Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1413: Bombing, Breakthrough and Focus (Middle)

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At this moment in the early morning, there are no other teams rushing here. If it is said that it is necessary to patrol, it is possible, but the 13 people seem to leave from the same exit. They appear to be extremely cautious in their actions and give people a kind of fear. The illusion that was discovered.

Nine of the 13 members have gone to the ground, and they are not patrolling at all. They walked straight ahead hundreds of meters, stopped there, waiting for others who had not yet come out. The suspicious behavior made Cassia stand up from the corner silently, and Isha only noticed it after walking a few meters.

Looking at Isha who raised her head, Cassia gave a relieved smile and found a reason to go to the bathroom. Yisha nodded, she didn't have too much thinking on her face. The accumulation of tiredness and the tremendous pressure on her body made her mind full of analysis of various situations in the last few days, and did not have too much energy to think about other details. thing.

Cassia walked out of the room lightly, looking for the almost empty corridor. After walking a certain distance in the direction of the bathroom, it was expected that Isha's perception would not be able to capture herself, and then Cassia slowly approached the rest of the staff in the safe area.

When all the thirteen people left the resting place, Cassia happened to go to the side. There was still light coming out of the rest area, but the door was locked. Cassia pulled out a tactical knife and cut his finger, squeezing out blood to drip on the door lock, the effect of corrosion was much faster than he thought. Opening the door silently in this way, Cassia went straight to the warehouse. Before entering, there was a burst of acidic smell mixed with the burnt smell on her face.

The next moment I heard Xixi Suosuo's voice, and in my sight, the warehouse was full of pungent gray smoke. Cassia held his breath and went to the source of the sound, and immediately saw a pile of ammunition that had been corroded by acid. Several piles of ammunition pledged to the safe area were doused with excessive acid, and within a few minutes, these ammunition could only be declared scrapped.

At this moment, Cassia suddenly realized something that he hadn't noticed at all.

Are the workers in the safe zone really these 13 people? Without thinking in place, Cassia immediately turned around and went to the nearest exit, and went to the ground cautiously like those people. After a few seconds, her body temperature adjusted to the ambient temperature. The thirteen people locked in by the sonic impulse coincided with each other at this moment. The "visible" person in charge is holding the communicator and talking softly at the moment, and the other personnel are all looking in the direction of the underground space, seeming to determine whether they are likely to be discovered, and whether they are following other people behind him .

At this time, Cassia could not determine the identity of the thirteen people. The real appearance of the staff in the safe area, I am afraid that none of the teams in the underground space knows at this moment. No one knows whether anything happened here before the first team arrived here. Perhaps the real staff member died a day or two ago, and the body was buried under the surrounding dead leaves after being processed. The unknown enemy knows this, so you can send some people who match the image to take over these safe areas. They only need to evacuate at the right time to achieve good results and be judged as successful.

Because this can not only grasp the status of each team in real time-the number of people gathered in a safe area, approximate strength and equipment, but also make a lot of money by relying on the safe area in addition to the execution of the plan.

It was already five o'clock in the morning, and no personnel sent by the unknown enemy were caught in the sound wave pulse. This has increased the possibility that the safe area has already been controlled by the enemy a lot. In addition, the batch of ammunition in the warehouse that was artificially destroyed can also be seen as the enemy's attempt to reduce the combat capabilities of various teams.

Failure to exclude the safe area is due to the pressure of the enemy’s status and status. However, if he has the ability to set up a safe protection zone in the border forest, and can conduct transactions with the inspection team, the opponent must also be a powerful tribe. In this case, it seems more appropriate to treat each other as a transaction.

The price paid is high. After this incident, the trust established in the various smuggling teams in the security zone will not exist. Even if various explanations can be found later, the security zone has no meaning to exist in the border forest after this.

Without the necessary information, Cassia can't judge which situation will be. But one thing is certain. The general information of the teams in the underground space has reached the ears of unknown enemies. Not only this safe area, but the other places are probably the same.

Cassia did not know that the time of the bombing would not be advanced because of the news he spread, but it must have aroused the vigilance of the thirteen people ahead. Their departure is enough to show that the enemy is not far from the underground space. At this moment, there is less than an hour until dawn. This is the last chance for Cassia. The total number of teams in the underground space is close to two thousand. It is difficult to judge how many people and what forces the other party will send to eliminate these two thousand people.

Among them, what worries Cassia most is who will lead this cleanup ~ ~ whether it has the nature of the Flame Alliance. It will be a large tribe who is leading this matter, or a trade gathering place where Toynby's border line meets the regulations.

Two minutes passed after coming out of the room. Cassia calculated that after 13 people in front of him walked for a certain distance in the dark, they were already more than 1,500 meters away from the underground space. The normal roar passed this distance and could not penetrate. Five meters of soil. So he drew out a clip-on pistol that was left behind when he shared the supplies, which was originally equipped with a muffler. Cassia used the sonic impulse to pay attention to the other person's progress, making every step of her run coincide with one of them, hiding her voice when she was moving.

The distance of 500 meters was narrowed to only 100 meters in half a minute, and after a few breaths, the distance reached 50 meters, and after two or three breaths, the distance had reached about 30 meters.

Cassia, who has no heartbeat, breath, breath, temperature, or even sight, is like a ghost, more like the **** of death who abandoned his scythe and used firearms under the change of times. It is also the black shadow of the ordinary ancient tree trunk in the forest. Silently followed behind the thirteen people in front of them without noticing them. After two more breaths, as a pair of red cross pupils lit up in the faint afterglow of the opponent's bright flashlight, ten gunshots were connected into a short, low "boom", suddenly opened, and then suddenly stopped. The wet and cold darkness swallowed it.

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