Strange story player

Chapter 369 Strange remains

As soon as he opened his mouth, he reminded Xu Tingfang.

She quickly said: "It's written in books, the ones on the bookshelves..."

As she spoke, she pointed at the bookshelf.

However, the sound stopped suddenly.

Xu Tingfang's eyes slowly opened wide, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief. All the books on the bookshelf... had changed!

Various colors, various names, various sizes...

How can it be?

Her unbelievable look made Chen Mu's eyes change slightly, but he didn't say anything, but his eyes were a little weird.

However, Xu Tingfang, who was in shock, did not notice this strangeness.

"What's wrong?" Shen Ku asked.

Xu Tingfang was a little creeped out. She subconsciously grabbed Shen Su's wrist and whispered: "Just now... there was only one book in the entire library. It was called "Records of the Sick Village". I remember the black cover very clearly! "

"Tell me the content."

Shen Kui lowered his head and glanced at Xu Tingfang's hand. He didn't pull away, but just raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's very short, only a few pages, describing the process of mutation in the sick village, from the perspective of a survivor..."

With Shen Ku around, Xu Tingfang calmed down somewhat. Although Shen Ku's reputation wasn't very good, humans were of course more reliable than ghosts.

Xu Tingfang carefully described everything she had just seen. At the end of the sentence, she suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked: "You should have seen it too, right? When those four books flew up, they had black covers, right?" "

However, Shen Kui shook his head: "No, if they were all the same books, I would have read them long ago."

Shen Ku denied what she said.

He thought again about the story Xu Tingfang told just now. If what Xu Tingfang told was true, then the world view of [Sick Village] might be more interesting than imagined.

"Could it be...that our eyes have been manipulated? Is everything we see an illusion?" Xu Tingfang said in a daze.

Just now, Shen Kui said that the fog in front of her eyes disappeared after she cleared the level. However, in her eyes, the fog shrouding the library area did not disappear.

Now a similar situation happened again. Just now, in my eyes, all the books looked exactly the same, but after Shen Kui came, all the books turned into normal books. Even the "Records of the Sick Village" could not be found. .

She had to wonder, in this [Sick Village], did every player see something completely different?

"The idea is great, but it's missing." Shen Kui smiled and walked towards the bookshelf.

"What...what are you going to do?"

Xu Tingfang asked.

"Since there are six locations, I think each place has its role. What do you think the library can be used for?"

As Shen Kui spoke, he had already walked towards the bookshelf at the door, and Xu Tingfang quickly followed.

To this day, she still finds it incomprehensible. Why was "Records of a Sick Village" only shown to me? Didn't let Shen Zu see it?

After contacting Shen Kui, she couldn't even see the book. Fortunately, she had already read it.

While she was thinking about it, Shen Kui was already searching slowly beside the bookshelf at the entrance of the library.

"Here it is..."

he said.

Xu Tingfang followed Shen Su's gaze and saw that it was... a map? !

"Is this a map of Sick Village?" Xu Tingfang asked hesitantly.

"Don't forget, in the opening statement we are here for a three-day trip. This village sells travel, so how could it not have a map?"

"In places like attraction libraries, maps and guides of current attractions are usually placed at the entrance." He said casually, as if it was a very common thing.

Xu Tingfang tried her best to follow his train of thought, but she still didn't understand what Shen Su wanted to do by looking for a map.

At this time, Shen Shi said: "You said that in the "Records of Sick Villages" you saw, there were six special places mentioned, including medical stations, nursing homes, Jiuqu Lane, libraries, public toilets, and supermarkets. I want to see them. Look at their spatial location.”

Shen Su moved his fingers slowly along the spread map. After confirming six points, he smiled: "Look, there are five points on one side, connect them with straight lines, and it happens to be a five-pointed star, and This area in the middle..."

Xu Tingfang's eyes widened and she whispered: "Nursing home!"

"Based on the story you saw, everything started in a nursing home. If you want to end it, it should also be in a nursing home." After Shen Su finished speaking, he started to walk out of the library.

Xu Tingfang grabbed him and asked fearfully: "Where are you going?"

"Of course it's a nursing home, what else?" Shen Kui turned his head slightly and asked.

"But...but, I can't leave yet..." Xu Tingfang stammered.

Shen Su looked at her doubtfully: "What does it have to do with me?"

Xu Tingfang's face turned pale, and her hand loosened her grip on his sleeve.

Yes...yes...he is a person who has cleared the personal area. There are no restrictions on him in other areas. Although there are still weird things in the library area, it will not prevent him from leaving.

I really had superfluous expectations.

It's not a disappointment, just a bit self-deprecating.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard a voice: "I have read the rules outside."

Xu Tingfang looked up blankly and saw Shen Zu, who had turned around.

His voice was not loud but clear: "The library area is not difficult. You can leave as soon as you find the administrator."

"There is a way for you to leave the library area immediately, but... I hope you can look for the so-called lesion. I am very curious about that thing."

Chen Ku turned his head and smiled brightly.

He came close to Xu Tingfang's ear and whispered something. Xu Tingfang's face gradually showed a look of realization, yes...why am I so stupid!

It turns out there is a way!

"If you are scared, you can come out immediately and no one will blame you. If you want to continue looking for the disease, then... I will respect you." Shen Kui turned his back and left.

Outside the library, he stopped again and said something meaningless:

"Do not be afraid."

Xu Tingfang was so moved by his words that the fear in her heart was immediately dispelled.

More importantly, Shen Kui told her how to leave the library area almost immediately, which gave her the confidence to continue exploring.

Moreover, what Shen Kui said makes sense. Since everyone was sent to a different area, it is very likely that only that person can see certain phenomena in that area, such as the book titled "Records of the Sick Village" book of.

Another example is lesions. What if only I can see the lesions in the library area?

And the lesions are likely to be key clues...

This is not only for everyone, but also for myself to leave this [sick village] alive.

After thinking about this, Xu Tingfang had made up her mind and turned around and walked towards the library.

She had to search carefully... what the so-called lesions were and where they were.

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