Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1489: Toward their respective goals (Part 2)

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It was four o'clock in the morning, and dark red replaced the monotonous night outside the car window. The heavy steel wheels rub against the track, and the heat generated seems to be transmitted into the human body through a sharp sound. Emergency braking, the huge inertia swayed the carriage back and forth, and the train turned into a long and narrow boat on the lake. The sparks sputtering outside the window resembled the fine waves turning up on both sides of the ship's side, and the eyes could see with the heat. Follow the train all the way until the speed slows down slowly. But that is already a minute or two later.

The six people opened their eyes almost simultaneously, and then four sighs sounded one after another. Cassia's sigh was in her heart, because she didn't think it was an accident, but felt troublesome, and her current identity was still that of Soriatu who hadn't reached three stages, and she needed to continue to play this role well all the way.

Yisha did not sigh entirely because of experience and doubts, and ignorance of the mission. And Adolf and Terry Weikang are simply helpless. Their situation is not much different from that of Cassia, and they all have corresponding preparations after knowing the task. However, now, together with the country of Larsa, they have not left yet, and we have set off here in the morning, and the time is only half a day. It is too fast. This is the only current thought in the hearts of the remaining four people.

The sharp friction sound made Adolf and Trevikang somewhat allergic. The two ignored Cassia in the middle, and after looking at each other, they looked out the car window together. The other passengers had been awakened at this time, and the voices were noisy for an instant, calling out with panic, and the cries of children mixed together. Fortunately, the in-car broadcast soon came to explain the stable situation of the flight attendants, which dispelled the panic that was about to spread.

"Wait in the seat, it shouldn't be a big deal." The seated Teli Weikang looked around. The car was transparent in that short time, and it couldn't stop him from quickly surveying the surroundings.

The voice fell, but the woman with purple-framed glasses on Isha's left raised her head, took off the glasses and wiped them with a cloth, then put them back on, stood up, and then carried the heavy black backpack: "I Go to the front car and take a look. Pay attention to your surroundings." The voice is very small, with a feeling of human voice imitated by a machine, with the crisp smell of metal. Adolf nodded to the side. As a member of the organization, she is currently the only person responsible for her in the team.

It was completely different from the time when I met. At that time, the woman who introduced herself and was code-named "Nighthawk", at this moment, seemed to find a prey and approached silently. After a few steps, she was completely integrated into the people who went to the front to ask about the situation. . At this time, Cassia could only keep his sight out of the window. Because of the presence of the two people on the left and right, the sonic pulse had no idea to open it. Such a distance is a 100% thing to be perceived.

The five people sat on their seats, listening to the chaotic voices of other people around.

Cassia is not adapted to the current state. It is probably because of similar situations, whether it is perception or observation, it will be inspired in the form of instinct, and begin to measure the dangers and various information around. But at this time, he must completely suppress this instinct. With Adolf and Terry Weikang, many things appear to be useless actions and conflict with his own "Soriyatu" identity.

The five of them seemed very quiet. At this moment, the train stopped as a way to enter a station, making a normal stop. In about ten minutes, the female "Nighthawk" returned with a lot of food and water.

"A road crosses a railroad track. There are guards on the side and normal mechanical signal lights. The guards are there, but the signal switch fails. A large truck passed there without noticing it. The tire burst when crossing the track and the truck was out of balance. I hit the signal light stand and couldn't leave it for a short time, and finally the train was forced to stop. The nearest repair shop has already let people come with tools and it takes more than half an hour to remove the truck." Nighthawk said, speaking casually It seems to be telling a story, and the story itself is random enough, and there is a joke element in the ears of six people.

Putting food and water on the long and narrow table in the middle, Nighthawk pushed his glasses, looked at a dozen cars behind, and whispered: "I'm going for a walk. By coincidence, it's not that the enemy will take the opportunity to get into the train. , Is to do some bad actions on the train."

None of the five spoke, and Nighthawk was more like explaining what he was going to do next, without any consent or approval.

At this moment, Isha looked at the sparse passengers in the surrounding seats. About half of the seats in this train were occupied. She wanted to keep up with Nighthawk, but when she looked at Cassia, she noticed the momentary look in her eyes, and she immediately dismissed her thoughts.

The doubts in her head increased. The only thing Isha knew was that they were going to the giant country on the road to the Post-Phaseic Road-the Empire of San Dorag, and there was no other information. I thought this should be a normal mission, but at this moment, Cassia was silent, the other four members were unfamiliar, and before the mission, Cassia told her that she would leave because of this mission. , The interleaved information made her feel that Cassia's situation seemed very unoptimistic. Moreover, in the eyes of Isha, after Cassia got on the train from the beginning, all the messages conveyed to her were only one thing, that is, sit in the seat and rest well, and don't ask about other things.


"Master Ha, they have already determined those initial goals."

"Yeah." The seated man nodded his head slightly, and walked out of his thoughts after a short while, looking at the huge drawing that stood in front of him. It was filled with circles of different shapes and sizes, and many people's names were written on it. Lines of different colors are intertwined between circles and names, forming a cumbersome network diagram with no exit or destination. And in the center of this huge piece of paper, is the name of "Kasia", surrounded by a circle, currently only a red line connects him, from Ye Jielin on the side.

And below the name of "Kasia", there is a line of small characters, very neat, also a person's name-Carla Meredith.

"I have told them that after tomorrow, as long as they find an opportunity, they can do it at any time." Lyle took on the words just now, UU read "But after several investigations, because of the identity of the target, he will be accompanied by A big risk, the other party proposes to increase the remuneration."

Nodded in horror, the gentle and magnetic voice did not fluctuate at all: "They can meet their requirements, but the premise is that within three days, all members of Macdonald who have left the resident captain and above cannot return. You apply this condition. Tell it to the past and they will know what to do afterwards."

"Right, Lyle." Hae continued. "Has the internal affairs of the military school been finished?"

"It will take two more days, Young Master."

There was a moment of horror: "If the time is difficult, you remember to contact your family and look for a fixed number of stewards for help. Some information inside the military school is very important, but there is the birthplace of Mr. Cassia."

"In addition, you can help me prepare Ye Jielin's contact information. This shouldn't be difficult."

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