Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1902: Simulated warfare and "Thorn Bird" training ground (Part 2)

"Very dangerous. In the evaluation process, the probability of injury in the affinity test has always been the first. Because even if they are juveniles, they have not been properly domesticated, and they still retain the original wild nature. I will try my best to meet your needs." Sisia replied, jogging all the way, but there were more and more other students around.

Without a familiar face, Sisia did not have close friends or the like in the training ground. There was a friendship that was established when I first entered the training ground, but this friendship was destroyed because of the side effects of the sacrificial ceremony. Soon after the ceremony, strange complications took the lives of many participants.

A dull roar can be heard here, all kinds of sounds, coming from the gloomy virgin forest ahead. The sky in winter is always shrouded by snow clouds, and the interior of the virgin forest is very dark. They are all evergreen trees. For these ancient trees that can easily exceed 100 meters in height, life is to maintain the status quo, without the change of seasons.

The air became different, and the roar was clear and came from everywhere alternately.

"Some second-class creatures have been bred, and they exist as advanced students domesticated. Not only the flame tribe, but in the entire alliance, the strangers will almost have their own domesticated second-class creatures as another kind of'friends'. You should know about the second personality, right?"

"I know." Cassia replied, "The mission environment and terrain permit. Bringing domesticated type 2 creatures can not only enhance combat power, but also give yourself an extra layer of security. But there are not many such environments, so Smaller snakes and insects, or creatures that are not much different from the animals in the ordinary world will have an advantage."

"They are not very domesticated types." Sisiah responded, "Most people in the training ground are not qualified to domesticate Type 2 creatures. Only if they are recognized as advanced students and can maintain the specified length of time, they are eligible. Because. Since then, there have been two resources, both provided by the training ground. In the information I know, few people can join the beast cavalry. As for the distinguished member of the dragon knight, the instructor said that since the training ground was established here, There has never been one."

"It's still mostly from some larger tribes. In fact, I have read some materials before, which were co-edited and published by some scientific research institutes." Sisiah remembered what happened after entering the training ground, "I will be able to borrow again later. You can take a look at the two-personality. In some places, you don’t know what you think."

"No, it's probably about the overall evolution, right? Parents are strangers, and their children must have innate advantages. This is a fact. However, these things are still reserved for serious scientific researchers. You can just look at many things. Don't think too much, that is another field." Cassia would not say that he is a mobile library, but reading all kinds of books as a hobby, his hunting field is very wide.

During the conversation, a low-rise building appeared in the field of vision. It was built by the old trees, but most of the building itself is under the ground, probably in order not to destroy the forest state here.

Following the team down into the spacious underground building, Cassia remembered the zoo described in the book. It's just that the cage here is even bigger, and the steel posts used are all the size of an adult's arm, and there are many signs of being bitten. Among them are common larvae of the second type, mostly wolves. It's just that the wildness in Sisiah's mouth is not in Cassia's eyes.

They are all raised in captivity, and true wild species are not so quiet.

Follow the people in front to several separate halls. The process is roughly the same as the firearms assessment. After inserting the identity card, the assessment begins. It's just that this time someone wearing protective clothing that covers the whole body has been around, observing with eyes, and getting the result.

The content of the test Sisia has already said, it is to look at the reaction of the second-class creature larvae to itself. The unqualified performance is that it will show hostility when close to a certain distance, the qualified or better performance, it is quiet, or it will take the initiative to come close and show good. Some can even perform simple "manipulations", and the larvae will be very obedient and make some movements.

Cassia thought that as a larva of a second-class creature, it seems that it cannot be measured by animals in the ordinary world. Because even the larvae can easily kill ordinary humans with hostile attacks, and many larvae have sharp fangs from birth.

There are five stages in total, which are divided into wolves, snakes, birds and insects. In the end it is the young dragon. In Sisiah's words, Cassia learned that there was no airship to transport young dragons to the training ground before no participants in the sacrificial ceremony entered the training ground. Because this assessment is just like the number of larvae of Type II creatures prepared on the training ground, the wolf is the most.

Most students cannot pass the first stage. In the several evaluations that Sisia participated in, no more than ten people stood in front of the young dragons each time.

While observing the evaluation process of Sisia, Cassia also explored the principle of this affinity.

What he can do is rely on breath for deterrence, but orders are not feasible. And during the period of waking up, Cassia was not only thinking about how to make Sisia grow and strong, but also about herself.

Regarding the spiritual body, Cassia has basically determined that it is the key to the fourth stage. There are too many differences in the four stages, and the root causes of these differences are probably affected by their own will. Cassia prefers to call this difference "the transformation of the spiritual world" or "spiritual sublimation."

As for Sisia's affinity, Cassia believes that it may be a manifestation of spiritual talent.

At this moment, Cassia can indeed feel the current state of Sisia, just as the three-stage mental body can "observe" itself and see its own face. Cassia must have spilled from Sisia's body not perception, but some scent-like substance. And its source comes from the spirit.

What Cassia wants to explore is the complete process of the formation of this odor-like substance, which may be a kind of spiritual due, just as the control of the biosensing position and the transformation of energy forms rely on the spirit as an intermediate medium. But Cassia's current understanding of this "medium" still remains at "I want to do this, and then the body directly gives the result".

"Second personality, are you ready?" Sisia spoke in her head, already touching the head of a gray wolf larva with her hand.

Cassia didn't change his expression, and slowly took over the control of Sisia's arm. Only when there was a movement, the sound of the young wolf being frightened had already sounded. Sisiah quickly took his hand away, but the young wolf was still lying on the ground, trembling all over, and there was no other movement except the cry.

"No more experimentation. I can't help with the affinity assessment. My role is the opposite of what I want to see in this assessment. You need to make these larvae obedient and close. And I just fear them."

"The young dragon will do the same?"

The assessor told Sisiah to leave, and the young wolf was quickly replaced by another one.

"The young dragons have basic consciousness and are the second type of creatures. They are extremely aggressive. In the face of threats and fears, they will choose to attack actively. UU reading can only deter them from remaining hostile and staying in place. I can still do it if I don’t move."

",,,,,," Sisiah did not know how to respond, "I will not say that it is a second personality, you are exaggerated to speak, after all, you have confirmed that your words are correct not long ago. Just, why do I always feel you Know everything, and many things can be done the same?"

"Because under rationality, knowledge can produce knowledge, and this cycle allows me to get ahead of you in many ways even though I am generated from you. In addition, I am after all a product of the sacrificial ritual. Not after the ritual. , Are there many people called "monsters" in the alliance?"

Sisiah nodded: "I just listened to the instructors. Can a person kill a dragon tens of meters long, can't this be called a monster?"

"From a rational point of view, no matter when there are as many'monsters' as you have heard, it can only explain one thing-they are not monsters, but they are slightly stronger. Monsters are always a very small number. , Can only be calculated in single digits."

"In addition, this evaluation should be completed as soon as possible, and it would be better to spend more time on exercise. Of course, if you can touch the young dragon, you may have different results. But rationally, I don't recommend this. Some Things, maybe I'm not ready yet." Cassia said at this time. Knowing that the deterrence has still fulfilled his test requirements, as to whether he can still rely on the mental body to use the devouring method to control the young dragon, Cassia really wants to test. It's just the current environment, and there will definitely be too many things that can't be discovered during the test.

At that time, Sisia's identity level could indeed be improved by a leap, but at the level being tested. There is a high probability that she will go to a research institute or laboratory in the tribe and become an experimental subject in the true sense.

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