Strange story player

Chapter 379 Again

Indeed, as Shen Kui said, turning back and turning around are two different things. As long as the neck does not move, it will not violate "Don't look back", right?

"Miss Xu, you...don't listen to me?"

These sad words suddenly came from behind.

Xu Tingfang originally had doubts about the person behind her, but as soon as these words came out, she became convinced that it was indeed the person behind her.

After all, this cold and scary feeling was exactly the same as the one Shen Kui gave her in the library bathroom before.

"No...I'll be right back!"

Xu Tingfang took a deep breath.

She stiffened her neck, started to turn from her feet, and slowly turned her whole body back.


"very good……

"Miss Xu..."

As Xu Tingfang slowly turned around, Shen Su's voice behind him got closer and closer!

Halfway through the turn, Xu Tingfang suddenly noticed out of the corner of her eye that a dense humanoid shape composed of "frog eggs" and sporadic "nematodes" was squirming towards her!


The intense fear made her scream, this is not a dead body!

Xu Tingfang turned around suddenly and rushed into the depths of the alley!

How could I be so stupid...

With Shen Ku's personality, he would never ask me to go back. He was eager to let a cannon fodder go in first to help him explore the way...

Xu Tingfang's frightened face was full of regret.

Although she hasn't had much contact with Shen Kui, she has been in [Tongjie] for so long, and she also knows Shen Kui's personality.

Perhaps, it was Shen Kui's behavior when he came to the library tonight that made her impression of Shen Kui change slightly.

She didn't expect that Shen Kui would put the "frog eggs" on her neck, taking the risk of hatching and dying at any time with her.

This made her suspicious of Shen Hu's "strange" words just now, but she didn't doubt it to the end.

There was a crazy scraping sound against the wall behind her, and that terrifying humanoid monster was chasing her!

Xu Tingfang's face turned pale, and she already felt that she might not survive this game.

At the same time, she also realized that the monster disguised as a skeleton did not enter the alley to chase her directly at first, but tricked herself into turning around and "looking" at it before it came in.

It's just like those rumors. Turning back for no reason when walking in the middle of the night may make the dirty thing think that you can see it. Just because of this glance, it will follow you and never let you go.

Is this the reason for "Don't look back"?

The key is not to look back, but to... look.

"See" gave the monster access to the alley.

Xu Tingfang bit her lips tightly. She didn't know how long she could run. But at this moment, a huge, squirming shadow was reflected in the alley in front of her.

The monster is approaching! seems to be getting taller!

"Miss Xu...Miss Xu!"

The nerve-wracking call is just around the corner!

Xu Tingfang burst into tears. She ran forward in fear, trying her best, and her body was trembling with fear.

There were still some "frog eggs" hanging on the ground and on the walls of this alley. However, she had no time to avoid them. In the dim light, the huge shadow was about to touch her shadow, and she hurriedly moved again. Put some distance away, so scared that she kept screaming.

She knew screaming was useless, but she couldn't control her body's reaction.

What's even more terrifying is that the monster keeps making a sound calling itself.

People have this experience more or less, and suddenly they hear someone calling themselves.

When he turned around to look, he found that no one was there at all.

But the current situation frightens her more than the "illusions" in daily life, because she clearly knows that the monster calling her is very, very close to her!

Her feet stepped on the "frog eggs" on the ground, and the slimy touch made her feel particularly disgusting.

Because Xu Tingfang hadn't put on shoes yet.

Her shoes were taken off outside the library door.

Even though I'm wearing socks now, the feeling under my feet is much more real than stepping on these things while wearing shoes.

What should I do?

"Xu Tingfang...Xu Tingfang!!!"

The voice calling her from behind was completely distorted, and Shen Su's voice could not be heard at all.

It was like densely packed insects vibrating together, making a creepy "crawling" sound.

Xu Tingfang was sweating all over her back. She looked up in despair, how long was this alleyway?

However, at first glance, she was a little surprised and confused!

There are three different roads!

The one on the far left is spacious and clean.

The space in the middle is cramped and dirty.

The one on the far right is no different from the current lane below.

In this situation, Xu Tingfang made exactly the same choice as Luo Chengyou.

In fact, she, like Luo Chengyou, had no choice at all.

If she doesn't have enough physical strength, no matter whether she chooses left or right, she will be chased by monsters. Only the narrow alley in the middle can allow her to escape the monster's pursuit.

However, Xu Tingfang's face soon became extremely ugly.

Just like Luo Chengyou's previous experience, as she ran, she found that although the sound of pursuit behind her stopped, the alley in front of her... was getting narrower and narrower!

That's it, this lane is wide in front and narrow in back, and the entrance is already at its maximum!

History seems to be repeating itself. Xu Tingfang's choice is exactly the same as Luo Chengyou's, slowing down and delaying his progress as late as possible.

Her only advantage is that she doesn't have to worry about running into those "frog eggs" because she's already infected.

However, as time went on, the despair in Xu Tingfang's eyes became stronger and stronger.

No more...

If you go in again, you will definitely hit the wall.

Although "touching" refers to touching the wall with the hand, at this level of squeezing the body, the position of the hand cannot avoid the wall no matter what.

She could turn around and walk back now, but the sound of pursuit stopped, but the voice "calling" her name didn't stop at all.

"Xu Tingfang...Xu Tingfang!!!"

Dense and sharp, like insects crawling and trembling.

The distant sound coming into the alley reminded her all the time that the monster was blocking the entrance of the alley behind her.

Even if she turns around, she can't go back.

There is no way forward, and there are pursuers behind.

Now that I think about it... I have failed to live up to the help that Shen Kui and the professor came here to help.

The despair in Xu Tingfang's eyes seemed to have given birth to the maturity of the "frog eggs". They were squirming crazily at the moment, as if they were about to be "born"!

However, at this time, Xu Tingfang suddenly thought of Luo Chengyou.

Luo Chengyou's body appeared outside the alley.

In other words, if someone dies in an alley, their body will be "vomited" out, right?

In despair, her face showed a little confusion.

Slowly taking out his mobile phone and turning on the recording, Xu Tingfang clearly recorded the words that he had not had time to say into his mobile phone word by word.


She discovered the "lesion."

But no matter in the bathroom of the library or in the heavy fog when leaving the library, she had no time to tell Shen Kui and the others in detail. Time was too tight.

Now, she had enough time... to leave her last words.

One word, one sentence, Xu Tingfang told the location of the lesion and everything she found in the library. Tears fell silently. She crossed her fingers, held the phone in her palm, and held it tightly to her chest.

She had seen Luo Chengyou's body. Only in this way... would the phone have a chance to stay without being damaged.

After everything was done, Xu Tingfang stopped and stopped walking.

She looked up at the sky outside the alley, but she only saw a hazy sky.

Then...that's it.

She closed her eyes in relief, feeling a bit relieved after being suppressed to the limit.

She actively violated the rule of "can't stop walking".

The walls on both sides immediately squeezed in at this moment, squeezing her body into a creaking sound.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Tingfang lost his voice...

Thanks to Yuyouyuyou, Hua Qingli, Wei Lin, and Book Friends 2022 for the rewards!

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