Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1520: The second induction (on)

It is speculated that the organization will have a more proactive plan in the next step, but the current configuration of the enemy has an advantage in combat. The position of the kinetic energy auxiliary armored team in the common country of the distant sea is equivalent to the Knights of the Rose within the empire, and only slightly worse than the Knights of the Round Table. This time, what came to the small country was the lowest level of kinetic armor, but it was still difficult to deal with frontal combat.

In combat, Cassia did not trust the comprehensive strength of the members of the organization. As time goes by, the members of the organization that come together slowly increase, but they are all people hidden in each region, and they don't understand each other, their information is missing, and they have never run into each other. When the real battle begins, the influence of these factors will gradually be exposed. Cassia has always believed in one thing-the journey later wants to be easier, not to repeat the train incident a few days ago, and he must do something, not just be a protected person.

After several attempts, Hesley was finally contacted, and he could hear the horns of the salute from over there. Hesley was on his way back to the temporary base, but was blocked at a fork in the road.

Apart from asking questions, Cassia barely spoke. He didn't have anything special to explain here, but Hesley had accumulated a lot of information in a few days. Compared to a few days ago, the focus of black market information has changed from Ye Jielin to Cassia. The ten or so photos achieved the purpose of the organization. As a "dead" person, Cassia suddenly appeared at the current point in time. While breaking some people's plans, it also attracted the attention of more bystanders. .

It's just that most people didn't show their attitude and chose to continue to wait and see from afar, looking forward to a good opportunity for them to enter.

"The Astus family seems to be the main member of this plan, and the three knight attendants among the enemies belong to it. The five prince families seem to have reached an agreement with Astus, and the stalemate in the past is becoming increasingly Lively. In this plan, the five prince families also dispatched several family elite figures to lead the team. Among the proven enemies, there are also people from the Tricolor Group and the Imperial Mineral Resources Company. The Meredith family seems to be because of the fact that several years ago This time with the Kira Andi family, he chose to stand on the opposite side. But Novya, who belongs to the Meredith family, and one of Yejielin's allies after the knight attendant assessment, did not choose to join."

"The Meredith family led the team this time with two other people. No information can be found at the moment. However, it seems that at Novia, it seems that after the incident began, they immediately joined forces with Ernes - also Ye Jielin's. Another ally-after receiving the news, the two of them immediately accepted a certain task and went to an extreme area. They should not return to the empire in a short time."

"Probably none of the others have expressed their attitude on this incident, right?" Although the knight attendants received the rights granted by the Imperial Council, they were not given enough time after all. Faced with the family behind them, they have independent thoughts and can only be held in their stomachs, and they can't say it.

"It may be privately, but even if it does, we have no way of knowing it. In public, it is true. However, there are also a few who have shown kindness to the Kira Andi family, and they have been friendly with the Kira Andi family. One time I chose to stand on the side of Chira Andi. In addition, the two controlling families of Infinite Communications seem to have divergence. The Adam family where Ato Ring is located supports Webley, but the other family disagrees, leading to the current Infinite Communications The company is a contradiction. What is unexpected is that the three-phase network company publicly chose to stand on the side of Webley, that is, Kira Andy."

"Three-phase connection network?" Cassia does not know much about this giant company. The only thing that is clear is that although it has the name of the seven giant companies, it is not well known within the empire. It is very well-known in coastal regions, and its main business is the exploration of endless seas and transcontinental trade.

The three-phase connection network will show its attitude this time. Cassia used the information that Nuoer went to the endless sea to meet the giant whales this time. The only guessable reason is that Nuoer reached an agreement with the giant whales in the endless sea. The agreement has made the ocean-going exploration fleet and trading fleet of the three-phase connected network much better.

"I only expressed my opinion a few days ago, but the black market of intelligence has been lively for a long time, and now there is still a lot of information that has been dug up." Hesley said with a smile, and he was also interested in it, "It is a good thing. "

"It is indeed good news." Cassia repeated, sighing.

"But there is also bad news." Hesley said immediately, not worrying about breaking the rare and soothing atmosphere between the two. "Because of the photos, soon, the border entrances and exits of the small country connecting with the empire, as well as the corresponding border areas, will begin. It’s getting lively. Many forces are sending personnel to prepare for a short-term garrison in advance. It won’t be easy for you to enter the empire, commander."

"It is expected that it is me. Even if the authenticity of the message needs to be verified, as long as there is a possibility, I will not let this possibility slip away. Moreover, no matter which party it is, the number of people and weapons and equipment are The cheapest thing."

"Do you need one of Delya and I to return to Tussini? To meet you in the border areas of the empire." Hesley said, the sound of the horn disappeared at this time.

"No," Cassia replied, and stopped at the same time, "If I have a chance, I will contact you again. During this time, I have to trouble you to pay more attention to the movement within the empire."

After saying goodbye to each other, Cassia put the communicator back in his trouser pocket, watched his steps, and quickly merged into the pedestrians on the side of the street. Relying on sound pulses to determine the dynamic position of everyone around him, Cassia got into the streets and alleys and completely disappeared into the surrounding buildings. When he appeared on the street again, it was half an hour later. At that time, he had locked a pedestrian and followed it for dozens of minutes.

After several judgments, Cassia stopped hiding, walked straight out of the pedestrians, and caught up with the man 100 meters before.

"Mr. Soriatu." It was noticed at about fifty meters, of course there were factors that Cassia did not hide at all.

"Mr. Owl." Cassia looked at the owl that changed its appearance in front of him, and exhaled, "Is the trace found based on the smell of cosmetics?"

Seeing the owl nodded, Cassia made a gesture to continue walking forward, and the two of them made a line and continued to walk down the street slowly: "I don't know what information Miss Nighthawk told you..."

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Cassia, who was separated from the owl, dragged a box of books with the newly bought suitcase and came to the station waiting hall on the edge of the city.

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