Strange story player

Chapter 418 Immersive Observation

On the other side, [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu], who left the team, were in trouble.

[Xiao Liu] played by Chen Xin is a hot-tempered person. The character of [Ah Si] played by Wu Tiansheng is not yet clear, but it is known that he should like [Xiao Wu].

After leaving the team as the [original plot] unfolded, the two slowly moved forward on this dark and narrow mountain snow road.

The weather was very cold, and there was no food or water. If we couldn't find a place to rest as soon as possible, it would be the end.

But this was only the first problem they encountered.

The most urgent thing now is to find a way to go.

The road they came on turned into a cliff, which was extremely abnormal. After walking forward for a while, both of them looked ugly.

They are lost.

The blown snow particles were flying in the cold air, the visibility was no more than ten meters, and the sky was getting darker.

Moreover, this snow mountain is obviously not a year-round snow mountain. Most of the snow on the seasonal snow mountain is just a layer on top. Without trekking poles, it is easy to step on it and cause a large area of ​​snow. landslide.

Chen Xin and Wu Tiansheng have both encountered such a situation, and their progress has become slower and slower because they don't know where to go.

"I want to take a rest." Chen Xin said.

Wu Tiansheng looked back at him. Chen Xin's lips had turned white, and he was not pretending.

He looked around, cleared the snow off a big rock next to him, then turned to Chen Xin and said, "Wait for me here."

Wu Tiansheng is an athlete. Not only is his physical strength better than ordinary people, but more importantly, he knows how to distribute physical strength better than ordinary people. Therefore, in this case, Wu Tiansheng can handle emergencies well.

Chen Xin nodded, seeming a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I was delayed."

Wu Tiansheng smiled: "No problem, I still expect you to interpret the world view of this strange story, but I have no clue at all."

"Okay." Chen Xin responded.

He knew that Wu Tiansheng said this to relieve his psychological burden, but apart from anything else, he really had other interpretations of the world view of this strange story.

Seeing Wu Tiansheng walking alone in front of the misty snow, Chen Xin licked his lips. He took out a bag of melted ice and snow from his arms, moistened his mouth a little, and put the bag back into his pocket.

Chen Xin's expression became focused.

Unlike most desperate people in [Pupillary Realm], Chen Xin only had one thought in his mind... to escape.

Escape from the ghost story game.

Chen Xin is not from the city. His hometown is just an ordinary mountain village, and he is the only scholar in his family for generations.

The university he was admitted to was mediocre, completely inferior to Qin Manjiang's Fucheng University and Yan Xiao's Fucheng Medical University.

But... after entering college, Chen Xin's grades began to improve by leaps and bounds!

Because he suddenly gained a strange ability.

After the vast majority of people are separated from the atmosphere of learning, they cannot read a book by themselves at all.

So they will go to the library or study room instead of in the dormitory or in front of their own bedroom desk.

But Chen Xin can, or in other words, as long as he wants to, he can focus on the current matter at any time and be completely undistracted.'s also very useful for analyzing and thinking about problems encountered.

Chen Xin always remembers that they came into this strange story as [characters].

[Ping An Hospital] has learned from the past. If players really regard themselves as characters in the story and use the logic of the story to pass the level, they may not be able to pass the level at all.

Just like the Lian Yan in [Ping An Hospital] mentioned by Chen Zhiyuan when he was sorting out the incident, I heard that that person was a player who got lost in the game.

Why did Lian Yan get lost in [Ping An Hospital]?

Because Lian Yan’s logic completely follows the logic of [Ping An Hospital]. Indeed, he may have cleared [Ping An Hospital], but he was still immersed in that movie. Even because he cleared [Ping An Hospital], he became He became the protagonist of [Ping An Hospital].

The logic of [Abyss] and Chen Zhiyuan is a bit smarter.

They broke away from the superficial [plot logic] and saw that the essence of [Ping An Hospital] is a movie world, so they dug out their own eyes, destroyed the [recording and screening] process, and ended it from another level of logic. Drop [Safety Hospital] instead of following the logic of the [Safety Hospital] story.

This strange story called [Seven Children], [Abyss] is also there.

But Chen Xin noticed that something was wrong with the [Abyss].

Although he had never said these words to anyone, Chen Xin had always been wary of the [Abyss] in his heart.

He is a very careful person, so careful that when he was first summoned to the [Pupillary Realm] space this time, he was immersed in his own [concentration] state and began to observe his teammates this time.

It was this safe observation that made Chen Xin aware of the strangeness of the [Abyss].

He even felt that [Abyss] was not human!

Because he discovered that...from the time he was selected in this game, all the expressions of [Abyss] were exactly the same.

exactly the same!

Smiling, frowning, raising his eyes, glancing, observing... every move he makes seems to be engraved! The width of the smile this time was the same as the last smile. The frown this time is exactly the same as the frown a few minutes ago...even the uncontrollable subtle wrinkles on the face when making expressions are exactly the same...

This discovery made Chen Xin a little creepy.

Could it be that [Abyss] is the evil ghost planted among the players by this strange talk?

He is not the real [Abyss]?

After having this suspicion, he started observing other players more.

Then he discovered...that there was something wrong with that [Professor] too.

Because some of the small movements and habits of his body are exactly the same as the [Abyss] in this game!

Even more real than [The Abyss]!

For example, you subconsciously touch your knuckles when you are thinking, and you like to look at the eyes of others when you first look at them...

[Professor] feels extremely natural, but [Abyss] feels a little stiff.

He would touch the knuckles of his little fingers three times every time, while [Professor] decided based on the length of time he spent thinking.

This is simply... the difference between [program] and [intelligence].

When talking about this strange conversation, Chen Xin found it even more strange.

It is a movie that has a strong sense of déjà vu, and there is even a weird situation of "automatic interpretation" of the plot. Therefore, everyone has subconsciously regarded it as a one-step movie.

But Chen Xin doesn’t think so.

When everyone gathered before, they talked about the scenes they saw.

Although the [perspectives] in the picture are different and each has its own character, the content is similar.

Seven children escaped from their hellish adoptive family on a snowy day and headed for a happy future.


There is one thing that Chen Xin has always cared about.

Human memory is an extremely unreliable thing, especially when the timeline is extended.

Was what happened that year really what they saw?

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