Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1414: Bombing, Breakthrough and Focus (Part 2)

There was not much time left for the remaining three people to react. Their only action was that one person's roar halfway came out of their throat. Without the slightest impact, Cassia determined that all thirteen people were dead. After finding out the dozens of bank cards and putting them in several pockets on her body, she immediately turned around and returned to the underground space. It doesn't matter whether they were sent by the unknown enemy or the person in charge of the local security zone.

Because the communication with the enemy has been unilaterally disconnected, this situation will almost always be judged as an accident. Cassia also knew that the news that the underground space he was spreading would be bombed probably also went to the enemy with other information. With the death of these thirteen people, the enemy will also know that the plan for the safe area has been discovered by the people here.

Cassia didn't know what countermeasures the enemy would take, and he still had a headache how to get people out of the underground space.

Carefully re-entered the underground space and looked at the staff lounge by the corridor. After determining the time at the moment, Cassia went to the warehouse connected to the lounge a few steps. Cassia, who came out of it, went to the nearest bathroom after half a minute. After turning around for a few seconds, the sound of the explosion spread quickly in the confined space of the underground space.

There is no catharsis for the huge sound, and the five-millimeter steel plate used as the wall has no sound insulation and interception effect. The booming explosion reverberated in the underground space one after another, becoming a gradual weakening cycle, a little bit by which the already dull and hot air has considerable pressure.

The sonic pulse watched the team in each room. When a large group of people gathered in the corridor and started to rush to the source of the sound, Cassia found a suitable opportunity to join in, and some passively pushed back to the resting place.

As imagined, only the explosion produced smoke, not a fire. Because only a dozen or so steel shell bombs were still put into the corroded ammunition pile, the gunpowder that could be ignited was very limited. The explosion mainly depends on the bomb itself.

The captains of several teams stood up at all times and started to maintain order here, and let the extra people return to their respective teams first. It's just that the sound of the explosion evoked the memories of many people. As a sign, without Cassia reminding them in the crowd, someone connected it to the information spread at night.

"Why didn't you see the staff?" The lingering sound of the explosion had not completely disappeared, and the noisy voice replaced it. At this time, someone turned on the bright flashlight to illuminate the rest area, and at the same time, someone asked whether there was a worker in a safe area in the crowd.

Cassia saw all the development in the direction of hope, and then turned to pay attention to the team captains who were rushing over, and also paid attention to the route that Yisha rushed over, chose a corridor that just happened to meet her, and returned to the middle of the team.

"5:15." Cassia sat down in the corner and glanced at the time. He estimated that Isha and the others saw the corroded ammunition pile in the warehouse, and it would not take a long time to find the bodies of workers outside the safe area after the discussion.

Waiting in the room, a few minutes later, in the sound wave pulse, the bright flashlight that was not broken guided Isha and the others to find the thirteen bodies quickly. This meeting is nearly half past five, less than forty minutes before dawn. In the sky above the forest, because of the moonlight, the field of vision will never be affected. In Cassia's consideration, the only restriction to the enemy at the moment was the light intensity in the forest.

On the other side, dozens of captains stood around the corpse and formed a circle. The beam of the bright flashlight in their hands made this space a little dazzling. The light everywhere made the corpse no shadow, the index finger-sized bullet hole on the back of the head, and the necks of the other three people who were directly pinched to pieces. The blood has not yet coagulated, and even a little white gas is still emitting in the early hours of the morning.

In the middle of the corpse, the white light also irradiated the several footprints deep in the ground to whiten, losing the original color. Every foot dents the surrounding soil a little bit. The ground here is not soft. At this moment, most people standing here can step on deep footprints with their own strength, but they cannot directly touch the ground. Step out of the pit.

"Those bank cards were not on them, they were taken away." Someone started to summarize the information currently known, "Blood carries temperature, and the time of death is within a few minutes. The shooting method of the people who killed them was very accurate and extremely Good at hiding oneself. Although there are only three three-stage people among the thirteen people, judging from the location of the corpses, ten people were killed with a pistol at a very close distance, and the rest will be solved by hands. The location of the corpses is almost They still retain their marching formation, indicating that they have no reaction time at all."

"All the ammunition in the warehouse has been corroded, and they are obviously going to leave." The captain said one after another, "Because the inspection team's problems cannot be resolved, so I chose to leave quietly? But why Destroy those ammunition?"

"Maybe they are part of the inspection team?"

"As for the information that will be bombed here at night, I feel that I should put it first."

"It's indeed almost dawn in time, and there was an explosion in the rest area. Everyone went to the warehouse to see that the acid will not cause an explosion, nor can it detonate the remaining gunpowder."

"Looking at it, someone deliberately created the explosion. So what was the purpose? Is it just to coincide with the bombing in the news? Use the explosion to remind us of the bombing."

"In this case, wouldn't it be better to stand up and say all the information you know? If the information is really accurate, we wouldn't believe it." After this sentence, everyone in the room looked around, as if trying to learn from it. Find the leader who makes these things.

"I don't think we can discuss the results. The other party is obviously more cautious than us. And our focus should not be on these corpses, nor who did these things. But what does the other party want to tell us?"

"The bombing of dawn time."

"Yes, I think we should think about it. I think since the staff in the safe area is dead, there shouldn't be a big difference between whether we stay in the underground space or on the ground?"


"The seventeenth place." The man wearing the goggles looked at the dead leaves without any surprises under his feet, and the bright light outlined the veins of the Then the man lifted up with a full bag. The puzzled face looked in the direction of the safe area ahead, "Is it there?"

While talking to himself, the person next to the man had already squatted down, and his hands with thick gloves carefully used tweezers to clean the dead leaves one by one. Soon, the black moist earth appeared under the light. At the center of the light gathering, there is a small recess like a resting place dug by insects. The thickness of the thumb is less than four or five centimeters.

Then the tweezers turned into small shovel, and the skillful movements showed that this kind of work had been done many times. Several people next to the man dug out a hemispherical block of soil with a radius of approximately 20 centimeters centered on a small pit, and then put it into the prepared container and added a large amount of cyan reagent to it. Soaking.

"Master Yas, the cleanup has been completed."

"Thanks for your hard work." The man named Yas said, "You will later evacuate directly from the forest with the extracted samples and go to the tribe to give to my adjutant. She knows how to deal with these things."

"In this way, the wolves will be able to pass through these areas smoothly, without leaving a gap in the encirclement of the enemy to escape." Yass began to walk back and took out the communicator, "But who will it be? Could it be with some Among those people who are close to the dragon knight?"

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