Strange story player

Chapter 493 Transaction (first update)

Red... all kinds of different reds.

While Chen Su was paying attention to the sound, he was also constantly observing the other doors.

He wondered what was inside the other doors.

However, unnecessary movements may interrupt the tracking of the ghost. Although Shen Hu was confident that he could follow the movement of the ghost, he was not confident enough to just open a door and check, and then turn around to confirm where the ghost's noise came from. Which door is like this.

And more importantly, he was looking for patterns.

This ghost is undoubtedly hiding, hiding in every corridor lined with red doors.

Every time a ghost made a running sound, he immediately opened the door that made the sound and followed it in, but there was still no trace of the ghost every time.

Once, twice, three times, four times...

Over time, Shen Kui became suspicious.

His reaction speed was fast enough, but even so it was still a step late.

People's attention will be distracted and the spirit will feel tired. If you concentrate your attention with such intensity to listen to the ghost's voice and immediately confirm the door where it appears, Shen Zu can completely follow it in a short time, but time Over time, he will also make mistakes.

Judging from the strange structure of this space, if he opens the wrong door once or makes even one mistake, he and Nie Yunzhen will be completely lost in it.

No... there must be some hidden rules in this place.

But Shen Kui couldn't completely distract himself from observing the entire corridor, or even think wholeheartedly.

He had to pay great attention to listen to the noises made by the ghosts so that he could follow them as soon as possible.

Just now he asked Nie Yunzhen to follow him to capture ghost sounds. In fact, he was also testing Nie Yunzhen's reaction.

The results did not disappoint Shen Kui, and Nie Yunzhen's reaction was indeed poor.

She couldn't take his place in the task of tracking the ghost, but Shen Ku didn't think it was a good idea to let Nie Yunzhen analyze the hidden secrets of this space.

At this moment, the ghost movement appeared again!

"Da da da--"

This time, the sound of hurried running appeared behind the earth-red door!

Shen Kui immediately rushed to the earth-red door, opened it, and walked in. There was still a corridor filled with various red doors.

Not only did this ghost move erratically, but it was also extremely fast. Shen Kui's reaction was already very fast, but he still couldn't catch it.


Could it be?

A strange idea came to Chen Su's mind, and he quickly said to Nie Yunthen: "Hey, come and help, open all the doors in advance!"

Nie Yun really didn't understand what Shen Kui was thinking, but since he said that, he must have a reason.

She nodded and did so.

Shen Ku had a feeling. Since he had completely kept up with the ghost's speed, but still couldn't find any trace of the ghost, could everything be fine? The problem was the action of opening the door?

Every time the footsteps disappeared, it happened after opening the door. It was as if there was a switch on the door handle and the ghost disappeared as soon as it was turned on.

If there really was such a switch, how could he find the ghost?

Therefore, Shen Kui decided to try to open these red doors in advance before the ghost's voice appeared. Although there were many of them, there were nine doors in the long and narrow corridor.

But how much can it be opened?

In order to stay focused, Shen Kui left the door open to Nie Yunzhen. It shouldn't be a big problem for her to do it.

However, the next moment, an accident happened.

Nie Yunzhen walked to a big red door next to him very obediently and twisted it hard!


The door opened a crack.

But before she could push the door open, a pair of bright red sleeves stretched out from the door, and a pair of paper-white hands suddenly grabbed Nie Yunzhen's wrist!

Before Nie Yunzhen could react, even Shen Kui's heart tightened. As soon as he noticed the arm stretched out, he saw Nie Yunzhen being dragged into the big red door!

Then the door closed with a bang.

Shen Hu's expression changed suddenly.

He took several steps back without hesitation, staring at the red door.

At this time, Nie Yunzhen's screams were constantly coming from the door.

" me...ah!!!"

Nie Yunzhen's tragic wail echoed in the corridor.


the other side.

Qin Manjiang stayed alone in a closed dark space, unable to do anything.

He has already realized the disgusting part of this second stage of the game. It prepares six ghosts for all players, and it is over when each player finds one.

Judging from Liu Jingqing's experience, everyone's ghost appeared in the first stage where he found them.

On the other hand, the ghosts in the pool only appeared after being activated by Liu Jingqing. It would be really bad if only the corresponding player for each corresponding ghost could trigger its puzzle.

Because in this way, he has "submitted" the ghost that belongs to Liu Jingqing, and the ghost that belongs to "Qin Manjiang" is in a stage where the puzzle can never be triggered because he has already left the second stage.

This is too confusing!

Qin Manjiang had no choice but to turn to Jiangdu for help.

"Jiangdu? Hey, I know you're here!"


Qin Manjiang shouted in his heart.

"You have a solution, right?"

Jiang Du didn't respond. During this period of time, Jiang Du almost stopped appearing. Qin Manjiang even thought he had disappeared.

It wasn't until the end of the snowy mountain in "Seven Children" that Jiang Du suddenly appeared, revealing that he was still in this body.


Qin Manjiang shouted for a long time, but there was still no response.

So, he took out the doll and said, "Since you won't come out, I will use my own method."

Before Qin Manjiang could make a wish to eliminate ghosts, he heard a tired voice in his heart: "Don't use it."

"Are you willing to give it up?" Qin Manjiang said.

"What's the matter..." Jiang Du's voice was much weaker than before.

"Leave this space, if the order is not right, the game will be messed up." Qin Manjiang said immediately.

"Leave?" Jiang Du's voice contained a hint of sarcasm, "What do you think of me? If you could do that, you would have been completely erased by me now."

"No," Qin Manjiang said again, "This space is prepared for me personally. If you separate your consciousness, you will be excluded from this space."

Qin Manjiang's words seemed to surprise Jiang Du, and he was unusually silent for a while.

"You mean, let me leave this space alone?"

Jiang Du confirmed again.

"Yes, maybe you can also trigger the ghost belonging to [Qin Manjiang]. This is the only way now."

Qin Manjiang said helplessly.

"Ha..." Jiang Du chuckled, "What about my body? How do I get out? Little brother."

Qin Manjiang was silent for a moment, placed his right hand on his heart, and slowly raised his head: "Here."

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