Strange story player

Chapter 492 Nie Yunzhen

Just when the atmosphere between the two was a little tense, rapid footsteps suddenly sounded from one of the red doors!

Is a ghost coming? !

Nie Yunzhen's expression changed, but he saw that Shen Kui had already rushed out, opened a vermilion door, ducked and got in without looking.

Nie Yun was really frightened by Shen Ku's actions. Is this person... so courageous? Just...just go straight to chasing ghosts?

She gritted her teeth and followed Shen Kui into the vermilion door. However, when she got in, she found that inside the vermilion door, there was actually a corridor filled with various "red doors"!

The densely packed doors, coupled with the narrow corridor that can only accommodate two people side by side... are exactly the same as the one just now!

At this time, a rush of footsteps suddenly appeared in the wall on the left side of the next door!

The ghost went next door again!

Without hesitation, Shen Kui quickly located the location on the wall where the sound appeared. The door corresponding to this location was... the pink door!

He immediately opened the door and rushed into the pink room.

Another corridor, exactly the same as the previous two, without any changes!

After Shen Hu was slipped around by the ghost for a few times, he became interested and finally understood.

If they continue to open the doors layer by layer like this, if they still cannot catch up with the ghost, they will be trapped and die in this overlapping space.

There was still no trace of ghosts in this corridor, and footsteps could be heard before the door was opened.

Is it running too fast? Or is there some other reason?

Shen Kui said to Nie Yunzhen: "Listen with me to the location of the sound, and look for the door with the color corresponding to the location of the sound. Don't get distracted."

"Okay." Nie Yunzhen nodded.

She took a deep breath. She knew that she was not a person with outstanding abilities, but even though she was like this, many people had placed their hopes on her.

Nie Yunzhen always wanted to do her best, but it wasn't until she actually practiced it that she realized...people are inherently unequal.

This inequality is not only reflected in acquired family background and wealth, but also in the "random" gifts at birth.

Such as appearance, IQ, athletic ability, emotional intelligence...etc.

Some people are born with the ability to run and jump, some people are born with a good voice, and some people are born with the ability to lead and speak convincingly.

Even Nie Yunzhen felt that even the statement "all people are equal in the face of death" to comfort the general public was a lie.

Where is the equality?

Human lifespan is greatly affected by genes. Some people have all five poisons, but they still live longer than those who practice self-discipline in maintaining their health. This is simply unfair.

For Nie Yunzhen, the most uncomfortable problem is that she knows very well that she is not a person with leadership ability, nor can she bear heavy responsibilities. In the Yue City Tongjie twenty years ago, she was just an ordinary person. player.

She is neither smart nor perceptive, and she can keep living forever... In the early stage, she relied on luck and the help of one or two good people, but in the later stage, it was purely because she got one of the most powerful life-saving items.

And it was that permanent prop that made all the extremely intelligent and talented people in the Moon City Tong Realm place their futures on her.

What she was carrying was a burden that did not belong to her at all.

But today, twenty years later, she has no one to talk to and can only bear it silently.

She even looked for books to learn how to be a leader, but she still couldn't learn it.

The only thing she could do was to try to put on a cold face and keep a certain distance from everyone. Only by remaining mysterious could her mediocrity not be noticed.

[Same Fate Lock]... Just now, Nie Yunzhen didn't answer Shen Hu, but in fact, she had indeed used it.

The person targeted this time is still Qin Manjiang, although it is most likely to be used for the last time.

This strange world twenty years later has no place for her, but the only one who has an impression in her mind is Qin Manjiang...

This impression comes from another self.

That "Nie Yunzhen" is better known to Moon City players than her.

In fact, the reason why they gave her such an important task was because of the appearance of that "she" back then.

"She" who is ignorant of world affairs but always calm and unfazed is regarded as the real Nie Yunzhen.

Only Nie Yunzhen knows that she is the real owner, because she knows "she" exists, but "she" does not know who she is.

She knew this person who was the closest and most unfamiliar to her very early...

"She" was born to escape, and it was also the price of... [Same Life Lock].

This is Nie Yunzhen's only salvation, but it is also her most unsolvable death.

Why should I move forward carrying a burden that I shouldn’t have?

Nie Yunzhen often thinks like this, and just like at this moment, she has already felt Shen Kui's impatience.

Shen Su is a very sharp and intelligent person, and he must have seen through her strong-willed nature.


Nie Yunzhen didn't explain.

Although she was entrusted with important tasks only because of the "Same Fate Lock", it was only because of the existence of another self that she was believed by everyone in the past.

Although she was a little aggrieved, she secretly encouraged herself from time to time. Although she was not capable enough, as long as she tried her best to do her job, then... she would definitely be recognized by some people, right?

Even a little bit is good...

Not because of that permanent prop, nor because of another "Nie Yunzhen", but because of her, because of ordinary Nie Yunzhen.

Nie Yunzhen listened hard. The ghost appeared on the other side of the wall, and the position of the sound was different every time. However, every time the sound appeared, there was a door.

In other words, as long as you react quickly enough, you can immediately open the door of the corresponding color and catch the ghost as soon as the sound of running on the other side of the wall appears.

Catching ghosts?

Just thinking about Nie Yunzhen makes me a little scared.

She's just a normal person, in every way.

At this time, the sound of running appeared again in the wall that had been silent for a long time!

"There! The orange door!"

Nie Yunzhen pointed forward.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Shen Kui had already opened the orange-red door and rushed in.

Although he told Nie Yunzhen to pay attention to the movements of ghosts, in fact, the natural reaction gap was clearly revealed at this moment.

Shen Kui's reaction was much faster than Nie Yunzhen's...

Nie Yunzhen bit his lip and followed Shen Su into the orange door.

But as soon as she entered the orange-red door, she saw that Shen Su had opened another black-red door and rushed in!

She could only continue to catch up, it was too fast... The sound of the ghost appearing was very random, but Shen Su was able to find the corresponding door and confirm the ghost's location in a very short time.

Nie Yunzhen felt a little bitter in her heart. If Shen Su hadn't followed in and was just sucked into the wall by herself, I'm afraid she would have been dumped by the ghost long ago.

The second stage is a game of finding ghosts. Failure to keep up with the ghosts means that you will be lost in the corridors within the wall forever.

Her expression was gloomy, but Shen Su's face was full of interest.

He was aroused by the ghost. Although he could quickly identify the door of the corresponding color from where the ghost appeared, if he relaxed even a little bit, it would open the distance of several corridors in succession. And if he found the wrong door, The door, I'm afraid I can never come back.


It's interesting.

Chen Kui's eyes were filled with a burning look.

Nie Yunzhen looked at him with envy. People...are indeed different from each other.

Thanks for the reward from I Want to Sleep, Erlu, Book Friends 2018, Bruises Will Not Get Better, and Lalilali.

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