"Ah——It stinks! Why does it feel so much worse than before? Have I not been out for too long?"

After getting up in the morning, Lin Mo and his group had a nice breakfast before slowly going out to meet Kuroro at Block 13.

As they stayed in the station with an air purification system running at full power 24 hours a day for a long time,

Lin Mo forgot about the bad environment of Meteor Street for a while. He had just walked a few steps outside when he was severely taught a lesson by the increasingly strong smell of biological weapons.

"Is there? Although it is a bit pungent, I feel it's okay."

Wo Jin took a deep breath with some doubt.

Lin Mo's scalp tingled when he saw it.


However, when Lin Mo saw that Machi and Nobunaga had no reaction, he realized it.

If this body is now dominated by Mo, the reaction should be the same as theirs.

After all, more than ten years of habits will obviously not be changed by one or two months of life.

But now it is Lin Mo, a soul from modern society, who is in charge.

So after more than a month of diluted memory, Lin Mo regained his original perception.

That's why he felt that the smell was unusually strong.

Lin Mo flipped his hands and instantly materialized four gas masks.

Although Wo Jin and the others did not react much to such exhaust gas, it would still be bad for the body to inhale too much.

After throwing one to each of them, Lin Mo quickly put on the mask


Machi and the others rolled their eyes at Lin Mo.

He had lived in Meteor Street for more than ten years, but he was still so delicate.

No wonder he developed such an ability that focused on enjoyment.

They had heard Lin Mo explain a long time ago that the development of telepathy was generally related to what the person with the ability pursued.

And what they thought was Lin Mo's telepathy was developed right under their noses.

It was that piece of Kobe steak at the beginning.

And what was materialized afterwards was basically all related to enjoyment.

In terms of combat, Lin Mo developed it later based on this telepathy.

In other words, what Lin Mo pursued most in his heart was undoubtedly enjoyment!

"Damn it!"

When they thought that Lin Mo's ability to read is for enjoyment, while their ability to read is for the pursuit of power.

But they are not Lin Mo's opponent at all, Ugin and Nobunaga felt aggrieved again.

"Next time!! Next time I must be stronger than Lin Mo!!"

Although the two swore so in their hearts, they felt discouraged again when they thought of Lin Mo’s cheating [Unlimited Technique].

"Can we really beat Lin Mo?"


Machi looked at Wo Jin and Nobunaga, who were surrounded by a low pressure and looked dejected.

There was a black question mark on his face.

What are these two idiots doing?!


The northern area of Meteor Street is actually the area where Lin Mo is located.

Block 13, where Kuroro is located, is only one block away from Block 11 where they are stationed.

Block 13 was chosen by Kuroro after careful consideration.

It is not too close to make Lin Mo and his party feel oppressed, nor is it too far to allow them to come over as soon as they want.

This is a relatively friendly and polite distance.

Since he is determined to be extremely humble, Kuroro will not make people feel unhappy in any detail.

So Lin Mo and his party arrived at Block 13 not long after.

"This should be Kuroro's temporary base. I heard that they, like us, cleared the entire block and left only their base."

Looking at the dilapidated house in front of him, Machi explained.

After what happened to Os, Wo Jin and Nobunaga wanted to clear out all the teams in the entire block.

After obtaining Lin Mo's consent, the two who had just learned to read took only one day to complete the domination of the eleventh block.

Kill all the teams in the eleventh block.

"Oh~ is that so?"Lin Mo didn't say much, but his eyes flickered slightly.

Are you going to demonstrate to me?

No, it shouldn't be.

If you want to demonstrate to me, you should choose Block 12 which is closer to us.

This will give me a greater sense of psychological oppression.

And judging from the previous attitude, such a demonstration is inconsistent with the previous attitude.

Such inconsistent behavior should not be the choice of a smart person like Kuroro.

Since it is not a demonstration, it is to show one's strength.

Do you want to tell me a message-do they also have a certain amount of power?

After all, tigers will not walk with ants.

People with power will only make friends with people with power.



While Lin Mo was still thinking, the door of the house was opened from the inside.

The rotten wooden door made a sound that seemed to be overwhelmed.

Tap, tap!

As the door was opened, the sound of leather shoes hitting the floor was heard.

A handsome young man with medium-length black hair, like Lin Mo, was wearing a black suit. He walked towards Lin Mo and the others with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face.

Although his face was still very immature, it did not make people feel that he was looked down upon. He exuded a convincing leadership aura from head to toe. Even the cheap-looking suit became a little expensive when worn on him.

"He is Kuroro."

Machi, who was standing next to Lin Mo, whispered to Lin Mo.

In fact, Lin Mo knew without Machi's words that the handsome boy in front of him must be Kuroro.

Lin Mo couldn't help but admire his strong personal charm like a black hole.

If the charm of Xiaojie in the original book is that people can't help but stand by him and help him.

Kuroro's charm is that people can't help but accept his leadership and obey his orders.

It's hard to imagine that Kuroro, who is only thirteen years old, already has such a temperament.

Just as Lin Mo was looking at Kuroro, Kuroro was also secretly observing what kind of person Lin Mo was, who took Machi away before him.

Although Lin Mo and others were wearing gas masks, Kuroro still guessed Lin Mo at a glance.


This was Kuroro's first impression of Lin Mo.

Kuroro, who condensed the energy in his eyes, could clearly feel Lin Mo's thoughts were as deep as a prison.

Since Lin Mo's thoughts were increasing every moment,

Lin Mo, who could not control them perfectly, would inevitably leak out a trace of his breath.

Seeing Kuroro coming over, Lin Mo and his companions took off their gas masks.

After all, wearing this thing seemed impolite.


This was Kuroro's second impression.

Although he was a few years older than himself, according to Kuroro's observation,

Lin Mo was only about eighteen years old at most.

Kuroro did not expect that Lin Mo, who was so powerful and could train Wo Jin and others' thoughts so well, was actually less than twenty years old.

As Kuroro came out,

Feitan, Paknotan and Franklin also followed Kuroro out.

Lin Mo and Kuroro's gangs looked at each other.

Kuroro pulled his right hand out of his trouser pocket, took a few steps forward again, took the initiative to smile at Lin Mo and stretched out his hand to show his friendliness:

"Hello, my name is Kuroro Lusilu"

PS:I have successfully finished three updates today! Please support me with some money!~~~

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