Strange story player

Chapter 211 Bewitched

"Are you... from outside?"

Qin Manjiang was startled by Li's question.

"Yes, I am the newly hired caregiver and will be responsible for taking care of you starting from today."

"That's not what I'm asking," Liliang looked directly at him, "Are you... from the outside world?"

Qin Manjiang was startled, and Li's eyes gave Qin Manjiang goosebumps all over his body.

"I don't understand what you mean." Qin Manjiang chose to play dumb.

Li looked at him deeply, put down the book in her hand, lay on the hospital bed, and said, "It was not a hallucination just now."

This sentence finally made Qin Manjiang frown.

In fact, he had been looking for an opportunity to ask her about the finger marks on her neck, but he didn't expect that she would take the initiative to mention it.

"Just now..."

"My consciousness has entered your body." Li lay on the bed and looked at Qin Manjiang.


"Me." Li's pupils were dull, but her tone was firm, "Self-awareness is just a different perspective of experiencing the same substance. I can be you, and you can be me."

Li's words made Qin Manjiang freeze up.

"Everyone you have ever met, everyone you will meet in the future, is you."

“Every interaction, every experience, good or bad, is a message you leave to yourself.”

"As a human being, you exist in a physical body and brain."

"But...this isn't the real you."

Li's words were like a huge whirlpool, pulling Qin Manjiang's consciousness downwards. He knew there was something wrong with these words, but he couldn't resist its magic.

"'I' is just a collection of memories. It is not your essence. You have not yet noticed the real you. Therefore, I can use my memory to temporarily control your body and let you become me."

"I can also peel off your memories, integrate them into my consciousness, and experience everything I have experienced."

"Just like before."

Li turned her head and stopped talking.

Qin Manjiang was made dizzy by what she said. At this time, Li suddenly said:

"You can go to the main building. That's her territory. There are things you need."

Qin Manjiang looked at her and felt a sudden pain in his waist!


It's the doll pinching me.

What happened to it?

Qin Manjiang believed in the doll that looked exactly like him more than this woman. He said, "Okay, I believe you, I will go to the main building now."

After saying that, he turned and left the ward.

The sound of leaving footsteps and the sound of the door closing sounded. Li turned around and looked at the door with cold eyes. However, when she saw the person at the door, her expression froze...

Qin Manjiang didn't leave at all!

He just made the sound of leaving footsteps, then opened and closed the door!

He just stood at the door and looked at Li with an apologetic look: "Sorry, the wind was too strong. Just as I was about to leave, the wind blew the door shut again and I didn't have time."

Li's face was stiff. She didn't expect that this person would have the courage to play this trick with her.

He didn't get dizzy by the previous rhetoric, and he still had the thought to dig a hole for himself.

"Open the skylight and speak frankly. I don't know whether you are a human or a ghost, but you must have abilities that are different from ordinary people. However, your makeup doesn't look like you. In that seemingly illusory scene, I was haunted by a ghost. He grabbed his neck, I remember it was with two hands, they were slippery and greasy, like a catfish with long fingers, it was disgusting.”

"But there are only finger marks on your left hand on your neck. Next time you want to deceive someone, can you do a full show?"

Qin Manjiang walked to the ward and said to Li condescendingly.

Li looked at him expressionlessly and said: "Most people, after experiencing death and hearing what I said just now, will only obey my words."

"I underestimated you."

Qin Manjiang raised his eyebrows: "Bah! What's so disrespectful? You didn't look at me at all, Miss Li?"

Qin Manjiang kept a distance from her: "I don't care if you are a human or a ghost, but I know that this is what you want, right?"

He raised his hand, took out the medical record sheet, and shook it.

Li's eyes, which had almost never fluctuated, were shaking violently at this moment.

"Look, you're here again. Although your eyes are dull, I'm too sensitive and I can totally feel you staring at something on me." Qin Manjiang glanced at the medical record in his hand. Said: "Is this important to you?"

Qin Manjiang asked curiously.

In fact, he was lying to Li. He didn't feel that Li was staring at the medical record, but he noticed it.

He didn't hide it when he came in with the medical record. However, he had such a bright thing in his hand, but Li turned a blind eye?

This was not a normal behavior at all. She even looked at him from beginning to end, but she just glanced at the medical record in her hand.

This is a typical example of her trying to hide her concern in order to avoid being discovered.

"How about this, let's make a deal?" Qin Manjiang looked at her, "How about you provide me with information, and after I find useful clues, I will give this to you?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Manjiang's waist was pinched again.

Li was silent for a long time. This time, she did not hide her desire for the medical records.

"I kid you not, she won't be here tonight, but what you in her building."

"The building we came to just now?"



Qin Manjiang nodded, folded the medical record, put it in his pocket, and patted it again.

"Don't worry, as long as I come back alive, I will definitely give this to you."

After saying that, without waiting for Li's answer, he opened the door and ran away quickly.

As soon as Qin Manjiang left, the flesh and blood on the bed began to surge. She gritted her teeth, as if there were insects crawling under her skin, and a suppressed growl came from her throat: "I want to leave..."

"It's time to change someone..."



"You're still pinching me!"

After leaving the third ward, Qin Manjiang took out the doll and threatened in a low voice: "If you pinch me secretly again, I will throw you away!"

Of course, the doll couldn't speak. It could only express its attitude through actions. It jumped up, followed Qin Manjiang's nurse uniform, climbed to his right shoulder, and grabbed his hair tightly.

This time, Qin Manjiang didn't stop him.

It's good to have this thing, otherwise... I would be too scared to move alone and would not dare to enter the main building again.

Speaking of the main building, others should have left the main building and gone to their respective wards to find their respective patients, right?

Under the moonlight, Qin Manjiang stood on the concrete floor between the hospital buildings, looking around.

It's so quiet... so quiet that one can't help but think.

The night breeze that shuttled between the buildings made Qin Manjiang couldn't help but shiver.

Not cold... but scared.

At that moment, he actually had the illusion that... the entire Ping An Hospital was a "living thing". The wind coming and going was like the buildings breathing.

Qin Manjiang subconsciously looked outside the high courtyard wall.

Where is this hospital? It was completely dark outside and nothing could be seen.

Is it in the deep mountains and old forests?

And that pear, even if she is not a ghost, she is definitely not an ordinary mental patient. What kind of existence is she?

What does this medical record mean to her?

While thinking, Qin Manjiang had arrived in front of the main building.

Looking up, Qin Manjiang suppressed the fear in his heart, squeezed the doll hard, and whispered:

"Remember to cover me, you..."

The third update is here! Thanks to Xia Qiu for not coughing, Sui Qingqing, and Crimson for the reward!

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