Strange story player

Chapter 414 Fixed Numbers and Variables

Everyone understands the current situation, but the key is how to grasp the degree of "violating the original plot".

Moreover, conforming to the "plot" is only the most superficial logic.

Everyone has already seen that this strange story is not in the real world, at least... it is definitely not the Fucheng area in reality.

Is it really the same as [Ping An Hospital], that they are in a certain movie world?

The concept of [destiny] was clearly mentioned in the opening remarks.

In Qin Manjiang's concept, fate is absolutely impossible to be determined, but the opening remarks also mentioned "change or death".

This thing is a bit puzzling.

The seven people were silent. Although everyone agreed with Lin Ruonan's statement that they needed to make changes in the next "automatic performance", but who would be the first to "change"?

"Do you have any idea about the world view of this strange story?" [Abyss] spoke proactively for the first time.

Qin Manjiang looked at him, and the "two people" had a tacit understanding. This [Abyss] seemed to know the true identity of the "professor".

But Qin Manjiang believed that neither he nor the other party would take the initiative to reveal this matter, which would be detrimental to everyone.

Seeing that Shi Xi, who could not tell whether he was lucky or not, spoke up, the others began to think.

"It shouldn't be in the real world." Wu Tiansheng said.

"Why not?" The person who asked the question was not [Abyss], but Lin Ruonan.

Wu Tiansheng looked at Lin Ruonan and explained: "Only those whose destiny can already see the ending can use the word change, otherwise 'change' is just a part of destiny."

Lin Ruonan frowned slightly: "My point of view is that from the day of birth, the fate of everything has been determined, but we can't see it."

Everyone is a little curious, what does this statement mean?

The other six people all looked at Lin Ruonan.

Lin Ruonan was not nervous. She explained as clearly as possible: "The fact that we can predict our fate to a certain extent is the best evidence that our fate has been determined."

"Just like that piece of snow." Lin Ruonan raised his hand and pointed in a direction in the air.

Everyone followed her finger and heard her say: "Each of us knows the fate of that piece of snow. In the short term, it will fall to the ground and pile up with other snow. In the long term, it will become Ice and snow melt and water re-enters the cycle of nature.”

"Expand the perspective and dimensions, and the fate of everything is the same." Lin Ruonan's voice was very calm. "Famous counselors and strategists in history can see the development and changes of things over a long period of time, and determine the accurate prediction of fate. The fundamental factor of sex is the information surrounding the things being observed.”

"If we let go of our hands, the cup will break to the ground. If we pick up a fallen leaf, take it home and insert it into the pages of a book, it will never return to its roots."

Lin Ruonan's eyes swept over everyone one by one: "Every choice and status since the day we were born, and the choices and status of people related to us, although they seem to have no connection, they are like the wind blowing down the leaves. Open the cup in your hand, and your fate is sealed.”

"The same goes for this strange story. Its fate has been determined, but we don't have enough information, so we can't see it yet."

After Lin Ruonan finished speaking, everyone fell into a brief silence.

Everyone has a different understanding of the world, which is understandable. The people present will not be immediately convinced by her words, but they are just understanding some of the truth in it.

"for example……"

"I have an idea." Qin Manjiang said aloud.

Eyes fell on him.

It has to be said that everyone's bloated cold-proof clothes helped Qin Manjiang a lot. Otherwise, even if he was wearing a mask, even if the mask had the ability to change the texture of his voice, just looking at his body shape, he and [Abyss] stood together. There is no difference at all and it would easily arouse suspicion.

"Let's not talk about whether this is the real world. Based on Miss Lin's thoughts just now, I think there should be two factors: [fixed number] and [variable] in this strange story."

Fixed numbers and variables?

This statement is interesting.

"Please continue." [Abyss] said to Qin Manjiang.

Qin Manjiang glanced at "him" and nodded: "[Determined number] is something that will inevitably happen in this strange story. It is not under our control. Just like the previous 'automatic deduction', we can only be the audience. And [variables] 】, simply put, it is something that can be changed.”

"In Miss Lin's case... we let go and let the cup fall naturally. If nothing happens, the cup will break. Then... the variable is that before letting go, we can lay a layer of sponge mat on the ground."

"We still let go and the cup still falls, but it no longer breaks."

Qin Manjiang expressed his thoughts.

"So, in an automatically performed plot, if the characters we play have to have conflicts and confrontations, we do not need to forcefully interrupt or reverse the plot, because that is likely to be a [fixed number], and breaking the [fixed number] is very dangerous, maybe It will change the plot to a more uncontrollable direction."

"Mr. Professor, what you mean is that you don't want to forcibly change the [fixed number] and still let go and throw away the cup, but you can add [variables] during the free action stage, like laying a mat... and prepare for other responses?"

Chen Xin looked at Qin Manjiang with bright eyes, showing such interest for the first time.

"That's right," Qin Manjiang smiled, "But this is just my personal idea."

"That can be done like this!" Hu Feifei raised his hand excitedly and said: "When the next plot comes, we will see what direction the plot will take. If [variables] can be added, we will follow it. If it is difficult to increase [Variable], just stop it and prevent that plot from happening!"

This is indeed a compromise.

Lin Ruonan also agreed. After everyone exchanged opinions, no one objected.

"So, there are two last things left."

Lin Ruonan reached into his pocket and took out ten energy bars.

"If nothing else, you don't have any food on you. Xiaoqi's characteristic is stealing and cheating."

"Then the character [three] I play is characterized by custody and distribution."

"I have all the edible things here. She also carried a bag when we entered the mountain, but lost it. These ten energy bars are our only food."

"Be careful, three days is enough." Wu Tiansheng said.

He is an athlete and is very aware of the energy that energy bars can provide.

Having said this, he shook his head helplessly: "Judging from the route map, we cannot reach the end of the map in a short time. Drinking water and losing temperature are actually the biggest problems."

He was right. We walked for more than an hour before we reached the foot of the mountain, and the end point of this route map was winding its way to the top of the mountain.

It is not an easy task to climb such an unfamiliar high mountain in a snowy environment without the presence of evil spirits.

"Eh? Is there anyone there?"

Hu Feifei said suddenly.

However, as soon as she said these words, suddenly...that feeling came again.


The second [plot].

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