Lin Mo looked at Machi with some surprise.

If they had just met, Machi would not have made such a move.

It seems that Machi has changed a lot during this period of time.

Lin Mo smiled at Machi and said that he was fine.

Only Wo Jin and Nobunaga, two people with thick nerves, could not read the air.

"Oh~ Lin Mo, do you still have a hometown? I thought you lived in Meteor Street like us."

In fact, people from Meteor Street are not necessarily born in Meteor Street from the beginning.

For example, Feitan would occasionally say his hometown dialect when he was angry. It can be seen that some people may have come to Meteor Street from where they originally lived for some reason.

The creed of Meteor Street is"We don't reject anything, but don't try to take anything away from us."

So for this part of the people, Meteor Street also chose to accept them without hesitation.

"None of this matters. Anyway, in this world, I am a person from Meteor Street."

Lin Mo waved his hand, not wanting to talk more about this issue.

After Wo Jin threw away all the garbage on the table, Lin Mo gathered everyone in the living room again.

Lin Mo looked at Wo Jin and Nobunaga with some displeasure:

"After I opened your mind before, you rushed to duel, do you still want to listen to the practice after opening your mind?"

Hearing this, the three of them were stunned.

""Hey?! Is there any special practice after the opening of the mind?" Wo Jin looked at Lin Mo blankly and asked

"Nonsense, although physical fitness is also important in the battle between Nen users, the most important thing is Nen, so after opening Nen, physical training becomes less important, and what is more important is the development of Nen, otherwise how do you think those strange superpowers come from?"

When they heard about getting stronger, Ugin and Nobunaga immediately became good kids, staring at Lin Mo with fiery eyes.

Even Machi sat up straight subconsciously.

Looking at the few people who turned into three good students in a second, Lin Mo nodded with satisfaction:

"After awakening the mind, the mind ability user mainly practices in the following four aspects:】,【Absolute】,【practice】,【], also known as the four major banks"

"【[Entanglement] is to focus the mind, gaze at oneself, calm the mood, and is a method of mental concentration to stabilize emotions. It stabilizes the energy flowing throughout the body. In combat, the strength of the entanglement is equal to the defense against mind attacks."

"【【Absolute】 can tighten and isolate the Qi and breath of the whole body, making one's presence weak. In the state of absolute, the defense against mind attacks is close to zero. Entering the state of absolute when tired can help restore physical strength."

"【[Refine] is to concentrate the mind, burst out a strong aura, and refine the will. The Qi refined in the body is sent out from the pores, releasing more Qi than usual."

"【The will of the training can change according to the object, so-called"win by force, I don't move, the enemy retreats". This is also the culmination of the power of mind, to freely manipulate and use one's own energy, which is the so-called super power."

"The above are called the Four Elements, collectively known as Mind, which is to 'sublimate the mind and train the mind'. The basis of all fighting skills is the Four Elements. In other words, it is the practice of strengthening the process of self-will."

Lin Mo slowly explained to them the Mind mentioned in the original book.

Normally, Lin Mo had long forgotten these detailed knowledge points in the original book, but Lin Mo could hypnotize himself.

Human memory is so magical. Many things you think you have forgotten are actually not forgotten at all. They are just classified as unimportant information by the brain and hidden.

As long as you bring yourself back to the scene when you were reading the comics, Lin Mo can clearly see every word in it.

Wo Jin, Nobunaga and Machi carefully recorded every word that Lin Mo said.

Don't look at Wo Jin's usual appearance of not being very smart. He is just a little bit nervous, not that he has any problems with his intelligence.

So it is not difficult to write down what Lin Mo said

"Of course, the body is the root of everything, so you can't give up physical training when you are practicing mind training."After thinking about it, Lin Mo added a sentence.

Although if we look at the example of Kurapika, it seems that physical fitness does not have much impact on combat effectiveness.

But let's not talk about Kurapika's physique of the Red Eyes and Double Mind System, just his absolute time kryptonian life style can't be judged by common sense.

So Lin Mo thought about it and reminded them not to give up the improvement of physical fitness.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, Lin Mo, I won't give up my physical exercise."

Wo Jin patted his chest muscles and laughed.

The other two also nodded to show that they understood.

"Very good, now the next part is to determine the department you are studying."

"Because everyone's physique, qualifications, personality and growth environment are different, the thoughts generated in the body will also be different."

"Generally speaking, the mind system is divided into six categories, namely [Strengthening】,【Transmutation】,【Release system】,【Materialization】,【Operation System] and [Trait System】"

"People can easily cultivate the Nen ability of their own department, but the Nen ability of other departments is not easy to cultivate."

As Lin Mo said this, he materialized a paper and a pen in his hand, and then drew a diagram of Nen ability on the paper.

After drawing, he turned the angle for them to see, and then continued:"The specific difficulty can be seen in this picture. The farther away from your own department, the harder it is to cultivate."

"If your own department can exert 100% of its power, the adjacent department can exert 80%, and the next one can exert 60%."

"The Strengthening System can enhance the original properties of oneself or a weapon. It can maximize the ability to attack, defend, and heal."

"The released Qi can still maintain its power outside the body and can be sent to places far away from the body. Release the Qi in the body. The released Qi can change the appearance, attack the enemy or execute orders."

"The control system can inject one's thoughts into the target to control it. If injected into other people, it can control them. If injected into objects, it can control objects."

"The Transformation System can change the nature or shape of the generated Qi. The Qi of Transformation System Nen users usually has a considerable degree of plasticity."

"The materialization system can transform the form of one's own Qi into what one wants, that is, to materialize Qi."

After speaking, Lin Mo paused and said:"But the special system is a little different. It does not belong to the above five systems of mind abilities are all classified into this category. In other words, if you do not belong to the special system, no matter how you practice, you will not be able to cultivate the special system ability."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Nobunaga immediately raised his hand

"I know, I know, Lin Mo, you must belong to the materialization type, so you can transform into all kinds of things."

To be honest, Lin Mo has not tested his type yet.

But based on the changes in his body, he can roughly infer that he should be a trait type.

But Nobunaga's words choked Lin Mo. For a moment , he didn't know how to refute.

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