Strange story player

Chapter 188 Boss Lin Ci

[Ghost Story: Candy Game. 】

【Customs cleared. 】

[Player: player. Reward for obtaining spiritual pupil: fifteen. 】

[Player: Yuyu. Reward for obtaining spiritual pupil: twenty-five. 】

[Player: White Sandalwood. Reward for obtaining spiritual pupil: fifteen. 】

[Player: Abyss. Reward for obtaining spiritual pupil: fifty. 】

[Unallocated spiritual pupil points: ten. 】


Outside the Blue Bay Villa area, there was a heavy rain. The reward this time was beyond Qin Manjiang's expectation.

However, this is also the first time he has participated in the game after regaining complete control of his body.

Moreover, he almost solved the strange story this time alone, without consulting anyone, and even the clues were "seen" by himself.

This allowed the [Challenge Mode], which had already wiped out other players, to be cracked before the third round started.

Thinking about it this way, the reward of fifty spiritual pupils is understandable.'s so fast. I got so much in one go. If I do it a few more times, will I become the chief?

Qin Manjiang collapsed on the ground and thought.

"I admit that your mind is good, but your body is not good."

Shen Kui stood next to Qin Manjiang and looked at him condescendingly in the heavy rain. This man seemed to be deliberately provoking with disdainful eyes. His eyes scanned Qin Manjiang's body back and forth twice, and then he dropped these words, with The mocking expression left.

"Hello? What do you mean!" Qin Manjiang sat up from the muddy water with an "Oops-", but Shen Sui didn't even look back and had already walked away, "Four-eyed man is waiting! Let me put you down next time !”

Qin Manjiang said harsh words.

But he was supported by Tan Mu Rong worriedly and said: "Mr. Qin, don't lie in this place. You are weak and you will catch a cold."


Qin Manjiang looked up at her, originally thinking that the woman was mocking him, but upon closer inspection, Tanmu Rong's concern was so sincere that Qin Manjiang was a little embarrassed to look at her.

"My...actually my body is not that weak, it's just that my body didn't let me exercise before..." he explained.

But who would believe this explanation?

Tanmu Rong looked at him with understanding and pulled him up from the ground: "Okay, let's talk about it when we go back."


Although he was reluctant, he really couldn't walk very well, so he could only rely on Sandalwood Rong for part of his strength.

At this time, Yu Ruoli beside him was holding a painting book, standing in the pouring rain and staring at the Blue Bay Villa area.

"Will they disappear?" she asked suddenly.

"Who knows?" Qin Manjiang also turned around and glanced, "I smashed the switch of the game. Logically speaking, it is impossible to start the next round of the game, but these ghosts are still there."

They are indeed still there, lingering in the Blue Bay Villa area, unable to take a step beyond.

Speaking of which, all the ghosts so far seem to have never left their "territory". They look very scary.

But if you think about it carefully, they are more like wild beasts in captivity.

People like him are like "food" thrown into a cage to tease wild beasts.


This idea suddenly popped up in Qin Manjiang's mind.


The Romans put captives and slaves into the Colosseum to be mauled by wild beasts, while people watched on the stage, seeking excitement.

The image of [Pupillary Realm] appeared in his head.

The entire [Fu City] is wrapped in a huge ball. If you think about it carefully, it seems to be no different from the Colosseum.

Qin Manjiang suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky covered with dark clouds and flashing thunder.

"Mr. Qin, what are you looking at?"

Tanmu Rong also looked up and asked in confusion.

"Nothing, let's go..."


November 8, eleven o'clock, sunny.

Qin Manjiang slept until noon for the first time, but when he opened his eyes, he saw that this was not home? !

When did I fall asleep?

Qin Manjiang was stunned and immediately turned over and sat up.

Whose house is this?

No, it doesn’t look like home, it looks like a temporary resting place.

"Duk duk duk -" The knock on the door made Qin Manjiang suddenly turn his head.

At the door, an elegant woman in her forties put down her hand on the door and asked with a smile: "Would you like a drink?"

She walked into the house, wearing a tight black skirt that made her slim figure even more charming.

Qin Manjiang was startled and quickly lifted the quilt and took a look.

"Where are you thinking? Brat, I'm old enough to be your mother." The landlady's steps were swaying, and her charm was at its most touching.

Qin Manjiang looked up at her in confusion: "I was afraid that you would cut my waist. Where did you want to go?"

The landlady was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "You're really good. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?"

"Okay," Qin Manjiang nodded, "But, who are you?"

He finally got to the point of asking. He was in a completely unfamiliar place as soon as he woke up. It was a shame he could endure it for so long before asking.

"My name is Lin Ci, and I am the proprietress of this bar. Xiaotan sent you to the staff room where you are staying now last night."

The landlady slowly sat beside the bed and handed Qin Manjiang a glass of water.

"Thank you." Qin Manjiang took the water glass and finally recalled some things from last night in his mind.

After crossing the river and leaving the Blue Bay Villa area, he seemed to have fallen asleep in a daze. He vaguely heard Tanmu Rong asking where his family lived, but for some reason, the fatigue from last night made Qin Manjiang unable to open his eyes at all, as if It felt like my soul had been taken away, and I didn't even have a single dream until I woke up.

"You couldn't be woken up. Xiaotan had no choice but to send you to me." Boss Lin Ci said.

"Where is she?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"Go to work." The landlady said calmly.

"Work?" Qin Manjiang was stunned for a moment. He vaguely remembered that Tanmu Rong seemed to have said last night that she would fire her boss and live freely from now on.

"Yes," the landlady seemed to see what Qin Manjiang was thinking at a glance, and asked with a smile, "Do you find it strange that she doesn't mean what she says?"

Qin Manjiang shook his head: "No, I just feel..."

He paused, did not continue, and instead smiled at the proprietress: "It makes money!"

At this time, before the landlady could speak, Qin Manjiang continued to ask: "Although my waist is fine, where are my clothes?"

That's right...he is now wearing only a pair of underwear.

"Of course I took it off for you," Mrs. Lin Ci stood up and picked up the water glass that Qin Manjiang drank up in one gulp, "Xiaotan is still a young girl, what are you thinking about?"

"You were covered in mud and water last night. If I didn't help you take off your clothes and wipe them off, I wouldn't dare let you stay in the staff room. It's dirty."

The landlady walked slowly towards the door.

Qin Manjiang hurriedly asked: "No, I mean, didn't I lose anything on me?"

"Oh? Are you talking about your two mobile phones? There they are." The landlady raised her chin toward the window.

Qin Manjiang turned around and looked. There was a mobile phone on the window sill, and another that looked almost exactly like the mobile phone...Tong Jie.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Get up quickly, let's... chat."

The proprietress leaned against the door, holding the water glass and said to him with a smile.

First update tonight, sorry, third update tomorrow. I originally planned to launch the [Safety Hospital] dungeon immediately afterwards, but I was suddenly reminded that the recent period has been a bit sensitive, so I temporarily changed my mind and added a realistic plot transition midway.

After waiting for a few days, I will open a new dungeon [Safety Hospital], a large mainline dungeon, the ultimate game.

At the same time, thanks to Ah Fei for the chapter recommendation!

Good night everyone! (Am I the only one who can't see the comments? Or is it that everyone can't see them...)

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