Strange story player

Chapter 370 Already Infected

Shen Rui walked on the road to the sick village. Except for the fog that shrouded the periphery of the village, the fog in the entire village had no effect on him.

His expression was not as relaxed as before, but was extremely serious, an extremely rare seriousness.

He almost immediately threw away the handkerchief he had used when covering Xu Tingfang's mouth.

Xu Tingfang was completely unaware that she was about to die.

That woman told him all the contents of "Records of a Sick Village" in full, which was not much. If she remembered correctly, she must be crazy.

Because the location "Library" is not mentioned at all in "Records of a Sick Village".

But Xu Tingfang subconsciously told him that there were six locations.

She included the [Library] where she was, and her consciousness had been affected by some kind of existence, but she didn't know it yet...

Were the "frog eggs" on Xu Tingfang's face caused by touching that book?


Ten minutes ago.

Through communication with the "shopping guide", Shen Hui successfully stood at the entrance of the supermarket and cleared the supermarket area by "triggering the plot" without going in.

After clearing the customs, everything in the supermarket showed its true appearance to him.

The bloated rotting corpse standing at the checkout counter could be vaguely identified as a young lady.

In the store manager's office, there is a straight middle-aged store manager with only half a head left.

A shopping guide with a big hole in his abdomen and rotten organs falling to the floor.

The flashlight was inserted into the mouth, and the security guard lay with his head up in the corner, blood flowing all over the floor.

Everyone in this supermarket is dead.

Their deaths were extremely miserable, but they all had the same characteristic - the necks of all the corpses were covered with dense "frog egg"-like sticky particles.

Shen Rui entered the supermarket and walked among the rotting flesh and fishy smell. He didn't feel disgusted, he was just curious.

They are already dead. Who gave the person who just communicated with him and the state that seemed to be still alive?

He did not leave the supermarket immediately after clearing the personal area, but chose to continue exploring.

In Shen Kui's view, every action in this world is meaningful, even if a person scratches his face unconsciously, it is meaningful, because maybe that person did not notice that the skin is itching.

Therefore, [Tongjie] dispersed everyone and sent them to different places, which must have its meaning.

For example, only specific people in each area can "see" specific clues. This ability is not surprising in a sick village where the fog "specially displays" to players.

He was very careful. The whole supermarket was not big. The supermarket in the village was not that big. Shen Kui quickly visited the entire supermarket.

He did not find any corpses belonging to "customers" in the supermarket, except for four corpses that appeared to be those of the supermarket's original employees.

So, the clues should be on these people?

Those disgusting "frog eggs" are also on them.

His intuition told him that it was best not to touch those "frog eggs". They were probably the [poisons] mentioned in the rules that needed to be disinfected.

He casually picked up the plastic stick that fell next to the security guard, picked up the clothes of the security guard who had a flashlight stuck in his mouth, and roughly checked the things on him, but found no clues.

However, the state of his death made Shen Ku a little curious. This security guard was the only one among the supermarket staff who didn't look like he was killed by a ghost or monster. He looked more like he was killed by a "human".

Shen Kui stood up and walked towards the cashier lady and shopping guide lady whose corpses were completely decomposed.

Whether it was their work area or their bodies, Shen Kui still couldn't find any clues.

However, Shen Kui discovered that the "frog eggs" on these two people seemed to be still alive?

When I used a plastic stick to open the cashier's collar just now, the "frog eggs" on her neck were squirming slightly, trying to wrap around the plastic stick and crawl over.

Shen Kui immediately threw the plastic stick away and picked up a broom again.

The only place where there might be clues is in the store manager.

Entering the store manager's office, a strong stench almost made Shen Su unable to open his eyes. He frowned slightly, fanned the air in front of his nose, leaned in front of the store manager, and just used a broom to pick up the store manager's clothes. suddenly!

A long and thin black line shot towards his face!

Chen Shi's pupils shrank, and he quickly turned his head to avoid the black line!

The black thread fell to the ground, curling up quickly like a hair scorched by fire, shrinking into a small black dot in the blink of an eye, and became motionless.

Shen Zu stood there and looked sideways at the boss's body. Will he "die" if he leaves the host?

It seems that the strange stories in the sick village do come from some kind of "parasite".

Shen Su continued to move and opened the boss's clothes. After removing the layers of bloody clothes, a notebook rolled down from the boss's body and fell to the ground.

Shen Ku picked it up and saw that it was a ledger.

He threw the broom on the ground, picked up the accounting book, and left the supermarket, not planning to stay here for a long time.

No one knows how many "black parasites" the boss has on his body.

While walking, I looked through it and saw that this was indeed the supermarket's accounting book, recording what goods were sold today, how much was earned, and how much was spent.

All records look normal at first glance.

But... Shen Zu's eyes suddenly stopped on one of the pages.

[Damn, what a big loss. Which old man in the nursing home will buy the wine on credit? 】

[It’s so fucked, no one remembers it. 】

[I owe you a box of wine, drink it, you old dog! 】

The account book contains some complaints from the boss.

But more importantly, is the record of that day. An old man from the nursing home borrowed a box of wine on credit, but no one can remember who the old man was.

Everything about this thing is weird.

If one person can't remember, it can be said to be a memory problem, but if there are four people in the supermarket, the security guard, the cashier, the shopping guide and the boss, all of them can't remember, then it's obvious that something strange has happened.

Wine, the old man in the nursing home.

Shen Su kept these two points in mind. Now he looked back and thought, it seems that he didn't really see any drinks in the supermarket just now?


After putting the account books away, Shen Kui glanced around. The nearest building was the library diagonally ahead.

Is there a library in the village?

As expected, he is engaged in tourism.

So...will there be players there?

He walked leisurely, and after seeing the sign outside the library filled with rules, he knew that there was probably someone there.

Shen Kui glanced in the direction of the library. The door was closed, but the window at the back was open.

He thought for a moment and went directly through the window.

However, as soon as he entered the library, Shen Kui felt an extremely depressing and cold atmosphere.

Obviously I didn't see anything in the library, but it seemed like it was dark and crowded with people.

At this time, he suddenly heard some subtle movements.

Looking over attentively, he saw a figure.

Is it Xu Tingfang?

From his angle, he could see Xu Tingfang moving some books to the ground. However, when he saw Xu Tingfang's face, Shen Su's expression suddenly changed.

Scattered "frog eggs" were already lying on Xu Tingfang's neck, and there were even some "frog eggs" on her chin, almost to her lips!

Didn't she notice it herself?

Shen Ku walked to the wall behind her with slight steps, watching her movements.

Judging from her behavior, Xu Tingfang should still be human, but there are already sporadic "frog eggs" on her neck and chin!

Just like the corpses I saw in the supermarket just now...

Shen Su took out the handkerchief and looked at her, then... let's try to see if we can get those things off.

After Xu Tingfang came over, Shen Kui covered her mouth with a handkerchief, and when he let go, he quietly moved it up to her chin.

However... it was completely useless.

Those "frog eggs" were still on his chin and neck. He had tried very hard but still couldn't get them off.

After thinking for a short time, Shen Kui decided not to tell her this grim reality.

Not even wine.

If she wants to survive, she must clear this game as soon as possible and leave [Sick Village] before the "frog eggs" mature.

Thanks to Feiniaoqiong and Weilin for the reward.

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