Strange story player

Chapter 378 Outside Jiuqu Alley

The long, narrow and deep alleyway cannot be seen to the end at a glance.

A dim streetlight that lights up every ten meters or so provides light to the laneway.


Luo Chengyou's body fell between Shen Kuai and Xu Tingfang, making a muffled sound.

The two of them looked behind them, still seeing heavy fog and darkness.

They were all familiar with this situation. Just like when they needed to clear the personal area before, they would not be allowed to leave until they cleared the level.

"Mr. Chen Shi..."

Xu Tingfang shouted in a low voice.

However, Shen Su didn't even raise his head. He knelt down and carefully observed Luo Chengyou's body.

"Are we... going in?" She looked at the deep alley in front of her with some fear.

Shen Kui didn't want to answer this question, which was just nonsense. He focused all his attention on Luo Chengyou's body.

Soon, Shen Kui saw some clues.

There is no doubt that Luo Chengyou's death was tragic, but his death also revealed some information.

For example, he seemed to have been forcefully squeezed by something from both sides of his body, his shoulders collapsed and shattered, and his chest was folded vertically, like a mosquito that was swatted to death by clasped hands.

This kind of death situation, combined with Jiuqu Alley, makes it difficult for Shen Kui to suspect that Luo Chengyou was squeezed to death by this alley.

In other words, the width of this alley is not fixed, it will shrink.

Looking down, Shen Hu found some mucus on Luo Chengyou's hand. After a closer look, he recognized the mucus. It came from "frog eggs".

This phenomenon shows that Luo Chengyou came into contact with "frog eggs" before his death. But the strange thing is that his death had nothing to do with "frog eggs". He died cleanly, with no "frog eggs" attached to his neck.

I have obviously touched it, but I have not been infected...

Chen Kui narrowed his eyes slightly.

He stood up and looked at the rule cards.

[Instructions for travelers. 】

[Ahead, Jiuqu Lane in the sick village. 】

[Jiuqu Alley does not need to be disinfected, it is dangerous. 】

[When entering the Jiuqu Lane area, please strictly abide by the following rules. 】

【Don't touch the wall. 】

【Once you enter, you cannot stop. 】

【Do not look back. 】

[Find the correct road and leave the Jiuqu Lane area. 】

[There is no rest time in Jiuqu Lane, and you can reach the sick village nursing home through it. 】


There are not many rules in Jiuqu Alley.

Looking carefully, there are actually only three.

【Don't touch the wall. 】

【Once you enter, you cannot stop. 】

【Do not look back. 】

Shen Kui was not in a hurry to step into Jiuqu Alley. He stared at these three rules and thought about possible traps and ways to survive.

First, don't touch the wall.


Not touching?

Strictly speaking, touching is an active act, while touching can be passive.

Moreover, the meaning of touch is actually not vague. It specifically refers to "touching and stroking with hands."

Contact caused by any other part of the body cannot be called "touch".

In other words, just don't touch the wall with your hands.

But why?

You can’t touch the wall with your hands. What if other parts of your body touch it?

In Shen Kui's concept, if there is no prohibition, it is feasible.

Luo Chengyou's body made him think of a possibility. The rules stated "Don't touch the wall". Most players would subconsciously think that the wall cannot be touched because of this rule.

But Shen Kui just felt that he should touch it, as long as he didn't touch it with his hands.

Come to think of it, Luo Chengyou, like most people, subconsciously believes that walls cannot be touched.

As for the second rule.

[Once you enter, you can’t stop].

If the rules are from a human perspective, the meaning of "cannot stop" is probably that once stopped, extremely terrible consequences will occur.

But if the rules are from the ghost's point of view, the meaning of "can't stop" may mean that once you stop, you will discover the secret of this alley.

Not sure yet.

Shen Ku skipped this one, after all, it just asked the player not to stop.

And Shen Ku will never stop, he will go to the end.

As for Article 3.

Four simple and clear words, [Don’t look back].

This is very common and is found in folklore.

For example, there are three fires on a person's body, one on each shoulder and one on the top of the head. During the day, the yang energy is strong and the fire is strong, so evil spirits dare not approach. But at night, after the yang turns to yin, the fire on the person's body The three fires will also weaken.

Late at night, if you turn your head while walking, you will extinguish the Yang fire on your shoulders. When the Yang energy weakens, you will be easily haunted by evil spirits.

But in this alley, the meaning of "don't look back" is obviously not the same as in folklore.

Because it was still daytime when Luo Chengyou entered this alley.

It's a bit interesting. The rules of Jiuqu Lane are very ambiguous.

It's not like you're completely in the player's shoes.

Maybe the prohibition of turning back is to protect the players, but maybe it's to harm the players. For example, once you turn around, you can see the truth and discover the secrets of this alley.

Shen Mu subconsciously wanted to rub the pocket watch, but when it was empty, he suddenly realized that the pocket watch had been "given away".

"Miss Xu, I have..."

Shen Hu turned his head and was about to say something to Xu Tingfang, but found that there was nothing around him except a thick fog.

Where is she?

No fool would walk into the fog at this time. Could it be that he went in?

Shen Kui looked towards this alleyway.

I was really immersed in thinking just now. Has she already gone in?


【Don't touch the wall. 】

【Once you enter, you cannot stop. 】

【Do not look back. 】

Xu Tingfang memorized the three main taboos, but when she looked sideways, she suddenly realized that Shen Kui was missing!

"Mr. Shen?"

"Mr. Shen!"

Xu Tingfang panicked.

Could it be that Mr. Shen left me and went in first?



If we pursue him now, we should be able to catch up with Shen Kui!

You have to go in anyway. The rules of this sign say that as long as you clear Jiuqu Lane, you can directly reach the nursing home.

Xu Tingfang took another look at the rules, confirmed that he remembered correctly, and quickly rushed into Jiuqu Alley.


The moment she entered Jiuqu Alley, she felt the temperature drop suddenly.

But it's normal, after all, this village is full of weirdness.

She stabilized her mind and was about to continue running forward when she suddenly heard a shout from behind her:

"Miss Xu? Aren't you waiting for me?"

It's Shen Kui's voice!

Xu Tingfang stopped for a moment, but suddenly realized that he couldn't stop, so he quickly continued walking, and then replied: "Mr. Chen Shi! I didn't see you just now, I thought you had come in. Where did you go just now?"

"I went into the fog to pick up a scarf, didn't you see me?" Shen Su's voice was a little confused.

"Ah... I see, I'm sorry, I didn't notice," Xu Tingfang's heart skipped a beat, and she realized something was wrong.

Shen Su is not a person who picks up scarves.

"You come out first. There are still doubts about the rules, so don't be impulsive." Shen Mu said.

"But...I can't look back!" Xu Tingfang said.

"It doesn't matter. Looking back and turning around are two different things. Just don't turn your neck. Come back quickly. Fortunately, you haven't gone deep into the alley yet." Shen Ku continued.

Turn back and turn around?

Xu Tingfang's eyes lit up, maybe... we can give it a try?

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