Strange story player

Chapter 425 Qin Manjiang and [Him]


Lin Ruonan rushed into the wooden house and closed the door forcefully with his backhand. His breathing was rapid and he was extremely nervous!

Can it... come in?

Probably not possible...

Otherwise, it would have come in long ago when I was sleeping...

Lin Ruonan listened carefully to the movements outside.

There was indeed the sound of footsteps, but those footsteps gradually became farther away until they could no longer be heard.

Is it gone?

Lin Ruonan finally breathed a sigh of relief. She sat limply on the ground, stretched out her hand and rubbed her neck. She almost... almost died just a little bit.

I just didn't expect that ghost to be afraid of pain?

It's quite impossible when you think about it.

In all this time, she had never met a ghost who was afraid of pain.

In the wooden house, the two men seemed to have woken up. Lin Ruonan walked to the fire and added some firewood, and the fire appeared again.

She was just about to tell what she had just experienced, but suddenly she felt a little numb...

What's going on? Why is it getting colder even though a fire has been lit?

At this time, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the shadow on the wall illuminated by the fire.

The shadow... was thin and long, with something like hair dancing.

Lin Ruonan's breath stagnated, and he slowly turned his head to look at the people in the wooden house...

Under the firelight, she first saw a bare leg... then a second... a third...

She looked up suddenly! A strange, twisted... face was standing quietly by the fire, staring at her!

"It" is wearing a white skirt, and under the skirt, there are densely packed legs.

Lin Ruonan's pupils tightened, and against the firelight, this twisted and terrifying unfamiliar face was already close to her face...



On a blizzard night with howling wind, a lonely figure was walking in the ice and snow.

This is a man. Under the biting cold wind, his body quickly hunched into a ball, trying to resist the cold wind knives like sharp thorns.

But these actions are all in vain...

The cold wind easily penetrated the cold-proof clothes and reached his skin, causing bursts of stinging pain.

The heat in the body is losing rapidly, and the brain seems to be about to freeze.

But he continued to walk in the right direction in his mind.

He knew there was a place to take refuge.

This person is the fake [Abyss], Qin Manjiang’s [Tongjie] substitute after he left Fucheng...

He doesn't have much memory.

The first words I heard from the day I became conscious were:

"Hey, kid, listen," a middle-aged man in a white coat leaned down and appeared in view, "from today on, your name is [Abyss]..."

Then, as [Abyss], he heard some conversations in a daze—

"Dr. Yi, can he do it?"

"It cost me so many spiritual eyes, so I have to do it if I can't."

"But, Dr. Yi, he has no memory of [Abyss], so he will be immediately discovered by Fucheng [Pupillary Realm] to be abnormal..."

"Do you think I can't think of this? Qin Manjiang was originally just the personality data set by Jiang Du, but something happened. So Kong came to me for help and handed me the personality data that Jiang Du had retained, and Lingtong. Injected into the body together, he will be more like the original Qin Manjiang than the current Qin Manjiang..."

"Understood... I didn't expect that the relationship between Edu and Kong is so deep, that something like the personality data set by himself would be in Kong's hands."

"Shut up……"


From that day on, he became [Abyss].

It’s not Qin Manjiang, it’s not anything else, it’s just the [Abyss].

However, maybe there was something wrong with the "personality data" Jiang Du left behind from the beginning.

Something happened to the programmed "Qin Manjiang" and is now out of control.

Something happened to the set "abyss" recently... He suddenly discovered that the things in his mind were not so much his own memories as... they were just a picture.

Although he still played the role of [Abyss], as the days passed, he slowly discovered... that he was not [Abyss].

Later, as Dr. Yi left Fucheng, the control he received was greatly reduced, and he began to study.

He kept reading and absorbing all kinds of knowledge, and because of this, he realized the existence of "I".

But...what am I...

He became more and more confused.

Until this strange story appeared.

He realized earlier than anyone else that this was not the normal world of ghost stories, but the consciousness space of the person named [One].

Because he didn't know who he was, when [Automatic Deduction] appeared, he immediately noticed something unusual.

The character [Ah Er] played by him is not a complete person like him.

Maybe the real [One] is in the "revolving door" state before death at this moment, or what players like them are currently experiencing is just the "delusion" when [One] returns to the light.

But he didn't care.

What he cared about was what was at the top of the mountain.

[1] To fall into such a strange situation, seven selves were born in the body, and become a ghost story, it must be something encountered in the real world.

And this trip to the snow-capped mountains is a projection of what is happening in reality.

Something on the top of the mountain... Since it can turn [One]'s consciousness space into [Seven Children], it should also be able to split and plump my soul... to form the real me, right?

So he was thinking...

In his set personality, [Abyss] will not betray anyone.

However, for the first time, he did not listen to Dr. Yi's words. He betrayed the other players and ran away alone.

It was also at that moment that Xia Nan realized that this [Abyss] was not Qin Manjiang.

Will I die?

He thought, neither sad nor happy.

Compared with Jiang Du's careful setting of Qin Manjiang, Yi Lianhai's polishing of him is rough.

After all, his role is just a substitute.

The stand-in does not need superfluous functions such as joy and sorrow.

His skin was now completely numb from the cold, and he had completely lost the feeling of temperature.

The only thing I know is that maybe after a while, my body will stop moving, and my thoughts will solidify along with the blood.

He had no concept of worthiness or unworthiness in his mind, so he would make such a move. It was purely because he had desire for the first time since his "birth".

He wants to know who and what he is?

He wanted the things on the peak to fill up his soul so that he could see clearly... his true appearance.

Rather than a ridiculous and pathetic stand-in, a poor imitator of [Abyss].

At this time, another strong wind blew by, and his body was like a weak grass, broken in the snow.

He fell heavily into the snow, and while his consciousness gradually blurred, his eyes kept looking in the direction of the peak.

For some reason, Qin Manjiang's appearance appeared in his head.

This strange story was also the first time he had close contact with Qin Manjiang.

Strangely enough, he always felt that Qin Manjiang's eyes were a little subtle when he looked at him... His eyes didn't look like he was looking at his substitute.


There is...a cave.

In front of his blurred eyes, what he had been looking for appeared.

Finally found.

He moved his body with all his strength, crawling on the snow bit by bit.

He looked as embarrassed as when he first came into this world, ugly and lonely, surrounded by wind, frost and swords.

But he survived after all... Even now, although he moved little by little like a miserable insect, he finally got into the small cave.

Maybe...he can understand my existence...

With this thought in mind, he finally lost consciousness and lay down in the cave and passed out.

Thanks to the quick-frozen pizza, the Want Want senbei is really delicious, and the tip to Joyoung Soymilk Machine. Good night!

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