"Forehead·····This... is right."

It is said that one lie needs countless lies to cover it up.

Whether it is the matter of time travel or the benefits brought by time travel, Lin Mo never intended to let another person know.

Not even Machi.

So at this time, Lin Mo could only bite the bullet and say that he is a materialization system.

Anyway, in terms of ability, there is no problem at all to say that he is a materialization system

""Okay, okay, come and take a test to see what kind of mind you are." Lin Mo quickly diverted the topic away from himself.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands and materialized three glasses filled with water and three leaves.

Then he placed a leaf on each of the three glasses of water.

Although Lin Mo already knew what kind of mind they were, he still had to go through the necessary procedures.

"Come, each of you has a cup, and just output your thoughts into the cup."

"This method is called the Mizumi-style identification method. It was developed by the Heart Source Fist School founded by Isaac Netero, the president of the World's Strongest Hunter Association. It is a diagnostic method for identifying one's own telekinetic system. It is also the most accurate identification method currently."

"If the amount of water in the cup increases after you input the thought, it means you are a reinforcement type."

"If the taste of water changes, it is a change."

"If something like crystals appear in the water, it is a manifestation system."

"If the water changes color, you are releasing"

"If the blades on the water move, it means the operating system"

"If a phenomenon different from the other five systems occurs, it belongs to the characteristic system."

After listening to Lin Mo's words, Wo Jin narrowed his eyes:"Lin Mo, the strongest person in the world you just mentioned, Isaac Netero, the president of the Hunter Association, what system is he in?"

Just hearing Lin Mo call him the strongest in the world, it obviously touched Wo Jin's heart.

Other things become a little insignificant in front of the strongest in the world.

Become stronger than anyone!

This has always been Wo Jin's creed.

Although it has not yet been clarified to the goal of punching out the power of a nuclear bomb.

But for becoming stronger, Wo Jin has always had a persistence far beyond ordinary people.

Looking at Wo Jin with a burning fighting spirit, Lin Mo curled his lips:"Reinforcement system!"

Wo Jin grinned and laughed:"Is that so, I guess so."

When he heard Lin Mo's introduction to the reinforcement system just now, Wo Jin was full of yearning for this system. He had a hunch that he should also be a reinforcement system.

Lin Mo pushed three cups of water in front of them:"Come on, try to see what system you are in."

After the three of them took the cups, they chanted at the cups without hesitation.

The water in the cups of Uojin and Nobunaga began to overflow as they chanted.

"Strengthening system!"

Wo Jin and Nobunaga both had happy expressions on their faces.

One only believed in his own body, and the other only believed in his own sword.

For them, strengthening system is the best system. On the other side, no matter how Machi used his telekinesis, the water cup did not change.

This made Machi frown.

Seeing Machi's anxiety, Lin Mo couldn't help but feel funny:"Taste the water."

Hearing Lin Mo's reminder, Machi remembered the characteristics of the change system.

It can only be said that those who are involved are confused. Usually, Machi would not make such a naive mistake.

He gently touched the water in the water cup with his fingers, and then stretched out his pink little tongue to lick his fingers.

"A little sweet."

Machi, who had calmed down again, regained his cold eyes and said to Lin Mo.

Transformation system?

Can it change the nature and form of Qi...

Machi looked thoughtfully at the steel wire that appeared in his hand at some point.

Like Kurapika, after learning that he was a mind-reader, the first thing that came to Machi's mind was a piece of silk thread.

"Well, now that we have determined the department, in addition to our daily practice of mindfulness, we can also conduct special training for each department."

"Now, try to focus your energy on your eyes."

Lin Mo stretched out a finger and tried to shape the energy into"1".

After all, Lin Mo himself had just awakened his mind.

"Ah! Lin Mo, there seems to be a '1' on your finger!" Wo Jin pointed at the crooked"1" formed by mind on Lin Mo's finger in surprise.

Lin Mo nodded:"The technique you are using now to focus your energy on your eyes is called [Condensation]. This is also an applied technique that must be maintained at all times when fighting with a mind user."

"As you can see, if you don't use [Concentration], you won't be able to see the '1' on my finger. Similarly, if you don't maintain [Concentration] during a battle with an enemy, you might be hit by the enemy's telekinesis without even knowing it."


Seeing that the three of them looked like good students, Lin Mo also felt a sense of accomplishment as a teacher.

"The training method of the Transformation System is to form numbers from one to ten on your fingers in the shortest possible time. Set a small goal for yourself, within five seconds."

Lin Mo looked at Machi and began to assign homework to Machi.

Machi said nothing and simply nodded. He also began to learn from Lin Mo, raised his fingers and began to try.

Then Lin Mo turned his head and looked at his own Wo Jin and Nobunaga.

"If you want to strengthen it, it's simple, that is to hit the stone"

"Hitting a stone?"They were both stunned.

"That's right, it's just hitting the stone. Although it may sound a bit naive, it is actually the simplest and most effective method in the early stage."

"Using the power of thought to strengthen a stone so that it can break as many stones as possible, while keeping the stone in your hand from breaking, is not as easy as you think."

Then he gave them a homework assignment:"You can also set a small goal first, to break a thousand stones with a stone within a day."

"These two methods are the most suitable techniques for beginners to practice summarized by a senior from Xinyuan School. They are just right for your first stage of practice."

While Lin Mo was talking, on the other side of the continent, in a suite of an unknown five-star hotel, a little blonde girl was originally enjoying the professional massage of Miss Cookie, a magic beautician transformed by her own mind power.


The little girl sneezed suddenly without any warning.

"I always feel like someone is saying something bad about me..."

After mumbling, the little girl turned over and continued to enjoy Miss Cookie's massage.

Back to Meteor Street.

After finishing the explanation, Lin Mo walked outside and spread his hands, directly materializing two piles of stones for Wo Jin and the others to practice.

This also prevented them from picking up some stones outside that might be contaminated with something and polluting the environment they lived in.

""Hoohoo! Thank you, Lin Mo! Let's go try it now."

After saying that, the two of them picked up a stone and started knocking.

Lin Mo looked at Machi who was practicing alone in the living room, and the two Huskies who were knocking stones excitedly outside.

Lin Mo smiled silently, then turned around and went back to his room.

Whether it was the new ability he got after killing Os or his true department, he had to confirm it carefully.


Lin Mo gently locked the door.

"Now, it's time to check my abilities."

PS: Thank you to Brother Shen, Wangmeng, Xiaobao and Red Sakura for their monthly tickets and AWSL for the update! Thank you! Data during the new book period is very important, your support is my biggest motivation!

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