"Hello, my name is Kuroro Lusiru."

Seeing Kuroro take the initiative to extend his hand, Lin Mo of course smiled and extended his hand.

He is not here to cause trouble today.

"Hello, my name is Lin Mo."

Kuroro saw that Lin Mo was so friendly and had no hostile intentions.

His heart, which was originally hanging in the air, suddenly fell by half.

The first impression is very important.

If the first impression is good, the subsequent conversation will be twice as effective with half the effort.

Otherwise, it will be half as effective with twice the effort.

Since Lin Mo has no aversion or hostility to him, Kuroro is a little more confident about the next invitation.

He believes that Machi and the others must have conveyed their general meaning to Lin Mo.

Since Lin Mo chose to come here and his attitude is very friendly.

It means that Lin Mo should also have this intention.

The rest is how to make both parties reach a consensus.

Thinking of this, Kuroro's smile on his face became more sincere.

After the two shook hands in a friendly manner.

Kuroro pointed to the blonde behind him, Paknotan, who was still young but very knowledgeable, and Franklin, who looked honest, had no scars on his face like those in the original book, and was taller than Wojin, and Feitan, who had a cold face and was short, and introduced to Lin Mo:

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce you first, this is Paknotan, this is Franklin and Feitan. They are my team members."

"Hello."Lin Mo also smiled and nodded to them.

Needless to say, Paknotan and Franklin were very convinced by Kuroro. They were just curious about Lin Mo, who was so respected by Kuroro, and they had no hostility.

So they nodded to Lin Mo.

Although Feitan had a bad temper before meeting Lin Mo, all of this disappeared after meeting Lin Mo.

There was only one reason.

Lin Mo was strong enough!

People who have been hanging around in Meteor Street for many years, as long as they have a certain strength, can grow up.

Basically, they are more sensitive to dangerous auras.

Especially for Feitan, who looks short and has a bad temper.

It's really not easy for him to survive.

Therefore, his sensitivity to danger is probably no less than that of Machi.

The moment he saw Lin Mo, Feitan's hairs began to stand up.

In addition, as mentioned before, Lin Mo still cannot perfectly control his breath.

In Feitan's eyes, Lin Mo was like a beast that kept roaring. He directly suppressed Feitan and made him lose his temper.

Although he couldn't expect him to have a good face, he nodded to Lin Mo with a stiff face.

Among Feitan and others, Lin Mo only cared about Paknottan.

There was nothing much to say about Feitan and Franklin.

One was a long-range firepower ADC, and the other was a sensitive attack assassin who could use a big move. They were both dispensable to Lin Mo.

After taking a quick look at the two, Lin Mo didn't take them seriously.

Hmm.·····Feitan is already about 155cm tall. There is no hope. Just wait for death.

As for caring about Paknottan, it is certainly not because she is big and white, but because her abilities may be useful in the future.

Speaking of which, Paknottan is only about fourteen years old now.

I didn't expect that she is already so mature.

Although Paknottan's current dress is not as bold as it was later, Lin Mo's vision is so sharp.

These are men who have experienced various actual combat in their previous lives.

He can see at a glance that her talents are several times greater than Machi's.

It's a pity that it's this nose...·····It really made Lin Mo feel a little embarrassed.

If only Paknotan's hooked nose could be softer.

Lin Mo looked at Paknotan's nose with regret in his eyes.

Paknotan even thought that there was something dirty on his nose.

He touched it quietly with his hand.

Only Machi sensed something.

His eyes suddenly became sharp, looking at Lin Mo's back, and the body continued to emit cold air.

Feeling the cold air behind him, Lin Mo's heart shuddered instantly.

He quickly said to Kuroro:"Speaking of which, Kuroro, do you have something to talk to me about?"

Kuroro saw that Lin Mo asked directly and directly, and after looking around, he suggested to Lin Mo:

"Mr. Lin Mo, this is not a place to talk, how about we go inside first?"

Lin Mo looked at the sky. The sun on Meteor Street was a little hotter than usual today.

It was mainly a little dazzling, and the temperature was secondary.

So Lin Mo nodded and said,"Okay, let's go inside and talk. You can just call me Lin Mo. I'm not that old yet."

Kuroro did not refuse and agreed,"Okay, Lin Mo, you go first."

After saying that, he took the initiative to make way for Lin Mo, signaling that Lin Mo should go first.

Seeing Kuroro's attitude, Paknotan and Franklin frowned.

But because of their trust in Kuroro, they didn't say much.

After Feitan felt the danger of Lin Mo, he no longer had any dissatisfaction with Lin Mo.

Isn't it true that the strong are respected?

So he didn't think there was anything wrong with Kuroro's initiative to make way.

Because Lin Mo is stronger than Kuroro, of course he should let the strong go first.

Lin Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and he was a little confused about what Kuroro was up to.

As a modern man, Lin Mo will never understand what a natural thief like Kuroro thinks.

However, out of confidence in his own strength, Lin Mo still followed Kuroro's meaning and walked directly in front.

Kuroro walked beside him, lagging behind. Half a body length, no matter it was courtesy or face, Lin Mo was given enough.

After entering the house, Lin Mo quickly scanned the overall environment.

The classic Meteor Street-featured Syrian refugee style decoration.

There were some, after all, fresh blood stains.

It was probably the legacy left by the original owner when Kuroro and the others occupied the house.

Looking at the tattered wooden chairs in the house that had been patinated due to their age.

Lin Mo frowned slightly.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

If it was Lin Mo when he just crossed over, it would probably not matter.

But now, he doesn't want to let himself suffer any grievances.

And it's not that he doesn't have the ability.

Lin Mo opened his hand slightly towards the void, and suddenly a long multi-person sofa was materialized.

The sofa immediately squeezed out the broken wooden chairs that were originally placed on the ground.

Then Lin Mo walked to the other side and did the same operation.

"Don't mind, I'll help you buy some new furniture."

After saying that, without waiting for Kuroro to answer, he sat down.

Then he looked at Kuroro with a smile, and made a very natural gesture of invitation, indicating Kuroro could sit down and talk.

It was as if this was Lin Mo's territory.

In an instant, Lin Mo had turned the tables.

Since he didn't know what Kuroro was planning, he would try to see where his bottom line was!

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