Strange story player

Chapter 496 Red Door (Fourth update)

This is...the one making the sound !

A "person" with no limbs and only a torso was curled up on the stairs, with an upturned face that was clearly Zheng Jun!

Zheng Jun was so frightened that he stumbled and fell to the ground again. Chen Zhiyuan was also obviously shocked.

But Chen Zhiyuan's eyes flashed with doubts at this moment. He turned his head and glanced at Zheng Jun who fell on the ground, and then looked at Zheng Jun who had no limbs and looked like a squirming "worm". In the end... he actually He walked towards Zheng Jun who had no limbs and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Chen Zhiyuan frowned and looked at the miserable body of "Zheng Jun". However, as soon as his hand touched the other person's body, the next moment... Chen Zhiyuan's figure suddenly disappeared in front of Zheng Jun.

Also missing was the limbless "Zheng Jun".

The stairwell appeared, and the strange situation in the stairwell disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Zheng Jun seemed to understand something. He slumped on the ground and smiled slightly.

The further back they go, the less [Tongjie] seems to allow anyone to rely on light to survive the ghost story...

However, Zheng Jun also figured it out.

After all, even if Chen Zhiyuan has a problem with his head, his intuitive and subconscious behavior is far beyond him...

The one who should pass the customs is indeed Chen Zhiyuan.

Zheng Jun leaned on the stair railing, looked up at the dark corridor, touched his coat, took out a cigarette from his pocket, but held it in his mouth without lighting it.

He didn't move again.


In the red door corridor, Nie Yunzhen screamed endlessly.

But Shen Zu did not approach her at all.

If a ghost really wants to kill someone, the other party won't be able to scream for so long.

Either they are deliberately attracting people to come over and kill them together.

Or, Nie Yunzhen has used her permanent props and bound some unlucky guy, and now he can't die even if he wants to.

No matter what it is, the wreckage will never pass.

But at this moment, the ghost’s footsteps appeared again!

The location where it appeared turned out to be the door where Nie Yunzhen was dragged in.

Chen Kui's eyes flashed, and without hesitation, he rushed over and kicked open the door.

The footsteps disappeared again, and still no ghost was seen.


He saw an inhuman Nie Yunzhen.

Her limbs were twisted to unimaginable angles, and the blood vessels on her arms were cut open, bleeding all over the floor.

She collapsed in a pool of blood, like a broken toy, her eyes were lifeless, and she no longer screamed.

Then, under the influence of a strange regular force, Nie Yunzhen's limbs began to recover strangely.

Chen Su slowly opened his eyes, with a look of extreme interest on his face!

This was the first time he saw Nie Yunzhen's permanent props taking effect.


This is not recovery at all…

This is a reset!

Nie Yunzhen's broken bones, twisted joints, scratched blood vessels, and even his blood-stained clothes were restored to their original state!

It seems... when she uses the permanent item, her body is locked into that state. As long as the person she locks does not die, she will always be in that locked state in this game!

No wonder she can't die...

This prop is really interesting.

Many thoughts came to Shen Hui's mind. Nie Yunzhen's abilities were not very good, but her prop was of great use.

After all, in this kind of ghost-filled ghost story game, the cost of trial and error is very small, and one life is lost and one life is lost.

But with her as a tool, it is completely possible to experiment with various plans and ideas without any restrictions in a strange talk.

This woman... is simply the best experiment for practicing some dangerous ideas.

She'll be back to her old self anyway.

Shen Ku looked at her.

Nie Yunzhen, who had recovered his condition, was still trembling.

Shen Ku looked at her: "What did you see just now?"

Nie Yunzhen's lips trembled and he shook his head slightly: "The ghost...can't see its face clearly...but...its clothes and the color of the door...are the same..."

Chen Ku nodded. He also saw that when the ghost grabbed Nie Yunzhen, his sleeves leaked out.

However, even if you know that the color of the ghost's clothes is the same as the color of the door, what's the use?

Chen Mu's heart stirred, and he was about to get some clues when he suddenly heard the ghost's movements again!

This time it' apricot red door!

Shen Ku immediately rushed over and opened the door. The moment the door was opened, the sound disappeared.

Exactly the same as before.

But this time, Chen Su's eyes stayed on the apricot red door.


All kinds of red.

The ghost who caught this woman's clothes were the same color as the door.

In other words, there is actually a ghost behind every door whose clothes are the same color as the door.

Only when the sound sounds can you open the door and catch it.

Otherwise, the consequences will be like Nie Yunzhen's, being dragged in and tortured to death.


It's worth checking again.

Shen Hu turned his head and glanced at Nie Yunzhen.

When he was about to speak, he saw that although Nie Yunzhen was still following him, he was completely lost in thought. His hair on his forehead was wet and covered with sweat.

"Hey, are you in pain?"

Shen Ku asked.

Nie Yunzhen looked up at him blankly.

Her eyes were blank and she just shook her head slightly.

If we say that everyone who wants to survive in the ghost story must play his or her own role.

Then Nie Yun's real role is trial and error.

In a game, as long as [Life Lock] is used, the locked person will no longer die before she dies.

In fact, Nie Yunzhen herself knows that she can't compare to everyone else, and she can survive to this day purely because of the props.

This is the only contribution she can make...

However, she is a human being, an extremely ordinary person. Although [Same Life Lock] can reverse the state to the locked state, the fear of death and pain she feels will not disappear just because the state is restored.

She truly endured the fear and torture that ordinary players would only experience once before death, and... countless times.

Because he couldn't die, the degree of mutilation was even more horrific.

And this is another opportunity for her to appear.

Otherwise, it was purely Nie Yunzhen herself who would have been tortured crazy by these inhuman pains.

But she still couldn't get used to it, or in other words, no one could get used to the harm that was more cruel than torture.

She knows the horror of ghosts better than anyone else...

But now when she heard Shen Ku suddenly ask, "Are you in pain?", Nie Yunzhen was tortured so much that the tears she didn't even shed when she wailed miserably fell down silently at this moment, and she didn't even know it. .

Chen Su's brows trembled slightly and he looked away quietly.

Maybe he thought that if Nie Yunzhen tried it again, she would cry and make a fuss, which would be too troublesome.

Shen Ku didn't ask her to try again and open the door in advance.

He just stood there, looking at the apricot red door quietly.

Gradually, a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

I see.

The mystery of this ghost is solved.

Thanks to book friend 20221104, book friend 20228292, take a holiday V, omolmasu, Gelongjing Huayin, and Wei Lin for their rewards, thank you, and good night.

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