really doesn't think there is any other color that can remain unchanged even when the angle changes.

Even white is affected by light, but black... for humans, black absorbs all visible light.

But how to find a black paint bucket in a place like this...

Shen Kui raised his eyebrows: "Hey, you haven't answered me yet."

Nie Yunzhen looked at her and realized that Shen Su was asking the answer to "Do you want to vent your anger?"

He actually told the truth?

Nie Yunzhen trembled slightly, but nodded vigorously. The red ghost just now...if he could catch it with his own hands and let it dissipate, it would be considered a revenge. to do it...

Before she could ask, Shen Mu smiled with satisfaction when he saw her nodding. That's right. Although this woman was tortured miserably by the ghost, she still had some courage to resist.

"I said that color only appears after reacting with the human body's eyes and brain. You can understand that in this space, these red doors actually have no color... After all, here Being able to see without a light source speaks for itself."

"So... you just close your eyes and it loses color."

"do you understand?"

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