Strange story player

Chapter 187 Game Clearance (4,000 words chapter)

Shen Hui was so angry that Qin Manjiang was so angry that his veins popped out. However, when he spoke like this, Tan Murong and Yu Ruoli also looked over, which gave Shen Hui no chance to make a move.

"Mr. Qin, have you found a way out?" Tan Murong looked at him with surprise.

She didn't want to die.

At least this time...she wanted to live.

Twenty years of life up to this point have been full of suffering. It seems that suffering is always easy to entangle people who are already in suffering.

Tan Murong feels that he has never been lucky.

Born in a peasant family, he has been poor for generations. He tried his best to study, but he only got into an ordinary university.

It was also at that time that Tan Murong realized that the world was inherently unfair.

God closes a door for you and opens a window for you, which is complete bullshit.

Some people are born with no worries about food and clothing, and can enjoy the rich and colorful material world effortlessly.

But some people are reluctant to even take the time to sleep, because they are afraid that it will be tomorrow again as soon as they close their eyes.

Some people may be born into difficult families, but they are talented and are far ahead of ordinary people in terms of brains and physical strength.

And a body like hers is mediocre. Intelligence, mediocre. Looks mediocre. Family, difficulties.

If life is also a game of ghost stories, wouldn't such a start mean that you are inherently lagging behind other players?

But both school and society package it in a beautiful way, teaching her that morning light and sunset are not exclusive to anyone, but that they are the beauty that life should feel.

But what about reality?

What she felt firsthand was that people who had no time for themselves and could not see the future would not be in the mood to watch nonsense mornings and sunsets.

Tan Murong recalled her life up to this point. From when she was a student to when she came to work in Fucheng after graduation, she had never raised her head to see the morning light.

With breakfast worth two or three yuan, I hurriedly squeezed into the transportation, and was carried forward in the crowded crowd. As for the morning light? It's not even as real as the fried dough sticks in your hand. This is the life of most people.

And she has a harder time than most people because she was chosen by this damn game.

Sandalwood Rong has never been able to understand why he was selected by the Kaitan Game?

Why on earth would I be selected for a game that requires luck, wisdom, and physical strength when everything is considered mediocre?

In short, she had no hope in life, but after being selected by the Kaitan Game, she was on the verge of despair.

She once thought that any ghost story would be fine. If she could die, just die...

But maybe luck is indeed conserved. She had been living in extreme pain in the first half of her life, but she frequently saved the day in the Kaitan game. Sometimes, the game was cracked and cleared by other players before she even understood what was happening.

Therefore, she never felt the fear of death.

But this time... Sandalwood Rong really felt it.

No wonder some people say that only when a person is close to death can he understand the meaning of life. Some people live in ignorance all their lives, and only when they are about to die do they realize that there are still many things they have not done.

The moment the sandalwood tree was taken out of the drain by Li Gui, the entire time and space seemed to slow down.

The first emotion that came out of her was dissatisfaction... dissatisfaction with herself.

Looking back on my past, why did I have to be so obedient, why did I have to be so groveling?

Birth is accidental, death is inevitable.

Since everyone's final outcome is death, then why should I be bullied and exploited and dare not resist?

At that moment, she regretted extremely, regretted her cowardice, and even more regretted that she woke up too late.

She wanted to live more than ever before, and at this time, Qin Manjiang suddenly said that he had found a way to survive.

Qin Manjiang didn't notice Tanmu Rong's gaze, and it was impossible to know her thoughts.

He just stared at Shen Kui and Shen Kui's hands behind his back, and suddenly said: "No fool would think that this game requires a fixed number of people to start each round, so he planned to kill everyone except himself. Can you pass the level?"

"No way?"

Qin Manjiang took a step forward, put his face in front of Shen Hu, and stared at him.

At this moment, Qin Manjiang still had a teasing smile on his face, but Shen Hu actually felt an extremely cold aura from him. Qin Manjiang's gaze... was like a researcher looking at his experimental mice, except Except for absolute concentration and calmness, there is no trace of emotion.

It was just like... another person appeared on Qin Manjiang at this moment.

"I don't understand what you mean," Shen Kui quietly hid the dagger back in his sleeve, facing Qin Manjiang's gaze, and said naturally, "Since we don't have to guarantee a fixed number of people in every round, why did the second round end so suddenly? ?”

Qin Manjiang slowly straightened up and looked at Shen Hu without blinking: "Don't you understand yet?"

"When Miss Tanmu Rong and Xu Youqing were caught by ghosts at the same time in the second round, the answer was already obvious."

"If they both make the wrong choice, both of them will die. It is impossible for ghosts to know what they will choose. For ghosts, the results are completely uncontrollable and the rules cannot be violated, so... each round needs to be fixed The speculation that the number of people can open the game is not true."

"The reason why the second round ended immediately after one person died, I think... it's because of you."

Qin Manjiang raised his hand and pointed at Shen Hui and said something shocking.

"Because...Mr. Shen?" Tan Murong glanced at Qin Manjiang in surprise, "Mr. you suspect that Mr. Shen is a ghost?"

"No," Qin Manjiang raised his right foot and touched the ground with his toes, "Are you hiding here, Shen Hu?"

Everyone looked along the tip of Qin Manjiang's toes and saw that it was a mass of blood left by Yang Liuye's body.

"Yes, but what does this have to do with anything?" Shen Kui didn't quite understand what Qin Manjiang meant either.

"Of course it does matter." Qin Manjiang lowered his head and glanced at his phone. Five minutes had passed. Fortunately, "Everyone should have realized that even if the game continues, it is impossible to survive in the end, and the girl will end up the same." Same, become the new game host.”

"So, we had only one option from the beginning, and the so-called second option was just misleading."

"Are you sure?" Shen Mu asked. His thoughts were also following Qin Manjiang's words and he began to think about the entire logic from scratch.

"Yes." Qin Manjiang's determined tone was not completely convincing.

"If you find a way out, why don't you just do it first and wait until the game is over?" Shen Kui suddenly asked a very critical question.

Yes... Qin Manjiang said that he had found a way to survive, but why was he indifferent?

"Don't worry yet," Qin Manjiang glanced at the phone again, "I'm just watching the time."

"Miss Yu, are you sure you paused this game, right?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"Yes." Yu Ruoli held the drawing book and nodded.

Qin Manjiang sat down on the sofa and said: "That's right. In fact, from the beginning, I have been thinking about the [Candy Game] in [Ghost Story Game], a ghost story, and it will be named after the game. The meaning is where?"

"It wasn't until you said that you paused the entire game that I realized, right... We shouldn't deal with this weird story in a real-world way, but treat it as a real game and abstract all its behaviors. ."

"For example... raising your hands equals timeout."

Qin Manjiang held his head in his hands and looked at the ceiling: "What stages are there in a game? I don't play games very much, I only know roughly... A game has a preparation stage, a starting stage, a progressing stage, an ending stage, a settlement stage, and more There’s a pause phase.”

"Miss Yu raised her hand and the game was paused."

"Then I was thinking, since I can pause, I can quit midway and stop playing, right?"

"Unfortunately, I haven't discovered what kind of hidden 'command' is used to trigger this game."

Qin Manjiang said with some regret.

But when everyone heard this, they were already led in by Qin Manjiang's imagination.

That's right... Since it can be paused, it means that this [Candy Game] does have hidden instructions.

What needs to be solved is not the ghosts of [Girl], [Mom], [Sister], or even [Willow Leaf]...but, it has become a game that has become a ghost story!

Shen Hui was also completely opened up by Qin Manjiang's idea. Although Qin Manjiang's words made him very unhappy, Shen Hui had to admit that Qin Manjiang's idea was right.

And what he said about "abstracting all the behaviors in this game" is also very reasonable!

"The chandelier goes out, game preparation phase."

"The girl's voice appears and the game begins."

"The chandelier is on, the game is in progress."

"A player has died in the current game and the game has entered the end phase. Settlement begins."

"The chandelier goes out and we enter the preparation stage again..."

After some recollection, Shen Ku completely sorted out all the sequences of the first two rounds of the game.

At this time, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Qin Manjiang.

It happened that Qin Manjiang was also looking at him.

Qin Manjiang smiled at Shen Hu and pointed at the top of his head: "So, you understand, this thing is the switch of the game."


The first and last stages of the game start with the lights turning on and off.

Moreover, in the first round, all the trays appeared under the chandelier. In the second round, when [Sister] disappeared during the pause phase, Qin Manjiang "saw" that she also returned under the chandelier before disappearing.

"So, the second round ends directly, not only because a player has died and triggered the end of the game, but also because you are hiding here."

Qin Manjiang stood up and looked around for a few times, then went to the kitchen, pulled out a rolling pin, and weighed it twice in his hand.

"Looking at it from your angle while 'lying' on the ground, there's no guarantee that you won't see the flaw when it changes stages, so... it directly ends the second round of the game."

Having said this, Qin Manjiang picked up his phone and looked at the time on it.


He climbed onto the coffee table.


He raised his rolling pin.


Looking up at the chandelier that emits soft white light.


Qin Manjiang threw away his mobile phone.


Ten minutes are up, the moment the lights dim!

Qin Manjiang suddenly swung the rolling pin and smashed the chandelier with a "crash!"


The terrifying scream instantly shattered all the glass in the villa!

A violent storm suddenly poured into the villa. For a moment, the four people were dizzy and unable to stand due to the terrifying scream.

"Still not running?"

Qin Manjiang shouted.

Shen Su was the first to look at him and saw that he had thrown away the rolling pin, opened the door to the living room and rushed out.

He ruined the game at the beginning...he was waiting for the moment the lights went out!

Shen Kui completely understood Qin Manjiang's intention. No wonder he kept looking at the time!

So... the [Candy Game] is now completely shut down and cannot be started. In other words...


Dense and terrifying howls appeared from inside the villa, including men and women, big and small...

However, all four people had already rushed out of Blue Bay Villa No. 666 in the heavy rain!


A thunder suddenly exploded.

Tanmu Rong only half-understood what she heard. She ran wildly with everyone in the heavy rain and took a moment to turn her head and take a look.

I saw on the wall of No. 666 Blue Bay Villa, [Girl], [Sister], [Mom], [Dad], [Brother], [Brother], as well as "willow leaves" and turbans with their necks twisted into twists. "Xu Youqing" who was holding his head all appeared!

The horrifying and twisted faces were particularly eye-catching under the electric light, and the sandalwood trees were covered in goosebumps.

If you really follow the rules of [Candy Game] and play until the end, I'm afraid...

"Hey, if you don't pay attention to running away, you may die in various accidents."

Qin Manjiang's voice suddenly appeared.

Tan Murong quickly looked to his side, and saw Qin Manjiang in the heavy rain, his face was livid with fright, and his legs and feet were weakening. He was obviously the first to run out of the villa, but now he is at the back, but he is still saying: "You If you want to express your feelings, wait until you leave the game area to express your feelings. The secret room can no longer be opened, but the NPCs are still there!"

At this time, Tanmu Rong gritted his teeth, slowed down slightly, grabbed Qin Manjiang's right arm, and pulled him to run with him.


After Qin Manjiang shouted, he decisively shut up.

Just now he was saying that when Tanmu Rong turned around to see the ghosts, he also took a death-defying look. When he saw the group of ghosts, his heart nearly jumped out of his chest. In addition, his physical strength was not good enough, so he fell directly into the queue. the very back.

With Tanmu Rong pulling him, Qin Manjiang finally moved a little faster, but the group of ghosts had already caught up quickly!

No won't unlock the game and die of exhaustion in the end, right?

Qin Manjiang was full of random thoughts, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

At this time, Qin Manjiang felt that his left arm was also grabbed, and it hurt him, as if he was taking revenge.

He turned around and saw that in the heavy rain, the person who slowed down and pulled him to run with him was actually Shen Kui?

"You've shown your worth, now I'll return the favor." Amidst the violent storm and thunder, Shen Kui turned his head and glared at him, "Don't look at me, look at the road!"

Yu Ruoli held the drawing book and ran at the front to clear the way for everyone.

A group of [Candy Game] ghosts were chasing madly, but the Blue Bay Villa area was so big, and they could run out quickly as long as they didn't take the wrong path.




Four people rushed out of the gate of the Blue Bay Villa area!


There was a thunderous explosion.

The four of them tried their best and were all out of breath.

Qin Manjiang lay down on the muddy ground panting.

At this time, the phone vibrated——

[Ghost Story: Candy Game. 】

【Customs cleared. 】

This volume is finished!

Recommend books by the way

Title: "The Last Gentleman"

Ah Fei’s new book has much better results than ours. I have read Ah Fei’s Cell Prison before. You can check it out. It’s very interesting!

Recommendation: A diseased book breeds and spreads in the most inconspicuous corner of the library. Waiting for someone to flip through its swollen cover and touch its crawling words...

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