Strange story player

Chapter 424 Unable to Escape

It's late at night.

Qin Manjiang and Xia Nan stopped talking.

Xia Nan had leaned against the wall and closed her eyes.

This strange story was so confusing that he couldn't figure it out. Qin Manjiang's analysis just now completely opened up another way of thinking, but even if the seven of them are really the seven personalities of "One", what can he do?

And what is "Spider-Woman"?

Whose meat is on the wall?

Too many questions made it difficult for him to sleep in a short period of time.

Xia Nan couldn't help but open his eyes and glance at [Professor].

He still felt that this "professor" was familiar.

Although the texture of the voice is different, the way of speaking, body posture and some small movements are exactly the same as Mr. Qin before!


In his understanding, it is impossible for [Abyss] to do something like escaping alone with everyone's supplies.

If [Abyss] is fake and "Professor" is the real Mr. Qin, then everything will make sense.

Moreover... the origin of the "Professor" itself is also very strange. He suddenly appeared in Fucheng [Pupillary Realm].

Xia Nan was full of questions.

If the "Professor" is really Mr. Qin, then he must have had no choice but to wear a mask and not show his true face to others. Moreover, he has not exposed the disguise of the fake [Abyss].

Maybe he's in some kind of trouble...

Xia Nan felt that after this strange conversation, he should talk to Mr. Qin if he had the chance. After all, Mr. Qin had always taken good care of him in the past.

But he also felt that this strange story might not be so easy...

It is difficult for people to fall asleep when they are thinking about problems. They often become more and more energetic when thinking about problems. Xia Nan originally did not think that she could fall asleep completely. One or two hours of real sleep would be enough.

But what he didn't expect was that at a certain time, it would not only be him...

Everyone fell asleep at the same time.


"Ms. Lin..."

"Miss Lin!"

Lin Ruonan opened his eyes drowsily, and suddenly realized that he was in a strange story, and immediately became energetic.


She saw a figure calling to her softly in the darkness.

"It's me...Hu Feifei..." Hu Feifei's voice was still filled with fear.

is her?

"Are you feeling better?" Lin Ruonan asked softly.

After all, after witnessing the unimaginable scene on the top of the mountain with her last night, Hu Feifei's state was extremely abnormal.

Although Lin Ruonan was slightly better, he still felt very uncomfortable.

That ghost...

No, rather than saying that the thing holding Feng's waist is a ghost, it is better to say that it is some kind of unknown creature?

When she witnessed that thing, her first reaction was not fear, but an indescribable shock and weirdness.

"I feel better after some sleep..." Hu Feifei replied with lingering fear.

Speaking of sleeping, Lin Ruonan didn't know how he fell asleep. It stands to reason that in this environment and such a shocking thing had just happened, he would definitely not be able to fall asleep easily.

But he seemed to have fallen asleep.

Lin Ruonan stood up and walked towards the wooden window, looking out through the window crack. It was almost dawn and the wind and snow had stopped.

This night's rest was much more comfortable than I expected.

"Ms. Lin...can...can you accompany me to the toilet? Actually...I didn't... last night..."

Hu Feifei seemed a little embarrassed. Something like that happened just last night, and now he wanted to go out to the toilet. No matter how he looked at it, he was suspected of seeking death.

But Lin Ruonan agreed.

Because she didn't go to the toilet properly last night. After witnessing that shocking scene, her body seemed to have forgotten about it. Now that Hu Feifei mentioned it, the urge to pee seemed to suddenly appear again.

Moreover, there is already hazy light outside, it will be bright soon, and the wind and snow will stop...

"Okay, but just stay next to the wooden house and don't go far away."

Lin Ruonan said.

"Yeah!" Hu Feifei nodded quickly, seeming very anxious.

Lin Ruonan glanced around and saw that the fire had been extinguished, leaving only some red coals.

One of the two figures seemed to be sleeping on the ground with his arms pillowed on his head, and the other was sitting against the wall. Although his face could not be seen clearly, he seemed to be those two men.

She agreed to stay vigil, but she and Hu Feifei fell asleep. She felt apologetic in her heart. She didn't want to disturb them at this moment, so she and Hu Feifei opened the wooden door softly and closed it quickly, not wanting to wake them up.

Under the hazy sky, only the outlines of people and objects could be seen.

Only the snow on the ground was still visible. After a night of wind and snow, the snow outside the wooden house was thicker, and the terrain formed by the snowdrifts also changed slightly.

Lin Ruonan planned to stay right next to the wooden house for convenience. She didn't plan to go far, as long as she was not in the house. That kind of thing happened last night, and now was not the time to be particular.

However, at this moment, she suddenly felt a chill.

When she stopped untying her belt, she turned around and saw a vague humanoid silhouette standing behind her.

"Miss Hu? Aren't you going to go for convenience?"

A strange emotion appeared in Lin Ruonan's heart.

However, she failed to wait for the answer from the human silhouette. Instead, a voice sounded from the other side of the wooden house:

"What's wrong, Miss Lin?"

It's Hu Feifei!

Hu Feifei is on the other side of the wooden house!

So who is this? !

She was horrified, and then she realized that this figure was extremely distorted. From the waist down, "it" was much thicker than a normal person...

Is it a ghost? !

That "Spider Woman"?

When it comes to being extremely bloated from the waist down, she can only think of "Spider Woman".

What happened...

Lin Ruonan turned around and ran away!

As she ran, she shouted, "The ghost has appeared!"

But then she thought about it, nothing happened all night long, and it appeared just after she left the cabin. Does that mean it couldn't enter the cabin?

Yes... Escape to the cabin! No matter how hard you run outside in the snow, you can't outrun it!

"Hu Feifei! Come in!"

Lin Ruonan shouted.

The black shadow behind her had reached a very close distance behind her.

Lin Ruonan heard the sound of the door opening.

She couldn't turn around, and if she wanted to get back to the cabin, she could only run around it.

I'm just halfway through now, and I'm at the window, with the door just opposite.

Are they awake?

Or has Hu Feifei run back?

"Don't come out!"

Lin Ruonan issued a final warning.

At this time, the black shadow behind him stretched out his hand and grabbed her neck... These cold, slender hands completely wrapped the back of her neck and strangled her neck!

Lin Ruonan suddenly had goosebumps all over his body.

Will I die?

Will I die here?


When I heard "Professor" and Xia Nan chatting last night, didn't "Professor" rush out and chase "Spider Woman"?

Why is it okay for him and something will happen to me?

Even if it meant death, Lin Ruonan wanted to die clearly.

She struggled desperately, but the hand holding her throat became tighter and tighter, causing her eyes to turn white and her face to turn red.

At this time, Lin Ruonan grabbed the huge hand that was holding his neck tightly, finally found an angle, turned his head and bit "it" on the wrist!

The bite force of the human being's desperate efforts was extremely amazing. Lin Ruonan felt his throat loosen and let go of his palms!

She quickly stumbled towards the door of the cabin and fled.

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