Strange story player

Chapter 415 The plot... is coming

Everyone's bodies turned involuntarily to the side of the mountain.

In the wind and snow, there seemed to be a figure that turned around and disappeared in the shade.

But that's not the point. Everyone focused their attention and carefully felt the changes in their bodies.

Now, their bodies have been completely taken over by another force, and their bodies are "automatically" performing a plot!

"I gonna go see!"

Wu Tiansheng, who plays Ah Si, said.

This was obviously not what he said on his own initiative, but what the character [Ah Si] said himself.

"Did you see it wrong?" [Xiao Wu]'s voice appeared, it was Hu Feifei.

"No...I saw it too," [Ah Er] also spoke, and he looked at [Ah Si], "Xiao Liu, you and Ah Si go and have a look. If you are a resident living in the mountains, we can just Ask him to help."

"Then let's go!"

[Xiao Liu] obviously has a bad temper, and is completely different from the shy college student Chen Xin who plays him.

The plot is progressing steadily.

Everyone is a little hesitant about whether to intervene and change the [plot] at this time.

In terms of danger, in such a blizzard and snowy weather, with no village or shop around, how could a person suddenly appear?

And even if there were people, how could they turn around and run away after seeing them?

This triggered plot is a very typical [death plot].

According to the original plot direction, [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu] may have an accident on the way to check.

Then one accident after another happens until everyone is dead.

However, neither Chen Xin nor Wu Tiansheng chose to change the direction of the plot.

Both of them believed that Qin Manjiang's [variables] and [fixed numbers] statements were more reliable.

Even if it follows the direction of the plot, as long as the plot interpretation stage is successfully passed and the free exploration stage is entered, everyone can "find that person" together.

Not only them, but others think so too.

At present, it seems that there is nothing to change in this plot, is this kind of thought that makes what happens next catch everyone off guard.

After [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu] agreed, they turned around and walked step by step in the direction where the "figure" disappeared in front of them.

However, everyone is still in [deduction state] at this moment!

Unlike what everyone expected, this plot did not end with [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu] going to confirm the "figure".

But it lasted until "they" left the crowd, and even further!

This is not possible...

Wu Tiansheng and Chen Xin's hearts were pounding.

As the two parties involved, they were completely immersed in a sense of panic at this moment.

It was a completely different feeling from the fear I had experienced when seeing ghosts in the past.

This feeling is like...sitting on a plane and watching the plane fall, completely powerless to stop it.

What's even more terrifying is that when they wanted to forcefully make changes and interrupt the plot, they were unable to do so!

What happened here was unexpected by everyone.

After complying with the advancement of the [original plot], the [subsequent plot] has become a foregone conclusion?

In other words, it was completely different from what they thought at first, that they could interrupt the plot anytime and anywhere.

The only nodes they can forcibly change are before [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu] agree to go and check!

The other five people stood stiffly on the spot, watching [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu] walk into the wind and snow, chatting nonsense.

They can't move...

Chen Xin and Wu Tiansheng couldn't move either!

The two of them were a little desperate. They could clearly feel an extremely depressing coldness in the wind and snow ahead, just behind the invisible snow slope.

They desperately want to control their bodies and stop moving forward, but they have missed the opportunity to "change".

Stepping on the snow step by step, I finally... arrived at the snow slope, where the figure disappeared.

At this time, the two of them relaxed and could move!

The sense of control over my body has completely returned...

However, just when the two of them wanted to turn back and run towards everyone, they were shocked to find that... the road they came from had disappeared and had become a bottomless snow cliff!

Chen Xin shook his head slightly, his lips trembling slightly: "It's impossible..."

How could they possibly walk here on air?


Wu Tiansheng calmed Chen Xin's emotions, although he himself was not much better.

This situation is really weird.

As soon as I regained my sense of control over my body, the road behind me turned into a cliff...

The sky is also... low, low, dark, and extremely depressing.

There are cliffs on both sides, and the only way is the one ahead.

Is this the development after conforming to the [original plot]?

Wu Tiansheng quickly organized his thoughts... In the original fate, [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu] broke away from the team and came to check the location of the figure. Then as soon as they came over, they could not go back and the road disappeared.

And the only way...

Wu Tiansheng raised his head and looked towards the end of the road. He couldn't see clearly. There was snow, fog, and light, which blocked his vision too much.

But this place is really creepy.

"Anyway, try to move forward first."

Wu Tiansheng said to Chen Xin.

However, Chen Xin shook his head, and his expression recovered a little: "No, let's analyze the characters of [Ah Si] and [Ah Liu]. One of them has a violent personality, and the other is strong and dares to take risks. When they encounter After this situation, they will definitely choose to explore forward, that is...all the next risky behaviors are the choices they have made before."

"I don't want to follow their old path, so... I want to stay here, I won't move a step."

Chen Xin stared at Wu Tiansheng and expressed his thoughts.

Wu Tiansheng frowned and said, "Have you ever thought that among the risky choices made by [Ah Si] and [Ah Liu], there are also "correct" choices?"

"I saw [Ah Si]'s corpse on the way here. The corpse looked like mine. If nothing else, their corpses were left in the places where they died on this mountain."

"But look here."

Wu Tiansheng cleaned up the snowflakes and persuaded:

"Neither [Ah Si] nor [Ah Liu] left a body in this place."

"That is to say, they at least encountered danger after advancing for a while. At least they made the right choice in this position."

Chen Xin lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and looked at Wu Tiansheng.

"you are right."

The two finally reached an agreement and decided to walk deeper into this eerie mountain road filled with snow and mist.

At this time, Qin Manjiang and the other five people also encountered unexpected troubles.

Their [plot interpretation] is not over yet!

"I...should we go see them too?"

Xiao Wu said timidly.




Three negative answers sounded at the same time, and they rejected [the original plot direction].

The first one is [Abyss], and the second one is from Lin Ruonan.

As for the third one, it was Qin Manjiang.

Just after the three people refused at the same time, the [Drama Interpretation] state finally disappeared.

However...goosebumps all over my body appeared at this moment!

The feeling of being watched...the feeling of being watched has never been more real!

The five people immediately turned their heads to look.

In the dim snow and fog, a strangely tilted and thin figure appeared.

It seems to be wearing a white skirt, with dense black hair dancing in the wind, like a living creature. As for its face?

It seemed to have its head lowered... It was hard to see clearly amid the flying snowflakes. moved!

When it started to move, everyone discovered that... from its waist down, that skirt... was actually densely packed with legs!

The pace and movement are completely contrary to common sense, like a spider... The intense fear makes people breathless!

Several people's pupils tightened and without hesitation, they turned around and fled towards the mountain quickly.

Thanks to Tiantian Sweets, Qiqi Sana, and the Los Santos Poet, my earrings got lost. Thank you all, and good night!

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