Start with Batman

Chapter 154: lost evidence

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Batman walked through the ancient door that had been closed for an unknown number of years, and came to the other side of the door.

That's right, adhering to the usual idea of ​​team-mates fighting with me and stealing home, Chu Cheng still didn't intend to accompany his teammates in the lunatic asylum to face-to-face team battles today.

Moreover, half of the people with unknown origins in the pharmaceutical factory have been touched by him in the back row, and Luo Yajun's side still can't deal with the remaining people, so they might as well dig a hole and bury them on the spot without doing any outside work.

However, before leaving, he hacked into the closed-circuit camera and recording equipment carried by one of the players present, and told Friday to help him notice and record the key content. In this way, he doesn't have to be in person—or Batman doesn't have to be on the scene in person to grasp the follow-up situation, hear their conversations, and understand the origin and motivation of the people in the pharmaceutical factory.

While all attention was drawn to the skirmish, finally no one paid any attention to the door. In this way, Chu Cheng was able to take this opportunity to scout the way before anyone else, looking for quest props and at the same time see if he had more experience to gain.

The door is quite strong and quite thick. The guys from the pharmaceutical factory seem to have spent a long time trying to break in, but so far the results have been limited.

What's more, it might be a little demoralizing to them. After operating Batman to pass through the first door, Chu Cheng soon discovered that there was another locked door after only a few steps.

The material is similar to the previous one, but the design structure is different. That is to say, after the group of people in the pharmaceutical factory broke through the first door with great effort, they would immediately find that there was a more difficult one waiting for them.

Fortunately, it is not a problem for Batman now.

Because he has the invincible Allen system.

The high-speed oscillation of the armor's atoms allows him to pass through the atomic gaps of any substance, which makes him like a four-dimensional creature who has come to a three-dimensional world, and the door has almost no meaning in front of him.

If you want to say what the biggest flaw of this feature is, it consumes a lot of power. And what it consumes is not the energy of the overall armor, but the electricity stored specifically for the use of the Allen system, which is the energy source of "Speed ​​Force", the source of the Flash's power, that the master somehow simulates.

It showed on Chu Cheng's monitor, that is, there was a light golden energy bar displayed in the armor status bar in the corner of the screen. Whenever he activates the Allen system to put Batman into the blur penetration state of the invincible frame, the energy bar will drop rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But after the mode is disengaged, the gauge will also recharge at a slow rate.

Moreover, the longer the atomic oscillation effect is maintained, the speed at which the slot will drop will be accelerated, and the amplitude will be very fast. This means that he can't keep this mode on, unless he wants to drain the power of Allen's system in one go.

"Friday, I came in." Chu Cheng said.

"The energy signature radiation of the evidence is peaking, I think we're in the right place, sir."

"Wait, I seem to have seen it."

When Chu Cheng spoke, he had just activated the detective mode. The dark and dull room was lit up in Batman's eyepiece, and Chu Cheng saw the things at the end of the room at a glance.

Something like a display table rose from the ground and stood abruptly in the middle of this space.

The evidence they had been looking for, the unidentified object marked A-086, was inserted right in the middle.

"Friday, did you see that?"

"Yes, sir, to be clear," Friday said. "Radiation source locked, object identified as Secret Service Nine Lost Exhibit A-086. Its radiation level continues to rise."

When Batman stepped forward, Chu Cheng had already thought of a certain name for the phantoms of the dead.


Now facing the evidence in front of him, he began to feel that the description was quite vivid. Because it looks exactly like a key.

The notch in that table was its keyhole, and the shape of the notch fit its pattern perfectly. Half of the evidence was inserted into the keyhole.

"The rise in radiation levels came from underground," Friday said. "This evidence is the key to something. From the moment it was inserted into this device, something in this ruin was waking up."

"Isn't it the sword that unlocked the seal of the ancient demon god? I've heard the story...

......Wait a minute. "

Batman stopped in his tracks.

Chu Cheng quickly turned his angle of view, and found that a human-shaped shadow suddenly appeared in a certain direction within the scanning range of the detective mode.

"Acquiring enemy images."

While talking on Friday, the screen information of that figure has been enlarged, and the lock frame for identification stops on the face of that person.

"Facial recognition confirms identity as..."

"Leng Ji." Chu Cheng had already answered.

It's this guy again. This time Chu Cheng was absolutely sure that he had watched this guy die with his own eyes—and it was twice.

"Sir?" Friday's tone was a little strange, "It's more than that simple."

Chu Cheng also quickly realized what she was referring to.

More shadows are appearing, entering the night vision area of ​​detective mode one after another. They appeared from front, back, left, and right, almost from all angles and directions, and their positions seemed to be woven into a huge enveloping net.

Including the direction they came in, the direction of the door has also been blocked.

"Friday? Are these all...?"

"Yes, sir. Although there are slight differences in each individual, according to the facial recognition images...they are all Leng Ji."

"Excellent." Chu Cheng moved his fingers, "It looks like he stabbed the clone's lair."


Leng Ji spoke—everyone.

Every syllable of them fell at the same time, and countless identical voices overlapped. It felt like the whole room was filled with stereo surround sound, and someone was speaking into the microphone through all the speakers.

"The third round." All Leng Ji said together, "This time, you have no chance."

God has no chance. Chu Chengxin said that it was the first time I saw a gang fight like this guy, bah, what a shame.

Without hesitation, he has already manipulated Batman to launch an attack.

The number of enemies is astonishingly large. If you are passively beaten, the difficulty factor will increase a lot.

Countless tentacles came rushing forward, densely and quickly, leaving no room for dodge at all.

But Batman doesn't need Flash either. Allen's system was activated at the very moment, and the brief atomic shock allowed him to penetrate directly through all the tentacles.

During this period, he raised his hand and threw a certain device. The two Leng Ji rolled and dodged on the spot, but the Leng Ji in the middle was retracting his tentacles and hid for a moment, then the thing exploded on his face with a bang, and a brilliant ice flower burst out.

Frozen grenade, from the name, it can be seen that it is an equipment sponsored by an enthusiastic Gotham fan. Batman borrowed the technology of Freeze Man and modified it into a portable grenade, which can cause small-scale low-temperature AOE damage and instantly freeze the hit target.

The body of Leng Ji who was hit head-on froze instantly, like a delicate ice wither.

At this point Batman has rushed between them. Their mutual bodies affect the action of the tentacles, and Batman in turn uses their numerical advantages to limit the attacks of the tentacles.

The increased fist strength of the power armor shattered a jaw, and the high-voltage electricity temporarily repelled that Leng Ji. At the same time, Batman hit the heart of the person behind with a dragon wagging tail, kicking him back.

But then a tentacle wrapped around his ankle before he could retract his leg, and someone grabbed his arm. At the same time, Batman waved his palm, cleverly deflecting another Leng Ji's fist to his teammate's face, but someone grabbed his wrist.

"The Allen system is activated."

The atoms oscillated, and the whole body of Batman became an afterimage. The tentacles rolled into the air in an instant, and the two Leng Ji who were hugging his hands grabbed the air at the same time.

He rolled on the spot and quickly penetrated and escaped from the unfavorable position. The three bombs exploded in front of different Leng Ji's chests, and the impact flames tore apart their armored skin, and blasted the crowded Leng Ji out in different as if literally In the sense of frying fish, it produced tons of output.

The power bar of the Allen system dropped below half.

"More Cold Ages are entering the fray from all around," Friday said, "Also I just scanned the structure of the room, sir. The ground floor of our location is empty, and there seems to be something hidden underneath.

My suggestion is to go down there and get the power back on while we figure out what's going on, and we can discuss tactical planning in the meantime. "

"good idea."

Several Leng Jiqi Qi Qi rushed towards Batman's position. But at the same second, Allen's system started up again, and Batman oscillated again into a gray-black afterimage of the mold lake. His existence seemed to disappear from the material world in an instant, his figure was like a holographic projection without mass, and his whole body fell directly through the ground.

Several Leng Ji rushed into the air, and their sprinting bodies collided into a ball. When they took a closer look, there was only a light blue grenade with a bat mark left on the ground.


The ice flower exploded, and the low temperature instantly froze these people into ice.

Batman penetrated the ground and fell in free fall. The moment Allen's system was released, the cloak behind his back had been opened, helping him glide and land on the ground.

Another open room, the dome is seven or eight meters above the ground, empty and empty.

Detective mode vision is activated again. Chu Cheng looked around, but was stunned when he saw the only thing in the room.

He sees a man.

A naked man, with arms outstretched, hangs limply from a device like **** on the cross, with his head hanging limply to one side.

It's Leng Ji again.

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