Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1903: Chaotic thinking

Sisia has successfully entered the next stage of evaluation. In this training ground, the affinity evaluation test comes to the end, often with a few familiar faces plus a few new faces. The evaluation in the later stages appeared to be very quiet, and most of the personnel were diverted in the first stage.

"The instructors say that affinity is basically a fixed thing, and it will change with age, but the condition in advance is that you have it from the beginning. It seems that there are ways to change and exercise it, but it is in the big tribe. Among them, they are all classified as confidential documents." In the subsequent evaluation, the smooth progress made Sisia feel at ease. Without narcolepsy, everything from the past seems to be back.

In the end, there was not much difference between Sisiah's judgment, and there were only a dozen people who could stand in front of the young dragon.

At the end of the assessment, it was in another fully enclosed building, very close to the apron, which was convenient for transportation. That building made Cassia interested, because even standing outside, he could hear the young dragon roaring intermittently, and he could find the young dragon in his perception, but the aura that belonged to the young dragon was very, very weak. This is Cassia's senses, if it is Sisia or the instructors, there is a high probability that you will not be able to feel any breath that belongs to the young dragon.

The whole building here is a fixed cover. Between the walls, Cassia could "see" the presence of a bulletproof board-like interlayer. As for its materials, Cassia has a sense of familiarity.

"Although it is not a real world tree, the interlayer is something like a wooden board related to it. Is the world tree remains part of the nourishment to cultivate a large number of trees, and finally get the material?" The young dragon did not cause Cassia. Interest, "As flame alliances that are more inclined to use nature, they should be ahead of the empire in the study of the world tree. If there is a chance in the future, this part of the information needs to be understood in detail."

Entering the building, the breath of dragon belonging to the second type of creature spreads. But even if it has not been domesticated and preserved its wild nature, the nature of the young dragon is captive breeding. After more than hundreds of generations of reproduction, many things have been lost.

The young dragon felt sluggish in Cassia's eyes. Compared with the first time he saw Cassiehei in the Southern Forest, he wondered whether this young dragon used as an evaluation tool was really conscious? Or, consciousness does exist, but it has degraded too severely compared to the case of Cassie Black.

汜豜汜. Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Another good news for Cassia is that the strange perception of dragons still exists. It was not only his body that became dragonized, but also the progress of the spiritual dragonization.

"In essence, should it be understood that the spirit is walking in front of the body. The series of changes in that body are all subconsciously affected by the subjective will instinct because of the changes in the spirit? During the operation, all dragons are organized and inhibited. Although they are all based on Sukarius, the most important change for me is the two methods. Now I can confirm that the place where Sukarius talks with me is indeed my spiritual world. So it can actively help me And change, there is only spirit."

"If the entire process was carried out in this way, can I imitate Sucarius's approach and become another'Sucarius' and have a similar influence on Sisia? Linna also said that she was acting like this. The saint of the tribe becomes a stranger, and the method to get the giant whale is to go somewhere in the sea, passively by the giant whale that will follow the ritual. Compared with other people, she can be spiritually simple with the giant whale Conversation. The so-called change should also start from the spirit."

"And from ordinary people to singular ones, the time it takes will indeed be several months longer than that of the imperial surgeons. Can this be regarded as the spiritual impact is more gentle, so it is safer?"

Entering the building, I feel the strange induction on the young dragon, and many stagnant thoughts can get clues and move forward. Focusing on sorting out spiritual content, Cassia seems to be able to see a vague route emerge at this moment.

"There are many conjectures at present, if we can verify the simple ones in the future," Cassia in the spiritual world lay and laughed. He has always believed that the current situation cannot be considered good, and can only say that it will not be worse. But now, he thinks it won’t matter no matter how bad the situation is. Because the situation is so bad because he himself is in confusion, and he doesn't know what he can do now.

What Cassia has always been afraid of is not that the situation will continue to deteriorate, but that it will not take long to wake up, resulting in not knowing what to do and what to do. Moreover, in his eyes, Sisia's foundation is much stronger than that of himself, who just came out of the small town.

"After Brino separated, Linna and Sheila should have returned to the Flame Alliance. Linna knows the method of the giant whale, and it is very likely that it will be a tribe in the area under the jurisdiction of the beluga tribe. Maybe it can be from her. To get more spiritual information, but at that time I was young and didn’t ask much. In addition, Linna’s tribe should have disappeared six years ago, and it would be very difficult to find her now. But the saints of other tribes ,,, Saint child and clergy are also OK." Cassia's thinking paused here.

"What will Linna do after returning to the alliance? In fact, thinking about it now, it is not difficult to conclude that Linna is also a spiritually gifted person. She can become a saint in affinity and talk to giant whales. It’s going to be bad. Joined the Beluga tribe? There’s the best affinity with her. Or, about the tribe’s demise, did you investigate when you came back?"

Thinking of people who could be regarded as friends before, Cassia thought a lot about it unconsciously. UU reads, but there is still an important point he cares about.

"Lina or Sheila, both of them are very likely to be participants in the sacrificial ceremony. If there are opportunities and clues, after finding them, I can get a lot of information that I lack now. Mr. Corkova is also the same. A very good source of information, but after all, he is the top figure in the Thunder Wolf tribe. The only thing that can crush him now is the "monster" in Sisia's mouth."

"It's too smart. Sisia's current acting skills and expression management are not enough to deceive Corcovado's eyes. Let Sisia have too much contact with him, and the chance of being discovered by him is too high, but it will become dangerous. Maybe Ko Mr. Elkova himself does not want to get too involved with me."

What Cassia currently feels most strongly is the urgency of time. He knew that he had lost more than two years, and he had fallen behind others in some aspects. It would be very difficult to make up for this part of the backwardness. Often think about the changes within the empire, think about Ye Jielin and their current situation, and about the things they left behind two years ago.

Mi He Mi. But now I dare not go too far to collect information, and there is also the reason why Sisia does not have the ability to collect information at all.

The Mandeville tribe is not rich, and Sisia does not have enough funds. Maintaining the status quo is the best Sisia can do so far.

"After the evaluation is over, should I step up time to exercise or apply for a mission to earn something and improve my current situation?" Cassia was also caught in a difficult choice. If this body of Sisia has an impact, the development of the surgical project as soon as possible is the most important and highest priority!"

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