Strange story player

Chapter 419 Beautifying Memories

What humans are best at is beautifying their memories.

Chen Xin did not think that the scenes the seven of them saw were what really happened.

It may have some meaning, but it is definitely a glorified and deformed expression.

Based on this point of view, if you look back at the pictures in your memory, maybe everything will be different.

In the scene of the memory, he is [Xiao Liu], Xiao Liu with a bad temper.

Their seven children were adopted by a couple, one of whom was a bad gambler and the other a violent maniac.

On a snowy day like now, the seven of them were kicked out of their homes and took to the streets to "do things."

The so-called "doing things" is just trying every means to get back the food and clothing expenses, they don't care about the means.

Among them, [Xiaoqi] loves to be clean, so she is often responsible for talking directly to passers-by, while others secretly use tricks behind them, with the ultimate goal of getting "food" or "money".

But that day, they had no harvest. At this time, a little girl suddenly collapsed.

Chen Xin was not sure whether it was [Little San] or [Little Five], but these were the only two girls among the seven children, and it must be one of them who fell ill.

So the other six children took the sick little girl and went door to door begging for food, but they didn't even get a cup of hot water.

At this time, [Xiao Qi] went to the next block. Although he was bruised and swollen, he successfully brought back two steaming buns.

The most critical memory scene also appeared at that time.

【I want to run away...】

[Where can we go? 】

【Anywhere is good...】

[When I left today, I secretly set a fire. 】


[I gave them medicine and they fell into a deep sleep. 】


【I locked the door. 】


[I tied their necks together with a rope. 】


[I took their money. 】

In my memory, five children participated in the hands-on activity.

But the strange thing is that there is no mention of anything about [Snow Mountain] at all.

Why do they come to this snowy mountain?

Moreover, it was mentioned in the [plot interpretation] just now that they had already been here twelve years ago.

At that time, they had already burned the two couples to death, so they had to escape...

What are you doing in this [Snow Mountain] again?

Here is the biggest doubt.

Chen Xin frowned and sorted out all the unnatural things bit by bit.

Delete all content that might be embellished by memories...

Why did this [Snow Mountain] become the place where they reunited twelve years later?

And for...

"Chen Xin!"

Just as Chen Xing thought of this, he suddenly heard Wu Tiansheng's cry.

The state of immersion in thinking was interrupted. Chen Xin opened his eyes, jumped off the stone, and looked forward.

Wu Tiansheng is a very reliable person, how could he make such an unexpected shout?

In the hazy snow and fog ahead, Chen Xin vaguely saw Wu Tiansheng waving.

He immediately walked over there.

What a heavy snowstorm...

Chen Xin raised his hands to cover his eyes. The wind hurt his face.

Just as he was approaching the figure in front of him step by step, he was about to step into the snow and fog in the next step, at this moment!

A hand suddenly pressed his shoulder!

Chen Xin was startled and turned his head suddenly.

However, the person he saw when he turned around was Wu Tiansheng!

"You can't go any further. Look carefully at what's under your feet."

Wu Tiansheng said seriously.

When Chen Xin heard this, he looked at his feet. At this glance, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat on his back...

The next stop he was about to take just now had no road at all, but a hanging cliff!


Chen Xin swallowed and walked back immediately.

"Did you call me just now?" Chen Xin asked.

"It screamed," Wu Tiansheng pointed in another direction, "But I screamed over there."

"In the snow and fog in the direction of the cliff, your figure is..."

Chen Xinxin had lingering fears.

"At least it's not the Brocken phenomenon." Wu Tiansheng said.

"Be careful. This snow-capped mountain is very weird, but what's even weirder is this. Come with me and have a look..."

Wu Tiansheng turned around and led the way to the other side.

Chen Xin immediately followed him.

"Be careful where you step, and stay where I have stepped." Wu Tiansheng reminded.


Chen Xin looked at his feet. There were two lines of footprints in the snow below, both left by Wu Tiansheng.

This short-haired athlete has very good physical strength and sense of direction...

After walking for about five minutes, Chen Xin began to pant from exhaustion. He looked up and looked ahead, only to see that the sky was covered with dark clouds. It would be dark in two hours at most.

The top of the mountain was even more hazy, with a large amount of snow and dust blown by the wind covering up its true appearance.


Wu Tiansheng stopped.

Upon hearing this, Chen Xin looked in the direction where he was.

There are more densely packed tall trees here, and in other seasons there should be a small forest here.

What Wu Tiansheng asked him to look at was probably not a forest.

Chen Xin was a little short-sighted. He tried his best to look deep into the bare branches covered with snow, and finally saw what Wu Tiansheng was pointing to -

A wooden house.

Chen Xin breathed a sigh of relief at first. At least he no longer had to worry about snowstorms when he found the wooden house. He also had a place to spend the night after dark.

But he soon noticed that the footprints extending from his feet to the direction of the cabin were normal, with consistent steps and neat sizes.

But the footprints coming back from the cabin looked messy...

There is no doubt that these two lines of footprints were left by Wu Tiansheng.

Is there anything in the wooden house that can make such a calm person like Wu Tiansheng appear uneasy?

Chen Xinxin was extremely vigilant.

"Chen Xin, what you see next in the wooden house is the most important clue."

Wu Tiansheng whispered.

His expression was a little ugly, just like Chen Xin's impression, Wu Tiansheng rarely appeared in such a state.

But this time...he was really at his wits end.

I can't figure it out at all...

Wu Tiansheng could only hope that this graduate student would get better and better.

"I can't figure it out, it's up to you."

Wu Tiansheng looked at Chen Xin seriously.

Chen Xin's eyes fell from the footprints on the snow back to Wu Tiansheng: "Yeah."

He didn't promise anything, but if he promised, he would try his best.

Chen Xin has already felt Wu Tiansheng's care for him. No matter how incredible the clues in the wooden house are, he will try his best to find the answer.

"let's go."

Wu Tiansheng and Chen Xin approached the wooden house one after another.

After walking into the bare forest that was covered with snow, Chen Xin discovered that this place should be the temporary residence of loggers.

You can see some tree stumps left behind after being sawed off, but the growth rings are covered by snowflakes.

The door was ajar, and no footprints or snowflakes could be seen through the crack.

Wu Tiansheng probably just took a quick look, then immediately turned around and ran back to find himself.

Chen Xin thought about it in his mind.

"I'm opening the door." Wu Tiansheng said.


The wooden door was slowly pushed open.

The entry of light made the dim environment clearer and clearer, and the "clues" inside slowly appeared in front of Chen Xin.

His pupils gradually narrowed, and he stared at the body lying on the floor of the wooden house.

He finally understood why Wu Tiansheng looked so ugly.

Because the body lying in this wooden house was someone they knew.


It's someone the [character] they play knows.

That woman with a bloated figure and a fleshy face, but now her face is gray and her body is stiff...


Thanks to Mechanical General God, Jia Xiaoxie, and Book Friends 2022 for the reward, thank you!

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