Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1490: Trip trivia (part 1)

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"You are ready, if you need it, Master Hacker can contact at any time. A total of two lines have been set up, one passing through the Ato Ring, there is a risk of being monitored. The other one needs to wait for one to two days after you confirm it. Time. It's a member of the other resident, and he will separately inform Miss Yejielin of the established radio communication frequency." Lyle has been waiting for the question about this matter, and the answer has been brewing in his stomach many times.

"The second route, the time is set in three days." The voice is still calm. In the horror’s cognition, this kind of processing result is very common to Lyle, and Lyle will always find different solutions and routes for the same thing for the hacker to choose.

Soon after, Lyle left the room, sat alone in shock, his thoughts left his body, all relying on the huge piece of paper in front of him. Many relationships between people need to be carefully considered. There will always be some profound connections between them. In the horrible thinking, the more complicated things are, the more they will be pushed by some small and simple things, so that they suddenly collapse completely.

MacDonald is a small and simple link, because the partnership with Oville and others was one of the reasons for his initial goal. The main purpose is to artificially create chaos, so that everyone's plans in this incident will not be under complete control afterwards, revealing the flaws that they should have.

Hae knows Cassia very well, and he agrees with Violet's evaluation, because his personality and the unique angle of observing a person always allow Hae to grasp the most essential things of a person in the first place. That is a kind of kernel that takes a long time to change. In a short period of time, based on this essence, plus information and normal coefficients to derive, you can roughly figure out the way this person will choose in a specific situation and event. route.

"Mr. Cassia, I haven't seen each other for a long time. This time, can I find what I want through you?" The muttering words lost their warmth and became sharp, with horrified eyes with good Such a look is the purest of himself.


"This is not a joke, nor is it a game between children. A few months ago, I was sure that I personally gave you the information of those people? Beautiful lady." Changed to a brand-new gift car, On the door next to the driver's seat, there are five golden stars shining brightly. This is the top evaluation in the limousine service industry.

"You really should take the driver as your career." The completely irrelevant answer, I don't know if it is praise or deliberate. Hongmang Emilia sat in the back seat as usual, and Kingsley could only see her unique face through the rearview mirror every time she looked at it.

"After all, as a poor man, when I was not selected to be sent to the military school in the empire, my dream was to own a gift car with superior performance. I would make a living from it and travel to all cities in the country where I came from. Corner.” Kingsley said, shaking his head. The limo quickly drove out of the main road, got into a road with little traffic, and drove steadily toward the edge of the city. “If you have time, the driver is here. This kind of work is one of my pastimes. Observing ordinary people can better calm my mood. After all, only a small part of what we pursue is for the surgeon."

"Also, when this is the time, don't divert the subject." Kingsley had a rare tough attitude. "Let's not talk about the woman Li Suman. Among the people who came to help us at the time, McGerry was the only one. It’s very difficult to deal with. The information given to you, Macquarie is several times the sum of all the others. The celebrities in the empire are equal in strength to Li Suman, and their heads are smart enough. The reason why the green trees can be cleaned up, I I think McGerry’s participation accounted for a large part of the reason. Otherwise, it would not have been so smooth and calm."

Hongmang seemed to have not heard these words, and kept tilting his head to look at the low buildings outside the window. After a while, she suddenly woke up like: "It's just a trial. Even if there is an accident, the loss is within a reasonable range calculated. Compared with organizing the death of people who have recently transported various raw materials and purchased some hard resources, This is nothing at all."

"What I want to emphasize is the risk it brings." Kingsley reminded, "The boy's identity is unusual. We are like having a bonfire banquet next to a high-explosive bomb, without worrying about whether the fuze will Was ignited."

"The real boy does not appear, so the fake is the real. This is the truth that will not change." Emilia smiled, "What I see is the benefits of this success. Many forces actually It doesn't care whether the boy is true or not, but someone needs to make such a substitute, because they dare not let them do it."

"There is a question worth thinking about here. You can bring it to yourself to think about it." With some different interest in her smile, Emilia paused for a while, as if she was giving Kingsley a thought. Time, "If you are the real boy and now have a false self. Do you want him to exist and help yourself attract attention, or do you want him to exist and avoid the false identity to bring you more Too much trouble? Both benefits and disadvantages, it all depends on personal measurement. I think, in the current situation of Cassia, he hopes that such a substitute will appear to help himself. I also asked Adolf to gather a team along the way. , As the basic strength guarantee after going to the empire. In this way, the appearance of Soriatu seems to be in line with the fact that Cassia has developed itself after leaving."

"In addition, I have contacted Li Suman several times, and I can tell from her words. McGree himself knows about it. As for whether McGree is also involved, I hope that such a fake Cassia will come out. This requires more information. If we succeed, the benefits we get are enough to shorten our schedule for a few years. If we fail, the loss is not unacceptable. While we are afraid of getting into the source of the trouble, Li Suman is far more afraid than we are. She is there In the empire, after a mistake, the third generation of the knight king of the empire will definitely find her So, not for us, but for herself. In this matter, Li Suman must Will do a lot of effort."

The limousine then drove out of the city in silence to the edge.

"I hope everything will develop in a good direction." Kingsley answered Emilia's words after thinking about it for a long time. Very often the two are like people who are not on the same timeline.

"We can't rely on hope, but on ourselves. After Soriatu went to the empire, Adolf, and the members of the organization gathered along the way, still seemed not strong enough in front of the power of knight attendants and some family elites..."

Emilia's words caused Kingsley to suddenly change his breath. It wasn't until the car stopped that he turned his body and looked directly at Hongmang: "Maybe I also need to make some changes. I used to think that being safe is the best, but in this era, being safe cannot seize any opportunity. Go to After the empire, I will ask my friends to provide necessary assistance to Soriatu and Adolf!"

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