Strange story player

Chapter 207 Living Doll

Through the LED light, Qin Manjiang clearly saw that the doll he was holding tightly in his hand - [me], moved!

There was a buzzing in his head - his scalp was numb.

A ghost has taken over this doll?

No way... Although it seems useless, it is a permanent prop produced by Kaitan Game. Will it be possessed by ghosts?

Just then, something even weirder happened! The doll [me] suddenly jumped on top of Qin Manjiang's head and grabbed Qin Manjiang's hair!

" hurts!"

Qin Manjiang grabbed it and tried to pull it off, but this thing just grabbed his hair and wouldn't let go. If he pulled hard, a lot of hair would be pulled off. He didn't want to be bald for no reason.

How could this happen... In the description of the permanent item's ability, it didn't say that the doll could move?

Does it move in the first place?

But what does it mean? What do you want to do?

At this time, Qin Manjiang had also come to his senses. If this doll was possessed by a ghost, the moment it pulled his hair just now would not only hurt him, but it might even tear off a piece of his scalp.

It should be trying to express something...but pulling your hair, who can understand?

Wait, is it guiding the direction?

After Qin Manjiang calmed down, he felt the thing grabbing his hair and pulling it, and kept pushing hard to the left. It seemed to want him to turn left?

I'm not a horse... He was muttering in his heart and couldn't help but ask: "You want me to turn left?"

The force pulling the hair on the top of his head became lighter instantly. Qin Manjiang was startled. This doll could really understand human speech?

He tried to gently take down the doll that jumped on his head and grabbed his hair. This time, the doll let go.

Qin Manjiang put it in the palm of his hand. It was only as big as a fist. He was wearing a white coat and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He had put his hand in his pocket before, but now he took it out. His eyes were bent with a smile before. He opened it and looked up at Qin Manjiang without blinking.

it's wired……

This guy really looks exactly like me except that his image is more cartoonish. Isn't it alive?

Even in this weird environment, Qin Manjiang couldn't help but poke it.

The face is soft, gelatinous, but not so elastic, and warm. This is basically skin...

However, the next moment, Qin Manjiang was bitten.

This little doll that looked exactly like me opened his mouth and bit the index finger that was poking it in the face!

"Hiss... let go! I won't poke you anymore!" Qin Manjiang immediately admitted his mistake, "Let go. I know you are alive. Go to the left. Let's go to the left now!"

After repeatedly promising to go to the left, the little doll relaxed.

Qin Manjiang rubbed his fingers, and there was saliva on this thing!

It’s so alive!

But why is it an ordinary doll in the real world?

Qin Manjiang has played with it many times during his free time. Although it doesn't feel like a puppet or gelatin, it doesn't feel like human skin at all.

Why does it come alive as soon as it enters the world of ghost stories...

He thought for a moment, put the doll in his pocket, and decided to look to the left.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a few steps to the left, he stepped on something.


The harsh sound was particularly obvious in the silent corridor.

Qin Manjiang looked down and saw... this was a plastic bag? In this kind of lighting environment, if you hadn't stepped on it, who would have noticed that there is a plastic bag here?

He picked it up and looked at it. The color of the plastic bag could not be seen under the green LED light. It was empty. He picked it up and smelled it. Qin Manjiang frowned.

It tastes like meat.

It smells like meat, and it's meat with blood.

In the past, when buying pork in the countryside, you would either hang it on a string and carry it back, or you would cut it and put it in a plastic bag and carry it back. The plastic bag that had contained the pork had this smell.

There is a smell of blood mixed with the smell of raw meat, and the smell of some low-quality plastic bags...

Is there anyone visiting the sick in this place with raw pork?

Qin Manjiang couldn't understand it, but after thinking about it, he folded up the plastic bag that exuded a strange smell and put it into the pocket of the nurse's uniform.

He became even more vigilant. It was unlikely that someone in a mental hospital would bring raw meat to see a patient. Could it be that he was carrying raw meat out?

By the way, is the doll reminding me to pay attention to this pocket?

At this moment, he felt his shoulders sink, and turned around to see that the doll he had just put into his pocket climbed out again on its own! And she sat down on his shoulder, grabbed a piece of his hair, and turned around to look around.

This thing...

Qin Manjiang stared at it for a while, until it turned around and looked up at Qin Manjiang with an ignorant expression on its face.

"You still have the function of a police dog... Then just stay outside. When you meet someone, pretend to be a doll and don't move."

Qin Manjiang accepted it quickly, but he didn't want others to know the "abnormality" of his permanent props.

After all, he had never heard of a "living" permanent prop until now.

Having said that, why didn't it behave abnormally in [Candy Game]?

Could it be that... its mutation is related to the overall stage change of the Kaitan game?

Qin Manjiang's imagination is wide open. Isn't it possible that all the players' permanent props are alive...

Seeing this "Q version" of himself looking around ignorantly, the fear in Qin Manjiang's heart disappeared a lot.

Well, even if you are of no use, as long as you are alive, it would be better if you could accompany me.

Qin Manjiang breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he didn't act alone, everything would be easy.

He quickly took a look at the time and saw that it was already 10:30 in less than ten minutes. He hurried to the third floor to find "Pear". The head nurse Liu said that she would arrange for someone to come for ward rounds, but no one showed up at 10:30. Expelled.

When the time comes to be kicked out of this hospital, there is a high probability that he will be directly wiped out from the game.

Qin Manjiang identified the direction, found the stairs and continued to climb up. When he reached the second floor, although he did not go in, there was a strange airflow in the corridor on the second floor that made him shiver all over. He was so cold that he immediately trembled. Shivering, I didn't dare to stop and continued going up, and finally reached the third floor.

Are the pears there?

Qin Manjiang stood at the entrance of the stairs and looked towards the corridor with only green LED lights. The only one with some light leaking from under the door was the one in the middle of the corridor.

On the entire third floor, that was the only ward with lights on.

Pear's ward.

Qin Manjiang picked [me] up from his shoulders and said to it: "I'm going to see something that I don't know whether it's a human or a ghost. If she's a ghost, you just crawl over and there's no need to hide it. If she's a human, Just pretend to be dead in my pocket and don’t move.”

"Remember?" Qin Manjiang said to it seriously.

The doll is obviously wearing a scholar's white coat, but its cartoon image and confused eyes always make Qin Manjiang feel that it has no intelligence.

After waiting for a long time, Qin Manjiang didn't see it nodding or shaking its head, so he could only stuff it into his pocket.

I don’t know if this doll understands it.

Taking a slow breath, Qin Manjiang tiptoed toward the only brightly lit ward.

This ward... the door is reinforced with steel, and there are still many traces of knife and axe-cutting. That "pear" has a strong tendency to violence...

So how do I get in?

Qin Manjiang had just turned this thought in his mind, when suddenly...

This door actually opened by itself? !

Qin Manjiang looked confused. At this moment, the doll in his pocket immediately crawled out and pinched Qin Manjiang's arm hard.

But before Qin Manjiang could react, a huge suction force suddenly came from the ward!

He was sucked in while he was crawling on the ground!

The next moment... all the lights in the third ward were on. Qin Manjiang subconsciously picked up the stool at hand and was about to defend himself, but found that the ward... was empty.

what happened?

The dark ward was completely bright at this moment, and there were no patients in the ward at all!

However, at this moment, Qin Manjiang suddenly saw a name light up on the LED screen on the door of his ward——

Pear, has moved in.

A strong sense of strangeness suddenly hit his face. Qin Manjiang lowered his head and looked at his hands, wait...

I... am a pear? !

Thanks to Night Owl, Book Friends 2019, Book Friends 2022, Book Friends 20221023, and Book Friends 20220917 for the rewards!

The second update is coming!

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