Strange story player

Chapter 210 Continuous Words

Ward No. 5, top floor.

Xinxin stood at the top of the stairs and stopped. A sound of piano gently entered her ears in the night. It was the sound of a violin... The sound was sobful and sad, gentle and heart-wrenching. Although it was elegant, it was more sentimental.

Xinxin was suddenly in a trance, and she subconsciously walked towards the ward where the music was playing, right here...Patient No. 5, the necrophiliac - Lian Yan.

Standing outside the door, looking in through the window on the door, I saw that the lights were not turned on, but the curtains were opened.

A man stood by the window, and the pale moonlight slanted through the window, falling on a slender man and the violin he was playing.

In the darkness, the violin was covered with a silvery glow by the moon, its protruding belly shone with light, and the sunken waist, strings, and bow in his right hand were all coated with a moon-white outline. .

He is...Lian Yan?

Xinxin was carried away by the sound of his piano, and she had completely forgotten that she was in an extremely terrifying hospital.

When he came to his senses again, the lights in the ward had been turned on.

A man with half-length broken hair came to the door and opened the door for her with his own hands.


The man stood calmly at the door, staring at Xinxin.

Only then did Xinxin notice that he was so close to her! If he had malicious intentions, he would have been in trouble just now...

She quickly pulled away and looked up at him.

"Are you Lian Yan?"

Xinxin asked.

In fact, when she saw this face, Xinxin was already sure that he was Lian Yan. She had seen his photo on the medical record.

However, seeing it with your own eyes is another matter. This Lian Yan is indeed very good-looking. In terms of appearance, the only one who can compare with him is Mei Sijun.

However, he and Mei Sijun are not of the same type of good-looking. Mei Sijun is "beauty" that transcends gender, and this sentence almost reaches the ultimate male handsomeness.

Lian Yan seemed to be aware of Xinxin's probing gaze, but he just nodded and pointed to the sign on his left chest, which indeed had his name written on it - Lian Yan.

This was Xinxin's first time looking at a strange man at such a close distance.

Lian Yan's eyes almost made her lose consciousness. They were a pair of charming eyes, very deep, so deep that she couldn't see the bottom. At the same time, these eyes were very clear, as clear as a newborn baby, without any impurities. .

"come in."

He stepped aside and said to Xinxin.

Xinxin subconsciously did as he said, and she didn't regret it until she entered the ward.

Why should I listen to a mentally ill person? He is a necrophiliac! What if he suddenly kills me?

However, Lian Yan didn't do anything. He just walked over and quietly put the violin into the case. He seemed a little apologetic and said:

"Sorry, there is nothing here to entertain you."

"I tried my best to comply with her request, and the biggest reward I got was this piano."

Xinxin looked around cautiously, and after hearing what he said, she asked, "She?"

"Except for the patients, she is the only one in the whole hospital." Lian Yan smiled, "You should have seen her before."

Is he talking about that head nurse Liu?

Xinxin realized.

"Why is there only Nurse Liu in the whole hospital besides you?" Xinxin said.

"Is she the head nurse this time..." Lian Yan suddenly said to himself.

Xinxin's heart skipped a beat, and there was something obviously wrong with Lian Yan's words.

"What did you mean by what you just said?" she asked, "Has she had another identity?"

Lian Yan stared at her and was silent for a long time.

When Xinxin could no longer bear it, he suddenly asked: "Do you believe I am a mental patient?"

Xinxin's heart skipped a beat when she saw Lian Yan walking towards the window, looking out the dark window and saying, "I guess I believe it. Humans are good at preconceptions. The information they receive first will gain more trust."

"She told you that we are patients, but in your opinion, who is more suspicious?" Lian Yan suddenly turned to look at her.

Xinxin was asked by his words and immediately thought of the strange behavior of Nurse Liu just now.

She had clearly left the main building, but she reappeared in an instant when the lights dimmed, and then scratched Wen Liangsheng's shoulder with blood. The whole state... was indeed not like a normal person.

"So you want to say that you are a normal person and she is a persecutor who locked you in a mental hospital?" Xinxin asked.

Without waiting for a reply, Xinxin continued: "Next, you probably want me to help you escape from this hospital?"

Xinxin has seen this kind of routine a lot. Although she is indeed doubtful about the identity of Head Nurse Liu, she will never rashly believe in the other just because she doubts one of them.

However, Lian Yan's answer completely exceeded her expectations.

"Escape? I can't escape," Lian Yan's deep pupils were filled with sadness. He looked at Xinxin seriously and said, "This world exists because of her. Ping An Hospital is the center of this world. I can't escape." , I have my own destiny, in this game, I will always be a necrophile, a... mental patient worthy of suspicion."

Xinxin's pupils tightened, what was he talking about?

This run-on?

Did he mention the game?

How can it be?

The "NPCs" in the Kaitan game who don't know whether they are humans or ghosts actually know that this is a game? !

Lian Yan's words almost caused Xinxin's brain to shut down for a moment. She had thought about many of Lian Yan's words, and she was already prepared to resist his rhetoric.

However, she never expected that this handsome necrophile would say such astonishing words...

He even touched on the core of the question that ten players have been investigating: "What is the Kaitan Game?"

"Is it weird?" Lian Yan looked at Xinxin, seeming to see her shock, and said calmly: "I have seen many people like you, who suddenly came from outside the world and came here with only six patients. A world of doctors. Oh... by the way, she is the head nurse this time."

Xinxin was completely shocked.

She stared at Lian Yan: "You mean, this is an independent world?"

Lian Yan opened his mouth and was about to speak, but his expression suddenly changed slightly. He put his finger in the center of his lips and made a silencing gesture to Xinxin.

Soon... Xinxin heard footsteps in the corridor outside.

Here we come, the ward inspectors are here!

"Give me the medical record..."

Lian Yan said suddenly.

Xinxin was startled, the footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Lian Yan's handsome face showed an anxious look: "It's almost too late! Give me the medical record. When she comes over and sees you, I will have to attack you!"

"Why do you want to……"

Xinxin was about to ask, but suddenly realized that if everything Lian Yan said was true, then his identity in this world was that of a necrophiliac, a complete mental patient.

The logic of all his actions must be based on the framework of a necrophilic psychopath. If the footsteps outside are "supervisors", then in order to cover up his "abnormality", Lian Yan must behave as a normal necrophiliac psychopath. What patients can do——

Turn living people into corpses.

But... Xinxin vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Could what Lian Yan said be true?

The second update is coming!

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