Strange story player

Chapter 208 Which one is true and which one is false?

how so……

The fingers in front of him were extraordinarily slender, the skin was much whiter, and even...even the clothes had changed.

He was no longer wearing a white nurse uniform, but a blue and white hospital gown.

Is the thing still there?

Qin Manjiang hurriedly touched his pockets. His mobile phone and dolls were all still there... He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But why is this happening?

Why did I become a "pear"?

I took out my phone and looked at the time. It was already half past ten.

Head nurse Liu said that she would have someone come to check the ward at 10:30, and they should be here soon.

Qin Manjiang took advantage of this moment to quickly glance at the ward.

Except for a bed, there was no other furniture. The space was quite large, but it was empty. Many hideous scratch marks could be seen on the wall, and there were faint traces of blood.

The air was filled with the smell of disinfectant, and some domestic garbage was thrown in the corner of the ground, which had not been cleaned up.

Being locked up in a place like this for a long time would drive even a normal person crazy.

At this moment, Qin Manjiang suddenly felt a chill.

He took the doll out of his pocket and took a look. The thing actually put its hand back into the pocket of its white coat, and its expression returned to a smile. It was actually pretending to be dead!'s a pretend doll!

Is a ghost coming?

Forget it... No matter what comes, now we can only take one step at a time.

Since I am a "pear" now, I will do what a "pear" should do.

At this thought, Qin Manjiang first turned off the lights in the ward, then turned on the bed, lifted up the quilt and covered himself tightly.

Unless you are a ghost who is afraid of light according to the rules, there is not much difference between turning the lights on and off except for psychological comfort.

However, this ward was the only one with lights on in the entire Ward No. 3. No matter what it was that was found, it was too obvious. Qin Manjiang thought it would be better to cause some trouble for it.

At this time, footsteps appeared in the dark corridor.

"Ding - Ding -"

This sound is... is this the sound of high heels?

its not right……

Qin Manjiang's heart began to beat. How could any nurse wear high heels to work?

Sure enough, when he lifted a corner of the quilt and secretly looked toward the window on the door, he saw a vague outline of a human face in the darkness close to the glass of the window, looking toward the hospital bed.

Qin Manjiang's heart was pounding, who? Is it a human or a ghost...

It was too frightening for a person to perform such a task. He quietly paid attention to the movements of the thing at the door, while holding on to the doll tightly under the quilt. If the thing outside the door was really a ghost, then he could just cover it up and see. See if you can eliminate one of its abilities.

But soon...Qin Manjiang started to sweat.

not human……

That thing is definitely not a human!


Because it opens the door.

In the darkness, Qin Manjiang secretly looked at it in horror. Its body was twisted very badly, like a snake standing upright!

This strange thing slowly "paced" to his bed and stopped.

Am I a "pear" now?

It should be sent by Head Nurse Liu to check the ward, right?

What on earth did Head Nurse Liu send here?

Strong fear surged into Qin Manjiang's heart.

But at this moment, this upright and twisted figure suddenly "bent down" and put his face to the edge of the bed.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

The bone-chilling breath slowly penetrated into Qin Manjiang's neck through the gaps in the quilt.

Qin Manjiang had not dared to move for a long time. He even closed his eyes. He could not let this thing find out that he was secretly looking at it.

However, even though he closed his eyes, Qin Manjiang could still feel that "it" was looking at him.

The human body is very strange. Usually when someone is looking at it, there will be some intuitive feelings. When that feeling occurs, humans can hardly resist the urge to look. Qin Manjiang is like that at this moment.

He clearly knew that an unknown twisted human figure was standing beside the bed, and even bent down and put his face close to the edge of the bed, but he could only pretend to sleep.

The strong strangeness and uneasiness made Qin Manjiang's breathing unnatural, and his heart beating faster. If he waited a little longer, he might almost jump out of his throat.

Qin Manjiang closed his eyes and did not dare to put down a gap in the quilt that he had lifted up. At this moment, he could not move at all and could only let the upper part of his nose be exposed outside the quilt.

But he could feel it again...that ghost thing was getting closer and closer.

What does it want to do?

Is it a human or a ghost? Why haven't you left yet?

At this moment, the twisted human figure in the darkness beside the bed suddenly stretched out his hand and lifted the quilt!


Qin Manjiang was shocked. Did he realize that I was not a "pear"?

He didn't have time to think about it. He turned over almost instinctively. The moment the quilt was lifted, he hooked it back with his foot and threw it at the twisted creature beside the bed who didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost. On the shadow body.

Taking advantage of the moment when it was covered, Qin Manjiang got out of bed and rushed out of the ward!

However, a smooth arm quickly stretched out and wrapped around his neck in an instant.

In just a moment, Qin Manjiang felt the terrifying power that he could not resist!

This is definitely not human...

The next moment, in the dark ward, there was only a "click-" sound.

Qin Manjiang's neck was broken.


An emaciated corpse fell to the ground, with its eyes open, darkness reflected in the pupils, and no signs of life at all.

But at this moment, Qin Manjiang, who had just died, suddenly opened his eyes!

At this moment, he was standing at the door of the ward. The door was open and the lights were on. A thin girl was leaning on the hospital bed, her thin arms were outside, holding a book, and she was looking at him blankly. .

what's the situation? !

Is she the pear?

Qin Manjiang immediately lowered his head and looked at his hand. This is... my hand.

Was everything just an illusion?

However, Qin Manjiang still felt sick when he recalled the feeling of those smooth hands wrapping around his neck, and the memory was particularly clear and profound.

He took out his phone and looked at the time, 10:28 pm.

It’s not even half past ten yet. Is this really an illusion? !

It's unbelievable...

Is that girl on the bed the real pear?

It stands to reason that she has double syndrome and always imagines that there is someone who will disguise herself in various ways to kill her. She is very aggressive. If a stranger suddenly opens the door to the ward, she should rush over and attack. That's right...

But why is she so calm?

After opening the door, Li only glanced at him blankly, then withdrew her gaze and continued reading her book.

"Are you a pear?"

No matter what happened just now was an illusion or something else, all Qin Manjiang can do now is to take care of her like the head nurse Liu said.

Li Li on the hospital bed did not answer. However, when Qin Manjiang saw her neck, his pupils suddenly shrank——

There was a black and blue fingerprint on Li's neck.

At this time, familiar footsteps came from the corridor——



High heels again?

It was that voice just now!

This voice also made Li tremble. She turned to look at Qin Manjiang and said, "Come here and let me attack you."

It was an extremely strange request, and what was even more strange was her expression, which was filled with fear, helplessness, and... a bit of pleading.

Qin Manjiang stared at the fingerprints on her neck, the sound of high heels getting closer and closer...




A twisted figure walked towards the ward in the dim corridor. In the dim light of the green LED footlight, a pair of squirming "legs" were slowly approaching.

Then... stopped at the door.

"Madman! Let me go!"

In the ward, Qin Manjiang cursed loudly, while Li bit his left arm and refused to let go.

Qin Manjiang pinched her chin with his right hand, struggled for a while, and finally broke away from the pear's bite.

After seeing all this in the ward, the twisted figure at the door shook strangely and slowly turned into a human form.

Qin Manjiang seemed to have heard the movement, turned to look at the door, and said unexpectedly: "Mr. Liu? Are you here in person?"

At the door, a stiff, fat smiling face appeared on Nurse Liu: "Watch her at night."

After finishing speaking, Head Nurse Liu's pupils suddenly and strangely parted to both sides, as if they were looking at Qin Manjiang and Li respectively. This strange scene made Qin Manjiang suddenly sweat on his back.


The door is closed.

The sound of high heels sounded again, and Nurse Liu left.

Qin Manjiang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally... escaped the disaster for the time being.

At this time, Li on the hospital bed suddenly asked:

"Are you... from outside?"

There is only one update tonight, and I will give you three updates tomorrow. I have something urgent to deal with. Regarding comic book revisions (not this book), I have suffered a lot lately, which is quite annoying.

Thanks to dragonconan, book friend 2022, book friend 1605, Gugubugugugu, Qingshan village master, and night owl for the reward, thank you all, and good night.

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