Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1521: The second induction (middle)

The flow of people corresponds to the prosperity of the city. Only one-third of the large rows of seats are seated, which looks a little sparse. Cassia went to a quiet corner according to his habit. After looking around and not seeing anyone who needed special attention, he opened the suitcase and took a book to open it.

The sun became intense at noon, and there was a burning sensation on the body. At 1:45 in the afternoon, the horn in the waiting room sounded the reminder of the ticket check information. Cassia just finished reading the book in his hand, packed it into the suitcase and got up, and slowly went to the back of the line.

All kinds of people, big bags and small bags, expressions of different meanings are mixed together. After checking the ticket smoothly, Cassia followed the crowd through the long passage, and finally sat on the sparsely populated intercontinental train. In the seventeenth carriage, Cassia was alone when it came up. The driver said that the suitcase was right next to the seat and everything was there. On the short journey to this car, Cassia has been observing the passengers in other cars. The proportion of surgeons on intercontinental trains has always been high, about 10%. This is a very high number. In the world of ordinary people, according to the standard calculation, there are only about two thousand surgeons in a city, which is diluted to a large number of people, and the proportion is all small.

Organization members seem to be in place, and the number is beyond Cassia's expectations. Probably in the time they arrived in this city, surgeons from other countries and regions gathered here first.

"The two teams, led by Adolf and Terry Weikang respectively to go to the Empire? Or is it a plan of encirclement and suppression of the enemy?" Both possibilities are not important to Cassia. Nighthawk helped Cassia and made him enter into a cooperative relationship with Owl. Encountering the enemy again, Owl and Nighthawk promised to disengage the leader of the organization. At that time, Cassia, who was only around Nighthawk and Isha, had relative freedom and space to exert her strength.

A few minutes later, the rest of the staff gradually found their positions. The staff on the platform had already begun to urge, and Nighthawk and Yisha hurriedly hurried over carrying large and small bags, and sat down on the front and rear seats of Cassia respectively.

Regardless of whether the living environment is the same and the age is the same, as a woman, shopping for a bunch of clothes that you might never wear is probably the same hobby that travels through time and space.

"I don't know if the two will meet in the same store." Such a rare and easy question suddenly appeared in Cassia's heart.

The platform became fluid under the sound of a few siren, and Trevikang walked into the car at this time and sat down at random in a row of empty seats. The unchanging appearance and the atmosphere entangled in the body. In a few minutes, the building was thrown behind by the car window. Cassia opened the suitcase, opened another book, and looked through it.

"Remember the hotel that I didn't check in last night?" In the evening, Nighthawk came to Cassia and sat down. "The members of the organization said that the hotel caught fire in the early morning. The same thing happened in another city."

"The enemy can always find our position." Cassia's words were plain, very, very light, both sighing and simply stating the facts. "It has been several days since the last attack. It is the most recent time. The next attack."

"My instinct tells me the same way." Nighthawk added the suitcase after speaking, taking a copy of it and leaving. Soon after, as if it were an infection, the few people in this carriage had an extra book in their hands, and they watched quietly.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, the lights in the carriage are automatically turned off. Cassia put down the half-finished book, leaned on the seat, and turned her head to look out of the car window. Taking this as the starting point, there are still more than ten days to go to the empire, and the time will be longer if you stop and go halfway.

"If you get closer, people from the Empire should appear among the enemies you encounter." Cassia thought.


It is difficult to have such a chance to gather together. There is a wide conference room inside the Chira Andi family. Except for some temporary important tasks or people who are too far away from Manoma, the members of the Spider Knights are here. Today I sat at a huge round table.

After reading the information in front of them, everyone was speechless at the moment, waiting for McGerry's arrangement in front of the round table.

"The situation must be very clear to everyone. The leader goes to the depths of the endless sea, and there is no way to contact. As a member of the Spider Knights, it is also the responsibility to make the leader feel at ease to do what she currently considers important. We must ensure that we are in the team. During the long absence, let some things remain the same, or not continue to deteriorate." Scanning the circle of people around the round table, McGerry felt a little These are almost the Spider Knights. Although not huge, the entire power of the Kingdom is in awe of many forces.

"The information is relatively clear. Although there is assistance provided by other families and giant companies, it is us who bear the pressure. The frontier region where the empire connects with the small countries is the focus of the future. The authenticity of the current information has yet to be determined, but it can be limited to the journey. Someone needs to go ahead and prepare in advance. The airships of Weber and several other families are already on the way, and the personnel of the three-phase connection network are heading from the gray area. This time, as far as we are concerned. , Will be led by Knight Commander Miss Hilda, and a total of seven people will go past..."

The meeting that McGerry presided over will never be very long, more like a unilateral ordering meeting. Less than twenty minutes were over, and soon only he and the knight commander Hilda were left in the conference room.

"It feels like we haven't seen each other for a long time. If we exclude this time, it should be several years?" Hilda said, folding the paper airplane with the paper with the message printed. After completing one very quickly, Hildaha breathed a sigh of relief and flew to McGerry, "How long have you been so busy? Before I came back from a mission, you would even invite me to drink. By the way, there is Several other team members, after each mission, we would sit together and talk about interesting things in the mission."

"This kind of time is not here after all." Hilda sighed. Under the body that still maintained the delicate appearance of his twenties, it was pretending to be more active than McGlyry by a decade. Near the age of one hundred years, but in the life course of advanced surgeons, it is still in the most vigorous period.

"If it hadn't been for the Visaya Fortress incident a few years ago, we would probably be drinking in the sun at the moment and talking about the strange sights we saw in the extreme region." Reached out to catch the paper plane, McGerry put it in the meeting On the table.

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