Start with Batman

Chapter 155: invincible

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Perhaps everyone will encounter in his life, that kind of thing that will have a huge impact on people, and even fundamentally change the nature of a person, that kind of important turning point that is only a handful even if measured by the length of a lifetime.

For Leng Ji, the first time happened in his childhood, when his father left them.

In fact, he didn't have much memory of his father. Even in the few sporadic memories he can recall, his father is sitting on the mahjong table in a mess.

So for him, the impression of the image of his father is greater than the actual meaning. He's spent his life trying to shake off the lingering haze of the absence of his parents, but he honestly doesn't miss his father that much.

In contrast, the greater influence on him is undoubtedly the mother who managed to bring him up.

Perhaps similar to many people, Leng Ji does not have a complete image memory of his childhood, what he remembers is only sporadic fragments.

Like when he beat up a misbehaving student at school for trying to steal his homework and pass it off as his own.

Another example is when he was beaten and returned home, and his mother caressed him and wept.

Because of this, he has formed a deep-rooted understanding of this world since he was very young-fists are the last word.

To make the world treat you kindly, you have to prove your muscles to it.

So he chose to be the one with the big fist.


Through the computer screen, Chu Cheng saw that Leng Ji in front of him started to move.

He was hung there like **** on the cross, his hands and feet were covered by a black mass, and the blackness condensed into a ball, which looked a bit like a thick tree vine.

Then suddenly, as if sensing an uninvited visitor visiting this space, those strange things began to spread along his hands and feet. First it covered the limbs, then the torso, wrapped the head like a helmet, and finally covered his whole body.

In the end, Leng Ji's whole body was wrapped up, and it looked like he had put on a strange armor, and he seemed to have turned into some kind of creature other than human beings.

After fully merging with that thing, the limbs suddenly regained their freedom. He jumped from a height and landed heavily on the ground. The black unknown substance engulfed his face, making his facial features unrecognizable. But even if he didn't need facial features, Chu Cheng could still feel two murderous eyes locked on Batman fiercely, as if they wanted to swallow him alive.

He waved his arms and raised his head like an enraged baboon. The pitch-black tentacles suddenly shot out from his belly and roared towards Batman.

The astonishing speed is even faster than the tentacles behind those Leng Ji before. Fortunately, the distance is still far enough. Batman's six-fold accelerated reaction ability gave Chu Cheng time to deal with it in advance. Chu Cheng, who had been on guard for a long time, immediately pressed the direction key to dodge, and Batman rolled to avoid it.

But this time it's not just dodge. While Batman rolled and dodged, he had already raised his hand and threw the electric shock device, and the metal device stuck to the opponent's chest with a snap as if it had sensed a magnetic force.

The high-voltage current was released instantly, and countless electric snakes spread all over Leng Ji's body.

This is the new electric shocker updated by the upgraded Batman in the B-level pool. The old-fashioned equipment in the C-level pool before was designed to deal with street criminals. Non-lethal weapons, but now he uses one designed to bring down some super-enhanced humans and overload some exoskeleton armor or robot circuits, sacrificing The electric shock effect is continuous, but the power is higher and the explosive power is stronger.

According to the description of the equipment, this voltage chain-well, although he doesn't know why everyone always likes to persecute elephants-but it can even bring down elephants.

But it didn't work this time.

Leng Ji let out a low growl from the black thing, resisting the damage from the electric shock, he tore the electric shock device off his body, and crushed it into a ball of scrap iron with his bare hands.

Chu Cheng raised his eyebrows.

"This Cold Age is stronger than the others, sir," said Friday.

"Yeah, I noticed that too, thanks for the reminder."

Leng Ji tore off the electric shock device, but still did not take his eyes off Batman for a moment.

It's something he's learned in school years ago—always face your worst opponents in the face.

Stare at them, look them straight in the eye, and tell them you're not afraid.

Because the more you show fear, the more they will get worse and take everything from you with impunity. Running away wasn't an option in the first place, all you could do was stand up and face it like a man.


This is exactly what Leng Ji did back then, and it is what he has been practicing all his life.

He used his fists to subdue the children who once treated him badly. At first it was just to protect himself, but when he came back to his senses, he realized that he had become the person that others feared.

All the children are afraid of him and dare not say "no" to him. He quickly realized the beauty of fear, and for the first time in his life he felt important to everyone.

He was hooked on this feeling.

After high school, he became a professional boxer. He discovered more and more that he had the talent to make people bleed. He used this talent to find his own path, made a little money, and won a beautiful girlfriend with a thin waist and long legs.

If this trajectory continues, maybe he would have become a well-known boxer and a martial arts master in people's eyes.

Until one day his best buddy Jeff came to him and begged him for help.

Jeff said he was in debt, and unfortunately it was a serious local gang. That was an amount he could never even dream of paying back, but if he didn't pay it back within this week, those people would come to see him with a knife.

The only way to get rid of this debt is to let his good buddy Leng Ji lose this week's game.

Leng Ji didn't sleep all night. He drank all the wine in the refrigerator, thought it over all night, and finally decided to do his brother this favor.

He has never been short of horses since he was a child, but Jeff is the only one he will really call a friend. One win or one loss and the life of the brother, there is no choice at all.

The next day he was beaten **** the field and lost the game.

But unfortunately, things came to light. People somehow found out about his false punches, and he lost everything, and the broad avenue that appeared in front of him for the first time in his life also burst into pieces, like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water.

After that he joined the army.

Fortunately, he also performed very well in the army. He followed the official team to haunt the most dangerous places in the world, fighting private armed forces and terrorists. He quickly got promotions one after another, and he also made a name for himself in his team.

He quickly discovered that no matter what kind of environment he changed to, it was not fundamentally different from the one he was in school.

As long as you are strong enough, as long as you are intimidating, you will naturally become the focus. People will respect you, and even automatically make up your perfect self, regardless of who you are.

After winning medals in a row, he was transferred to a special agency, a special agency that was not accompanied by danger all day like it is today, but also had preferential treatment. It is a special organization with a high degree of independence that only the best of the best can be selected.

That was the predecessor of Secret Service Nine.

Leng Ji couldn't wait to share the good news with his girlfriend at the first moment, wanting to give her a big But when he found him, he caught his good brother hiding in his underpants In the girlfriend's closet.

It was the good brother who saved his life by giving up his career with false punches.

Leng Ji didn't kill them. Even though he almost did, he got himself under control.

It also helped him realize that he didn't really need a friend or a partner to help him get better. On the contrary, those were the obstacles that life gave him, something he had to step over to become stronger.

That's right, just need to get stronger. After all, in the end, the only thing people can trust is power, their own power, and anyone else can betray anyone or anything.

At this moment, he was facing the strongest opponent he had ever encountered in his life.

But fortunately, now he is also the strongest in his life.



Batman's electric glove hit Leng Ji's chest, and the electric current hit the unknown substance, but it obviously had no effect. Also ineffective is the increased arm strength provided by the armor. This absolutely superhuman punch will not move the opponent, and has little effect.

Batman dodged to avoid Leng Ji's counterattack punch, and then skillfully grabbed the opponent's arm with joint skills. According to boxing theory, this should be an absolutely favorable position, but Leng Ji's whole arm suddenly exerted force, and an astonishing burst of strange force sent Batman's whole body flying.

Batman rolled on the spot and immediately stood up again, while Leng Ji's eyes were still fixed on him.

For Leng Ji, now is that time.

He is about to defeat the strongest opponent he has ever met in his life.

After passing this hurdle, he will be invincible.

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