Start with Batman

Chapter 197: Iron man stands on the ground

Screeching sirens echoed in the armed group's camp. It was a signal of level one alert, an alarm that announced that the entire base had entered a combat state, and all personnel must be on their positions and ready to fire at any time.

Everyone took action, they came to their respective posts, set up their guns and waited with bated breath, but they didn't even know what their opponent was.

"The radar is still not responding?" The commander asked a little irritably.

"Report sir, there is nothing." The tower's answer remained the same.

"Okay, keep on guard."

As the commander spoke, he looked at Li Changcheng, a defector from Secret Service Nine and the founder and leader of their organization.

"There's still no response from the radar, sir. It's hard to explain why, but I always feel like I have a premonition, as if the enemy could suddenly appear at any moment... Could it be Secret Service Nine? They Discovered this base?"

The commander expected an answer from Li Changcheng. It is impossible for anyone here to know the Ninth Branch better than him. The commander wants to know whether it is possible for the Secret Service Ninth Branch to rush into the position in such a state of complete stealth.

Li Changcheng shook his head.

"They don't have such technology." He crossed his arms and said calmly, "The radar system equipped with this base is the most advanced model, and currently no aircraft has the ability to avoid detection... at least nine No."

The commander noticed the suffix that the officer added at the end.

"You mean to say..."

"That's right." Li Changcheng said with a blank expression, "I'm afraid this means that what we are facing is much worse than that of Qin Nine."


Everyone came to their positions. Guns were set up on the high platform, and all the anti-aircraft turrets that automatically responded were activated. The soldiers held their breaths and concentrated, and the entire camp did not dare to breathe out, ready to meet the incoming enemy.

Here are all carefully selected elites, soldiers who have undergone strict training according to the army's standards. And all of them are dead soldiers, some because they have no choice, some because they have firm beliefs, but no matter what, everyone has the most steadfast will to fight.

They imagined what a tragic battle would be ushered in today, imagining the overwhelming presence of soldiers, the formation of official fighter jets in groups, the aircraft carriers overwhelming the sky like dark clouds, and endless well-equipped troops attacking from all around. And they would fight, fighting without fear until the last bullet was empty and without frowning until the last man fell.

But the expected scene did not happen.

There were no planes, no battleships, and no one even noticed the slightest shadow of the enemy. Until a deafening roar seemed to explode in everyone's heart, the tower exploded in the middle, and the burning wreckage fell headlong into the camp like a fallen giant, exploding with billowing black smoke.

The silent camp exploded in an instant.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Someone yelled. Some people ran to avoid the collapsed tower and flying debris. The hot burning debris whirled and whirled, and many people were hit and fell to the ground by stray bullets.

But still no one saw where the enemy was. The whole base seemed to be blind, they were like a hanging target, being bombarded indiscriminately by invisible enemies.

The next thing to be done is the anti-aircraft gun. The base of an anti-aircraft gun exploded like a self-explosion, and metal fragments scattered like raindrops. The impact of the flames was like gushing groundwater, lifting half of the turret up into the sky.

The sound of explosions followed one after another, and the turrets exploded one after another, like a whole hanging of crackling firecrackers, instantly turning into a sea of ​​flames.

The fearless warriors began to feel the horror.

They are not afraid of death, nor are they afraid of facing thousands of troops. But they had never experienced a moment like this in their lives.

They are armed with guns at guns and state-of-the-art weapons, but they can't even find whom to fire. The whole camp was burning, they were like meat on a chopping block, and they couldn't even see what the man wielding the knife looked like.

All the anti-aircraft guns were blown up, followed by a tank that suffered the impact.

At that moment, people standing nearby clearly saw that a golden light beam seemed to penetrate the space, as if splitting the camp in half. The thick armor of the tank was easily melted and penetrated, and the people inside didn't even have time to figure out what happened. The next second, the tank exploded completely, and metal fragments scattered all over the sky.

The next to be hit was an armored combat vehicle full of soldiers driving out of the barracks. As if something hit it hard, the armored vehicle rolled over with a mournful sound, and was deformed on the ground with a bang.

After that, finally someone could barely see the afterimage of the enemy clearly.

It seemed that the other party had greatly reduced their speed, so they could barely see the image of Mohu. The red-gold afterimage broke through the flame curtain wall and rushed out, flying at a low altitude almost touching the ground, dragging a gorgeous tail flame.

Everyone who caught a glimpse of this shadow on the battlefield was instantly petrified, and the horror was almost as frightening as seeing the **** of death.

Those who have received professional training all know that low-altitude flight in the general sense should refer to a flight of 100 to 1,000 meters above the ground. No matter how low a thing flies in the sky, it is a flying object after all, and there must be a limit.

But this thing looks like it's only meter high?

It's all on the ground! ?

What aircraft can dive to this altitude?

It's just that the thing's descent to this height also obviously suppressed the speed. It is small in size, and it was completely invisible when it flew at high altitudes for a long distance and fast speed. Combined with the actual combat situation, it can be speculated that 80% of its body has some kind of anti-radar coating, so the radar is also blind in front of it. Now that it was down between the camps, it slowed down, and the militants finally got a glimpse of what the enemy looked like.

Of course this is not a good sign.

This means that a massacre is about to begin.

A fort first took hold of the thing, and heavy-caliber artillery rained down on it. It is an anti-tank armor-piercing projectile, a super powerful weapon that can tear even the armor of a tank. But that thing didn't dodge or dodge, and the red and gold afterimage of Mohu charged forward in the direction of the fort against the bullet rain.


With a heavy impact, the aircraft actually used its body as a cannonball, smashing through the solid fortress head-on.

The soldiers who saw this were going crazy.

Even if it flew close to the ground, that aircraft actually used physical attacks—in other words, it knocked down a heavily armed military fortress by relying on iron skills!

There is no such aviation weapon in the world at all, and the birth of this kind of thing will undoubtedly overturn the entire existing military system on the Earth's Polar Star! No, they weren't even sure if that thing could be considered a weapon in their general sense, it was something beyond that, something supernatural that couldn't be explained from the perspective of modern military.

A ghost of steel, something that cannot be killed by guns or bullets.

Penetrating through the fortress, the tail flame sprayed by that thing in the air almost drew a circle, pushing forward the tail flame made it complete a somersault-like action with a trajectory that everyone could not understand, and then landed on the ground with a crisp sound like metal collision. on the ground.

It finally stopped.

Countless lines of sight focused on this abnormal enemy who made their livers tremble and was as terrifying as ghosts and gods.

Then they discovered that this outrageous thing looked... like a person.

At this point, all the heavy weapons that might affect the armor have been accurately removed by Iron Man, and the rest is nothing more than cleaning up the small fish and shrimps. Chu Cheng manipulated Iron Man, a superhero with a full score, to land on the ground with a broken knee, and then the Iron Armor slowly stood up with the metallic sound of the mechanical structure operating.

Iron Man, standing on the ground.

The bullet rain concentrated at the first time, and everyone desperately pulled the trigger towards this thing they couldn't understand, as if their boundless fear was also released along with the bullet rain.

Iron Man's armor was surrounded from head to toe by flying sparks, and the clanging and clanging echoed off the armor shell like a deadly symphony.

These are experienced fighters, each of them has their own cover, half body huddled behind the cover and opened fire. Iron Man, on the other hand, stood swaggeringly in the middle of the open space, allowing himself to be covered by the dense rain of bullets, forming a stark contrast.

Of course, he didn't just stand in the middle of the road and get beaten for the sake of being In just a short moment, Chu Cheng had already targeted everyone in the surrounding circle one by one with the aid of his armor aiming.

Select the weapon system and press the launch button to confirm. With a click on Iron Man's shoulder, the hidden mini-gun barrel popped out.

Almost silenced to the sound of a gunshot, the shot is fired from Iron Man's shoulder. Each round of ammunition seems to be carrying precision guidance, and immediately spreads out after leaving the barrel, locking on to its respective target.

Puff puff puff—

A series of sounds of entering flesh.

One shot, one shot. AI-assisted aiming did not miss a single shot, each bullet accurately killed a target, and even the bunker was directly torn apart by the powerful penetrating force.

After firing three times in a row, in less than two seconds, everyone around them was shot and fell to the ground.

And Iron Man stood where he was from the beginning to the end, without moving half a step, not even moving a finger.

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