Start with Batman

Chapter 196: air ghost

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the opening operation Batman!

Terrorist groups, outlaw militants, name them what you want.

Anyway, since historical records, similar people have never completely disappeared from the Earth's pole star. There will always be naysayers in any era, some think they are fighting for justice and freedom, some listen to the voice whispering in their ears, some are simply not satisfied with the status quo and hope to make changes, and some The other is the pretentious belief that you were born different.

They've been here anyway, as strong as Xiaoqiang in the kitchen. The rulers of any era have never managed to eradicate them, at best they can only suppress them and force them to lie dormant.

But as soon as you relax a bit, and your focus slackens a little, they will come back.

There have always been arguments that the reason for this is that someone in the upper layers of the Earth's Pole Star did it deliberately. Some powerful people deliberately let these resistance forces exist for some special reasons. Whether in politics or business, there may be people who have secret connections with these criminals, and they are often of high status and influence. power guy.

This gave such an organization the soil to survive.

And now Li Changcheng, who fled Jiangdu, is also under the protection of such an organization.

To be precise, this is actually an organization he founded by himself. He took advantage of his high position in Secret Service Nine to recruit capable and thoughtful people from all over the world, trained them according to the strictest regular army standards, and at the same time embezzled a lot of funds and weapons to arm this illegal force .

It can only be said that although the stewed man from S.H.I.E.L.D. is not here, his spirit of never leaving the sky has affected the heavens and the world.

It's just that what people pick up is the wool of the inner ghost, and this Li is himself the inner ghost. Maybe it was because of the idea that the Aegis without Hydra is not perfect and determined to be that snake by himself, so he forcibly gathered the wool of the madhouse to create this organization.

To this day, the headquarters of the organization has gathered all kinds of cutting-edge weapons, and the whole has been built into an impregnable military fortress. Even compared with the regular army on the Earth's Pole Star, it is still at the middle and upper reaches of the armed forces.

But now, it is such a base with top-notch equipment, but it has encountered an opponent that they have never seen before, and even the military system of the world.

Just a few minutes ago, their sub-base located more than a hundred miles away suffered a devastating blow. The incident happened in a very short moment, and the radar did not respond at all like Zhihu's. The whole process from being attacked to being uprooted from the entire base was only two minutes.

The most terrifying thing is that the members of that base didn't seem to be able to figure out what attacked them until their death. The communication was chaotic throughout, until the last person fell down and did not even see what the enemy looked like, only a series of explosions and horrific screams were transmitted back to the headquarters.

The headquarters immediately dispatched two jet fighters in the direction of the sub-base.

This is also the equipment that Li Changcheng borrowed his authority from the Special Service Nine, code-named "Blue Bird", which is the top model in the world today, and only the headquarters of the entire organization has such two equipment.

Although his level is obviously not as good as that of the stewed egg next door who will hide Kunming fighters all over the world when he is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but it is already Li Changcheng's ability to get two planes of this level.

Both fighter jets took off and headed towards the direction of the fallen base.

The sub-base that was just destroyed was not only a stronghold, but also served as an outpost. If someone kills this base first, there is a high probability that the other party will come directly to the headquarters in the next step.

But there is still no reaction on the radar of this headquarters.

"Blue Bird One, this is the control tower. Have you found anything unusual? Over." A communication came from the control tower at the headquarters.

"This is Bluebird One, everything is fine. Over..."



There was absolutely no chance to react, and the fighter suddenly exploded with the cockpit as the center. The poor pilot in the plane couldn't even say the last word "over", and his whole body was instantly engulfed in flames. Light and heat are released at an astonishing rate, like a flaming sharp blade, easily cutting through the steel fuselage.

The half of the burning wing whirled and was sucked into the turbulent air waves, and the main body of the wreckage turned into a burning fireball and fell downward.

Suddenly, the tower was stunned. From the beginning to the end, there were only the identification signals of the two bluebirds on the radar, and there was no sign of any third party. But their fighter jets suddenly blew up in the air, as if they blew themselves up.

The wingman flying beside was also stunned. The pilot of Bluebird 2 witnessed the whole process, but he didn't find anything. It looked like his teammate had split himself apart, which could be called supernatural.

In the next second, he seemed to see something break through the flames, and flashed past his cabin, dragging a burning line of fire.

It's like a hallucination.

The pilot came back to his senses and hurriedly called the control tower.

"The control tower is Bluebird No. 2, have you seen that thing!?"

"This is the tower, you're the only one on the radar and nothing else, over."

The pilot froze.

Radar can't see it.

But his intuition told him that that thing was real. It wiped out all the sub-bases in an instant, and killed Bluebird No. 1 in an instant, but their most advanced radar could not find the opponent, and the world's top fighter jets were instantly killed on the spot without even being able to touch the shadow of the enemy... No, there wasn't even evidence of that thing's existence.

It's like a ghost, a ghost in the sky thousands of miles above.

In the next second, the shrill siren sounded deafeningly like the whisper of death in the cockpit.

The pilot was trembling all over, and the horror of being on the scene was no less than that of a ghost whispering in his ear. That's when the fighter jet's sensors sense an approaching target at extremely close range, warning the pilot of the risk of impact.

But at this time, he was at an altitude of several thousand meters, and there was nothing in his surroundings except for the vast expanse of clouds. What can he hit here? Is it really a ghost?

In the next second, which was also the last second of his life, he barely caught a glimpse of the image of Li Gui in a very short moment.

Looks like a... person! ?

The first reaction of rational feedback to the pilot was that he was crazy.

He was flying the world's most advanced fighter jet at an altitude of several thousand meters above the ground, and saw a red and gold figure appearing directly above the cockpit, as if he was about to shake his fist at him.


The cockpit glass shattered like a lake of paper in front of that man, and he dragged the pilot out of the seat with one hand lightly, and threw him into the gust of thousands of meters high. The bluebird that lost its driver was like a bird with broken wings, turning to the ground and diving down.

Iron Man Appeared in the Mark 43 armor in the Age of Ultron movie, Chu Cheng currently holds the strongest model.

The first plane is shot down with an anti-air missile on Iron Man's body. Stark produced black technology, which was deployed on the wrist of Iron Man's armor. It was much more powerful than the conventional airborne missiles of fighter jets, but it was large enough to be stuffed into the forearm of the armor. Such a small size, coupled with a flight speed that is even faster than Iron Man's armor, is basically the same as stealth in air combat.

As for the second one, it was killed by the Mark 43 armor with bare hands. It's not because he doesn't want to waste ammunition, but because Chu Cheng is practicing flying stunts to help him master the operation skills of Iron Man's armor more skillfully as soon as possible.

Fortunately, he got started very quickly.

After finishing the two planes, Iron Man turned around and continued to lock on to the headquarters of the terrorists. Propelling flames exploded from under his boots, and broke through the sound barrier again in an instant and flew out.

At this time, at the headquarters tower, everyone was silent for a moment when they saw the two bluebirds that lost their signal on the radar.

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